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Chapter 1478: Provocation of the voiceless demon

When he heard the word Baichuan, the sword ghost did not resist, and let Xia Tian take him away. This Xia Xia did not seal him, but directly brought him into the midst of all things, and put him and old George in the place. Together.

"I understand, you are Summer!!" The Sword Demon finally understood.

"That's right, I am Xia, and Tianxia was me too!!!" Xia Xia said.

"Bai Chuan is really following a good person, no wonder he has become so much stronger now!!" Jian Gui said with emotion.

"If you have any questions, just ask old George, I'm going to save others first!!" Xia Xia is also thinking about saving one or the other.

"It won't work if you continue like this, you can save a few more if you save the heart demons, so it's useless to save them!!" Sword Demon reminded.

"What can you do?" Xia Tian asked.

"When I was chasing a person before, I suddenly broke into the vicinity of Wuyin. I found in Wuyin that even if I was injured, it would not be controlled by the inner demon, that is to say, the silent inner demon, It can suppress other demons by itself. If you can lead Wuyin here, all the demons here will return to normal. After they return to normal, the battle here will stop, and everyone is here to hunt for treasures. , no one really wants to die!!!" Sword Demon explained.


Xia Tian sighed: "It seems that the sixth is needed to come over!!!"

this kind of thing.

He had to do it himself.

"If the sixth is here, it will be impossible to save these people." Old George reminded.


"I know, I will let the sixth child pretend to be injured and let him heal himself first!!!" Xia Xia reminded.


He found Lao Liu and explained everything to Lao Liu in advance. At the moment when the two fought, Xia Xia and Lao Liu switched positions, and finally Lao Liu ran back to Jinhua.

"Injured?" Jin Hua looked at Lao Liu.

"I just met a master and was raided by him." Lao Liu explained.

Jin Hua glanced at the sixth, and always felt that the sixth was weird, and it seemed to be a little different from just now, so he planned to check and test the sixth, but no matter how he checked and tested, there was no problem.

He even asked Lao Liu Jiang to take out his sword.

Of course he couldn't check it out.

Because this is the real sixth.

The old sixth who made him feel okay before was fake.

"There is no one here in Wuyin!!!" Xia Xia came here and found out that no one dared to approach Wuyin here.

"Now the people here have been divided into two parts, one part is at the Scarlet Crown; the other part is here at the ruthless sword, this place is too dangerous, before getting close to here, everyone has already felt the danger of death, so those people temporarily No one dares to approach this place!!" Sword Demon explained.

He's been investigating all the news around here.


"That's much more convenient!!" Xia Xia quickly flew towards Wuyin.

It was because no one dared to go there that he went to try it.

that's it.

He quickly came to the place of the silent demon.

Circle after circle of heat waves erupted from Silent.

When he saw the silent inner demon.

Another attack of Wuyin was issued. He was so close to Wuyin, and the attack he suffered was even more terrifying than usual.


This summer is no longer a casual hit.

He walked towards the demon in front of him step by step.

This Inner Demon is the legendary Silent Inner Demon.

"Human, you didn't get hit!!!" The voiceless inner demon spoke.

This is the first time he has spoken since he was released.

"If you want me to be recruited, this is not enough!!" Xia Xia said very casually.

"Really?" After the silent voice fell, he attacked again.


His attack was once every half an hour, but now, his second attack was less than a minute away from the first attack.


The attack came again.

Summer is still standing there unmoved.


The silent heart demon was obviously also taken aback: "My attack, no one can be unaffected at all."

He was obviously also very surprised. They thought that their attack didn't work at all. This kind of thing really made him very puzzled.

"That's because you haven't met me before!!!" Xia Xia said very aggressively.

This is summer.

No matter what level of existence you encounter.

He is neither humble nor arrogant.

"What an arrogant boy, in the whole of China, no one dares to talk to me like this." The silent demon glared at Xia Xia.

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"You are just a silent demon, do you really consider yourself to be silent?" Xia Xia said with great disdain.

That's right.

The silence in front of me.

Just a demon.

Worse than the demons out there.

At least the inner demons are still in their bodies. They can return to normal as long as they control the inner, but the silent inner demon in front of them is just an inner demon and has no body.

"Presumptuous, you dare to provoke me!!!" The silent inner demon rushed directly to Xia Xia.

Xia Xia saw Wuyin's inner demons, and he also started running directly in the direction of the ruthless sword.

"Stinky boy, I'm going to kill you!!" The silent heart demon was furious.

The attacks erupted one after another.

Everyone outside was dumbfounded.

Before, they all thought that the silent attack would only appear once every half an hour, but now, the silent attack is one after another, continuous and unstoppable.

Wave after wave.

"Oops, something happened to Wuyin!!" Jinhua said suddenly.

"What happened?" Sixth asked.

"Someone must have gone to Wuyin to provoke Wuyin, otherwise Wuyin's attacks would not have been launched so frequently!!" Jinhua suddenly felt that the accident began to appear gradually.

He likes the feeling of being in control.

But I don't like any surprises.

"My injury hasn't recovered yet, otherwise I can go and have a look." The sixth understood that it was Xia Xia who succeeded.

"You're recovering from your injury, we don't need you here for the time being!!!" Jin Hua frowned.

He is now.

Some are unhappy.

"Damn, is it Tianlong? In this blood river valley incident, I can feel that there are accidents that can occur. It should only be Xia Tian, ​​Tian Xia and Tian Long, but Xia Xia and Tian Xia are too immature after all, and only Tian Long is the biggest. The problem!!" Although Jinhua also regarded Xia Tianyu as an unexpected character.

But he didn't really look down on these two people.

Only Tianlong is the one that worries him the most: "It seems that we have to act in advance, Tianlong, prepare to accept the move."

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