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Chapter 1461: golden flower appears

Old George and the others, there is news of Jinhua, Jinhua is going to meet them and act together, which means that this time they may see the real Jinhua, although there is a high probability that it is fake , After all, Jinhua has used a lot of fake identities.

But summer thinks.

This is already coming to an end.

How could he still use fakes for someone like Jinhua who doesn't believe in them.


Although he didn't trust old George and the others, but now he can't trust anyone except old George.

He couldn't go directly to work with Black Fang.

After all, there is still a fake summer in the team.

"What's going on with Black Fang?" Hongfeng asked.

"Ask it!!"

Xia Xia also sent a message to Caohuoshen. Although Black Fang is not the choice of Jinhua for the time being, he is also the backup choice of Jinhua. Jinhua is a person who likes to take advantage of others. As long as there is any chance, he will They will find ways to use others to achieve their own goals.


Grass Vulcan replied.

They are not going well now and have been blocked. Although it has been confirmed that the news of the Scarlet Crown is true, they cannot get the Scarlet Crown for the time being.

Black Fang is in a hurry.


Xia Tian's body moved and disappeared in place.

When he reappeared, he had already come to Old George's side.

"Where's the sixth?" Xia Tian asked.

"Looking for the ruthless sword, the sword intent of the ruthless sword is too strong, it is not easy for him to control himself, we originally planned to go with him, but the news came from Jinhua, we can only give up temporarily, let him be careful, We'll go over here when we're done." Old George explained.


"I have confirmed it for the time being with the ruthless sword. It should be that no one can obtain the ruthless sword in a short period of time." A smile suddenly appeared on Xia Xia's face: "What if I pretend to be the sixth?"


When they heard Xia Xia's words, everyone was stunned.

That's right, now that the sixth child is not there, it is completely possible to change into the appearance of the sixth child in the summer.

"Jinhua is very familiar with us. If it is exposed, it will be troublesome!!" Spirit Blood Venerable reminded.

They have worked so hard for so long, and if they make a mistake, all their hard work will be in vain.

"Don't worry, I will be careful!!" Xia Xia said.

"Also, Jinhua told us the accurate information about the Scarlet Crown, I didn't know there was such a thing as the Scarlet Crown!!!" Old George explained.

"The Scarlet Crown is only known to the Lord of the Eight Passes. Jinhua also used this thing to control the Lord of the Eight Passes and let the Lord of the Eight Passes work for him. Now there is the Black Fang's team who know the news. He has passed. He is telling you now, it should be to let you restrict each other and restrict each other!!!" Xia Xia already understood what Jin Hua meant.

"Then we..."

"Wait for Jinhua, as long as he comes, I can find a way to determine whether he is real or fake, if it is real, I will give you a signal, we will do it directly, if it is fake, then don't act rashly! !!" Xia Xia was ready for a decisive battle with Jin Hua.

"There are a lot of masters here, and there are hidden unknown characters, everyone should be careful!!" Old George also felt that the recent situation was not easy.

An hour later.

A man wearing a purple robe appeared in front of everyone, and the man looked very tall.

Gives a deterrent.

Summer is also the first time to see what is hidden in the purple robe.

"It's all organs!!" Hong Feng reminded.

Jinhua's purple robe is not entirely to hide his figure and appearance, but also hides a lot of weapons and equipment. During the battle, these weapons and equipment also have organs.

"In this way, this person may really be a real golden flower!!" Xia Xia believes that this person is now fully armed.

Only a real golden flower would be so careful.


"Still have to see, Jinhua is so cautious, anything can happen, no one knows what he is planning, but what is certain is that even if this person is not Jinhua, he should have a lot of evolution with the real. The relationship is close, and at the end, I can catch him first, maybe there is a slight chance to find the golden flower!!" Xia Xia is full of everything, where and what kind of person, he can try to interrogate.

"Mr. Golden Flower!!" Old George cupped his hands.

"Silent demons, every half an hour, will launch a silent attack. Next, I hope you will have a big cleanup. You don't need to kill people, you just need to find a way to hurt those people!!!" Jinhua said.

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Old George frowned.

"No doubt, I do this, it's a win-win situation, and you don't want it, there will be a lot of masters to **** things with you in the future!!" Jinhua deliberately glanced at Xia Xia, as if she was telling old George~www.wuxiaspot .com~ The ruthless sword is their ultimate goal.

Only get the ruthless sword.

Only then can they change the fate of their team.

"But once we do this, we will become the public enemy of all masters!!" Spirit Blood Venerable frowned, although these people are powerful, they are not invincible.

If all the masters are staring at them together, it will be a disaster for their team.

"Don't worry, this is already the third floor of the Blood River Valley. The biggest feature here is the inner demon. As long as it is injured, even the Venerable will have a chance to be controlled by the inner demon!!!" Jin Hua explained.

"Then what if we are also injured?" Spirit Blood Venerable asked again.

They are not gods.

They also have the possibility of injury.

If they were also injured, wouldn't they also be enchanted.

"No, as I said, the Venerable has a chance to be controlled by the demons, but as long as your will is firm and your spirit is not slack, then you will hardly be controlled by the demons, and those who are sluggish, and all their minds are running away and When dealing with other people, they will have a high chance of being demonic. If one of you is injured, this person will immediately stop fighting and take all the healing medicine. During this period, do nothing, protect your own soul, and use all your heart. If you come to deal with inner demons, you will never fall into demons!!" Jin Hua obviously knew this place very well.

He also knows how to fight this layer.

After listening to it in the summer, I finally understood why the blood name and the grizzly bear were directly enchanted.

Because he was not only injured at the time, but he was all focused on fighting the enemy, and he simply forgot to fight against the demons, so he was hit.

"Okay, then who is our first target?" Old George nodded.

"The third level of foreign aid, summer!!!!"

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