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Chapter 1470: kill them all

I saw it in summer too.

Dugu Wudi has three eyes! !

"Why does he have three eyes!!!" Xia Xia asked.

"His third eye was forcibly opened for him by the ruthless sword. If you think that the ruthless sword is just a sword, you are wrong. This eye can see through any illusion, disguise, formation, etc. Blocking demons, seeing through divine souls, etc., it can be said that it is a divine eye. After obtaining the ruthless sword, the silent eye of the year was the one that I wanted to open the most to help him survive the catastrophe, but unfortunately he failed!! !" Jinhua said.

"Heavenly robbery?" Xia Xia was stunned.

"Yes, this catastrophe is not an ordinary catastrophe, but the most important catastrophe in his life. If he can pass it, he will become..."

Halfway through his words, he stopped.

"No, I still can't take action against my other brothers!!!" Xia Xia shook his head.

"If you get the Ruthless Sword, you can become the number one swordsman in Shenzhou, and I can help you connect with the Celestial Clan, and let you become a Celestial Clan sacrifice, see what is called the real Shenzhou, what is the real fairyland, and you can even drive Zong Lipai." Jin Hua walked to Xia Xia's side and put her hand on Xia Xia's shoulder: "It can be said that you will have everything!!!"

"Why are you helping me?" Xia Tian asked.

"Because, my scientific cultivation has stopped, and I need a real top expert as a friend, so that I can develop more terrifying scientific experiments. At that time, I will not be one of the five major scientific cultivators of the Celestial Clan. , but the only top scientific cultivator of the Celestial Clan, the only top scientific cultivator of Shenzhou." Jin Hua said directly.

"Do not!!!"

"Do you think I can't succeed?" Jinhua waved his right hand, and a miniature version of Xiaohuoyu appeared in his palm: "Xiaohuoyu is my test item this time. Originally she was only a semi-finished product, but recently She seems to be very ambitious, and she is in the process of golden flower, and it is very likely that she will become a real finished product. If she does become a finished product, then my scientific test product will be greatly improved, and I will be getting closer and closer to my ultimate goal. Now, and you are my friend, I will give you my best scientific experiment!!"

He's also alluring summer now.

Want to make summer succumb.

"I even want to betray my own brother, how can I trust my so-called friend?" Xia Xia asked Jin Hua while looking at him.

"I think that there are no eternal friends in this world, but there are eternal interests. As long as our two interests are tied together, we can help each other and need each other, then our cooperation can go on forever." Jinhua doesn't want to tie up summer with feelings.

But want to use profit.

"Promise him!!" Lao Qi said.

"I promise him, Old George and the others will all die!!" Xia Xia said.

"If you don't promise him, my eldest brother and the others will all die. The person Jinhua is eyeing will be destroyed at all costs. If it is in your hands, at least our spirits are still alive. If we die in the hands of others, Then there will be nothing left!!" Lao Qi advised.

He could see it too.

Summer is really helping them.

at this time.

Death is already doomed.

They can't escape from Jinhua's calculations.

"I'll think of a way!!" Xia Xia even had an urge to shoot at the golden flower in front of her.

"Don't think about it, although this golden flower knows everything and looks real, but according to what we know about him, this golden flower must be fake. He is so cautious that no one believes it, even us, He won't believe it either!!!" Old Seven already understood what Xia Tian was going to do.

He wants to make summer not impulsive.

Don't hold back.

If you can't stand it at this time.

Then something unforeseen might happen.

"I'll discuss it with Old George!!" Xia Xia was also ready, and quietly sent a message.

"Liu Liu, you have to understand that I am the only person in the world who can help you succeed. As for your brothers, they can't help you. Let's put it this way, if I don't take action, then you will succeed. The chance of winning the ruthless sword is only 1%, even if a few of them help you, at most 2%, but if I make a move, your chance of getting the ruthless sword is 99%!!!" Jin Hua Still seducing summer, he believes that now the other party has begun to compromise.

As long as he keeps pushing harder.

The other party should be unable to bear it.

Xia Xia did not speak, and he was now thinking about how to deal with Jinhua.

"I know the real way to get the Ruthless Sword, and only if I take action, you will have a better chance!!!" Jinhua said.

"Can you not kill them?" Xia Xia asked.

"No, if you want a ruthless sword, you must be ruthless. If you don't kill a few of them, you are not ruthless enough, and the ruthless sword will not choose you!!!" Jin Hua said directly.

"I'll think about it again!!" Xia Xia said.

"There's nothing to think about, this is the way the world is, winners and losers, and those who achieve big things don't care about the details. If you have to think about this trivial How can you become the number one sword **** in China in the future, don't you think? Don't you want to see what the real Shenzhou looks like? Don't you want to know what is called a fairy?" Jinhua asked again.

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He is seducing summer step by step.

"If a few of them die, what's the use I want to know?" Xia Tian asked.

"You have already killed the seventh. If I tell them about this, do you think they will let you go in consideration of brotherhood?" Jinhua asked.

"No!!!" Summer said.

Hearing Xia Xia's answer, a smile appeared on Jin Hua's face: "Get ready, with your ability, suddenly attack them, they won't react, others can be injured, but a few of them must be killed. !!!”

Summer did not speak.

Although Jin Hua's words were simple, he suddenly discovered that Jin Hua was planning a bigger chessboard.

Will he really help Lao Liu?

Let Lao Liu get the ruthless sword.

He knew very well that once Lao Liu got the ruthless sword, he would definitely kill him?

Then why does he still help the sixth?


It's definitely not that simple.

And why he kept letting the Scarlet Seven Ghosts only injure those masters and not kill them, I'm afraid there is something hidden here.

"Okay!!!" Summer nodded.

Jin Hua didn't say anything, but walked outside.


"Although I had expected that a few of our brothers would die, I didn't expect that the one who killed us was Jinhua, what a retribution!!" said the seventh.

"Retribution?" Xia Xia asked in confusion.

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