The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1520: 50%

The soundless heart demon looked at the blood-colored bones in front of him, and already understood what was going on, and he also knew this place very well.

So what Jinhua wants to do.

"This should be Jinhua's last dying struggle!!" A smile appeared on Xia Xia's face.

Jin Hua knew the Blood River Valley very well.

From the very beginning to the present.

Everything is under the control of Jinhua.

It can be said.

Most of Jinhua's perfect plans were ruined by summer. If it weren't for summer, Jinhua's perfect plan would be just against the sky.


It should be Jinhua's last trump card.

"Alliance? The two who were fighting for life and death just now joined forces!!!"

The people around were also stunned.

They seemed to be watching a good show just now.

"What you are concerned about now is not this, but how to survive, these **** bones are not decorations standing there!!" Xia Xia glanced at the people around him.

The silent heart demon also fell on Xia's side: "You really care about the life and death of these wastes!!!"

Summer didn't explain anything: "Anyone has the right to live."

"This is a world where the weak eat the strong. The weak have no right to control their own life and death. Only the truly strong can control their own life and death and their own destiny." .

Summer also followed.

"Father, when the two of them join forces, Xiaotian won't be calculated, right?" Brother Ma asked worriedly.

"That kid is better than a monkey. From the very beginning, he has been scheming others, how could he give others a chance to scheming him, we should go too!!" Tian Long said.

"They're looking for Jinhua, don't they need to follow?" Brother Ma asked.

"A golden flower, if he can't handle it, why should he face the Celestial Clan!!!" After Tianlong's voice fell, he disappeared.

Brother Xiao Ma glanced at Yin Nie.

"If you care about it, you will be messed up. This kid is too smooth. If you really let him continue to mess around like this, maybe he can really kill the Celestial Clan, then it will be troublesome!!!" Yin Nie patted Brother Xiao Ma on the shoulder.

The three left immediately.

Summer and the silent demons fly all the way.

Their goal is the Scarlet Crown.

The last treasure in Blood River Valley.

"I'm very curious, you are so strong, how does Jinhua control you, and even have the ability to kill you!!" Xia Xia asked tentatively when he was on his way.

"I told you that he almost had the inheritance of Silent. Although he failed in the end, he almost understood everything in the Blood River Valley, including all my weaknesses and the meaning of my existence!!!" Silent Inner Demon did not explain directly.

Rather, it gave a simple statement.


Xia Tian nodded slightly: "Do you know where he is?"

"I don't know, but he must be waiting for me. Since I have the ruthless sword, I can cut the seal and take out the blood-colored crown, then he will definitely wait for me in the blood-colored crown!!!" said the voiceless heart demon. .

"With me here, what do you think the outcome is?" Xia Tian asked.

"Without you, the outcome should be 28 to 28; with you, 55 to 5!!!" said the silent inner demon.

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"Have such a high rating on me?" Xia Xia obviously didn't expect that the silent heart demon would give him such a high rating.

"Because you are the first such troublesome existence I have encountered over the years, even in Silent memory, there are many masters who are stronger than you, but there are really few more troublesome than you!!! "The voiceless demon is obviously betting heavily on Xia Xia.

The two meet for the first time.

And it's still an opponent, but he can actually trust Xia so much.

"Aren't you afraid that I will clean up with you?" Xia Tian asked.

"You even care about the life and death of those ordinary people, so why would you kill me for no reason?" The silent demon seemed to see through Xia Xia's mind.

Xia Xia glanced at the silent heart demon: "Don't think that you have seen through me, maybe these are my disguises, just to deceive you."

"To cooperate with you, there is at least a half chance that you are not lying to me, but if you do not cooperate with you, I will face the golden flower, and the chance of winning is too low!!" The silent heart demon explained.


Xia Tian also flew forward quickly: "Actually, I am really curious, Jinhua's strength should not be very good. With your strength, you should not be so unconfident, but you seem to be afraid of him!!"

Summer thinks.

The silent demon.

The strength is constantly increasing, and finally it will become unbelievable.

And Jinhua is just a person of the 30th or 40th level of the Venerable, and he is not a real combatant. Although he may be related to Hua Butterfly, Hua Butterfly is only a person in the early sixth layer of Sword Intent.


The gap between the two should be very large.

"You've been fighting with him for so long, don't you understand?" asked the silent inner demon.

"You mean he's going to plot against us?" Xia Tian asked.

"Be careful!!" The silent inner demon said nothing.


The screaming has already appeared.

Obviously, those blood-colored bones have already fought with the people here.

The Scarlet Crown.

There is no one alive here now.

Normally, even if the other forces leave, they should leave some spies here, but now there is no one around.

Apparently someone has killed everyone else here.

"He's not here." Xia Xia looked around.

"Of course he's gone, because he's here!!" The silent inner demon grabbed the ruthless sword, and then slashed it out.

It smashed directly into the seal.

The powerful attack instantly broke the seal in front of him.

A blood-colored crown appeared in front of Xia Xia.

at this time.

See in summer.

A phantom gradually appeared under the blood-colored crown, and it could be said that he originally existed, and the blood-colored crown appeared on his head.

This man looks a little old, but his eyes are full of energy.

The big eyes make people shudder to see.

"You are finally here!!!" Void said slowly.

"After all, there must be a result. It belongs to you or it belongs to me. This time, it must be decided!!!" said the voiceless inner demon.

"You're just a demon, who are you worthy to mention to me?" The phantom gradually turned into a real entity, and walked out step by step.

"I came here with a helper this time, and with the ruthless sword in my hands, my chance of winning is 50%!!" The voiceless inner demon said directly.

"Help?" Xuying looked at Xia Xia: "He is worthy too?"

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