The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1512: Kill 0 Chuan

stronger! ! !

The voiceless inner demon is recovering to the power of the voiceless peak.

If it does make him fully recover.

Who else in China is his opponent?

In the past, there was no sound, but he was known as the first person in Shenzhou, and even the current Haotian was not his opponent.

How could he possibly compete with him that summer.

"The sooner we get rid of him, the better our chances will be, and the later we get rid of him, the more dangerous we will be!!" Hongfeng reminded.

Xia Xia looked at the silent demon in front of him, thoughtful.

"Are you in a hurry, I really want to solve me early, I know you are a smart person, you must find that I am getting younger, and I am regaining my strength!!"


In the summer, use the jigsaw method on him.

Seen through by him.

Now he's on his way!


Xia Tian exhaled: "If he doesn't speak, I'll really be fooled!!"

"What do you mean?" Hong Feng asked in confusion.

"He is a voiceless demon. When dealing with an existence like him, you can't use the thinking of a normal person. The thinking you just thought is the thinking of a normal person. If I do it according to your analysis, then I will definitely become more and more If you are in a hurry, once you are in a hurry, you will make mistakes, and you will fall into an endless loop." Xia Xia said.

"But if he doesn't do this, he will get stronger and stronger!!" Hongfeng still didn't understand what Xia Xia meant.

"Yes, he will become stronger and stronger, but have you ever thought about it, there is a troublesome guy here, will he watch the silent inner demon become stronger? Once the silent inner demon returns to silent The strength of the year, then he will not want to take anything from here, although we have learned some of the abilities and changes of the voiceless demon, can we have that guy who understands the voiceless demon better?" Xia Xia's face smiled.

in this world.

Choice is always more important than effort.

As long as you choose the right direction, the effort is meaningful.

If the direction is wrong, no matter how hard you try, the result may not be good.

"Golden Flower!!" Hongfeng understood what Summer meant.

"You are trying to survive!!!"

"Yes, I just want to die and live!!!" Xia Xia nodded.


Xia Xia killed it directly, but this time he was not in a hurry.

"Mr. Xia, why don't you take the initiative to attack? If it goes on like this, I'm afraid he will become stronger and stronger!!" Lingxuezun and others did not know that Hongfeng existed, so they did not know that Xia Xia and Hongfeng had just analysis.

Seeing the way of fighting in the summer now doesn't seem right.

So questioned.

"Don't talk too much, just watch!!" Although Old George didn't understand what was going on.

But he understands.

If you want to fight the existence of the voiceless heart demon, you can't be sloppy, let alone be distracted.

So he stopped Spirit Blood Venerable.

Don't let Spirit Blood Venerate so much nonsense.

Summer really doesn't have time to explain at this time.

He has completely fought with the Soundless Inner Demon.


He is a defensive stance, while the Soundless Inner Demon is an offensive stance.

"Do you only have the ability to parry now?" The voiceless inner demon said with great disdain: "As long as you hand over that thing, I promise not to embarrass you!!!"

His target is that crystal.

"How can I believe if you are a demon!!" Xia Xia responded.


at this time.

There is the sound of fighting behind Xia Xia.

Is the sixth.

Seeing such a scene, Xue Ming didn't want to miss the opportunity. He knew the power of the ruthless sword. At this time, he wanted to directly end Baichuan and **** everything from Baichuan, including Baichuan's medicinal pills. With him, he also wanted to take the opportunity to teach Lao Liu a lesson.

"Blood Name, you are courting death!!" Since the sixth is blocking here, he will not give anyone a chance to approach Baichuan.

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The blood name is in danger at this time.

He also directly put on a desperate posture.

"If you mix with Xia Xia, you will die sooner or later, and the Celestial Clan will not let you go." Xue Ming said with great disdain.

"Before I die, I must kill you!!" Lao Liu said.

"Don't think that I don't know what you want to do, it's nothing more than pulling hatred and letting me put hatred on you, but my real goal is Baichuan!!!" To Baichuan, the current Baichuan is a living target.


Lao Liu blocked Xue Ming's attack: "Your opponent is me!!"

He will not let the blood name break through easily.

"Everyone, listen, Baichuan was locked there by the ruthless sword. He has no resistance now, and was hit by the sword light of the ruthless sword. If he dies now, he cannot be resurrected, and he has no way to take away his reserves. equipment, so as long as you attack him now, you can kill a top swordsman and make a name for himself, and all the treasures on him will be yours!!!” Blood Name shouted loudly.

The swordsmen here all know that Baichuan has entered the ranks of the top swordsmen in If anyone can kill Baichuan now.

That was definitely a fight to fame.

Although the process is not very glorious, time will settle everything, and in the end who will know how Baichuan died?

Everyone will only know who the person who killed Baichuan was.

Moreover, people like Baichuan must have a lot of treasures on their bodies. Even people of their level will keep their inheritance and cultivation methods on their bodies, because they don't believe any of them. If something happens, they can throw these things into the chaos of time and space. flow inside.

But now.

Baichuan didn't even have the ability to resist.

There is no way to throw away his storage gear.

"Brothers, seek wealth and wealth at risk, kill Baichuan, rob him of everything, let's become famous in one battle!!!"

"This kind of opportunity will never come again in a lifetime. If you miss it, you will regret it for the rest of your life."

"The ruthless sword does not belong to us, then kill this top swordsman, everything he has is our greatest wealth!!"

The people around are all eyeing Baichuan, especially those swordsmen, they have even regarded Baichuan as their greatest treasure now.


The person who rushed over.

Lao Liu was very anxious.

He now has the confidence to stop the **** name, but in the same way, he can't stop the other people who rushed over.

"Do you understand now? That's the end of provoking me. You will watch him die, but you can't do anything!!!" The corner of Xue Ming's mouth was slightly raised, and his face was full of pride.


Lao Liu suddenly thought of something, and then shouted loudly: "Bai Chuan is Xia Xia's brother. Between life and death, from now on, anyone who attacks Bai Chuan will be remembered by Xia Xia and will never die!!!"

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