The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1537: Shenzhou 8 corners

"The two corners of Shenzhou are the fairyland that is said to be the most resource-rich, where the resources are a hundred times, thousand times, ten thousand times, even billion times more than the first party, and the way to enter those two corners is only controlled by the people of the Celestial Clan. In their hands, they use the ninth party and the tenth party to cultivate geniuses. The people there have absolute faith in the Celestial Clan, and their best people will be sent into those two corners to develop resources and explore that place. Two corners, after thousands of years, those who come back alive can enter the Celestial Clan!!!" Jin Hua explained.

"That is to say, the Celestial Clan has two big back gardens, one is for cultivating talents, and the other is for countless resources!!" Xia Tian reacted.

"That's right, so it is impossible for anyone to shake the status of the Celestial Clan. Even if the entire Divine State unites, they will definitely fail. Back then, the Celestial Clan was attacked once, and that caused the Celestial Clan to suffer heavy losses. Since then, The Celestial Clan made up their minds and began to vigorously develop the ninth and tenth parties. After years of development, the population of the ninth and tenth parties is no less than that of the other parties, and they absolutely believe in the Celestial Clan. , People who cultivated in that kind of place, and then go to the other two corners to practice, plus countless resources, their strength will definitely be greatly improved, and the combat experience and means are unimaginable by others, and they can also give Tianzu Bring back the resources!!"

Jinhua's words made Xia Xia take a deep breath.


The current Celestial Clan is an unshakable existence.

No matter how many means he has, it is impossible to confront such a terrifying existence of the Celestial Clan head-on.

"The resources of the Celestial Clan are so terrifying!!" Xia Xia said with emotion.

"Let's put it this way, the top-level recovery pills that cultivators want outside, generally only people with more than 100,000 points of the power of the law will buy a few and put them on their bodies, but when people from the Celestial Clan go out, everyone will bring tens of thousands with them. Hundreds of thousands of pieces, as for other weapons and equipment, not to mention, it is absolutely impossible to win against the Celestial Clan. We scientific practitioners, and those alchemists and alchemists, why? We are willing to stay in the Celestial Clan because we are inside and can waste any resources at will. Even if we waste 100 million immortal crystal materials, the final product is worth only one immortal crystal, and the Celestial Clan people will not complain about us, even It will give us materials worth one billion, ten billion immortal crystals!!!"

At this point, Jin Hua still admires the Celestial Clan very much.

In his opinion.

The Celestial Clan is really willing to pay for their talented people.

Of course.

The Celestial Clan also has that capital.

"I finally understand now, why the Celestial Clan doesn't seem to care about the resources of the city lords below. In the eyes of us loose cultivators, those resources are simply astronomical numbers, but in the eyes of the Celestial Clan, those are just a drop in the bucket!! "Summer said with emotion.

"Yes, the people of the Celestial Clan, who have natural protection, disdain the resources of Shenzhou, but they will still collect some taxes in order to balance Shenzhou. Of course, those are just going out of style. The lost cities of the Celestial Clan, the killing of the Celestial Clan’s subordinates, and the Celestial Clan’s dogs are actually just a joke in the eyes of the Celestial Clan people. No matter how much wealth you make them lose, they don’t care. Those Celestial Clan dogs, They can also condense later." Jin Hua looked at Xia Xia and said.


In the summer, I really feel that I am a joke.

Always sit and watch the sky.

"What about the Heavenly Clan? I can kill the Heavenly Clan, right?" Xia Xia asked.

"It's useless. Ninety-nine percent of the Celestial Clan people you can kill are the Celestial Clan people whose blood is not very pure. The real Celestial Clan people with pure blood are supported by the Celestial Clan, but the same, They are also forbidden to go out, and it is forbidden to intermarry with the outside world, they are called the children of heaven, and their blood has always been those who have been passed down from the first generation!!!" Jinhua said.


Xia Xia sighed: "After working hard for so long, it was a joke in the end.

"It's not a joke. After all, you have given hope to the people of Shenzhou. If people like you don't appear, in tens of millions of years, hundreds of millions of years, the entire Shenzhou will become like the ninth party and the tenth party. , is to completely believe in the existence of the Celestial Clan, everyone lives like a machine, and is arranged by the Celestial Clan people above to live and die, which is what I am most afraid of, so I left the Celestial Clan!!" Jin Hua explained road.

"If the Heavenly Clan did this, what's the point of notifying the entire Shenzhou?" Xia Xia believed that there was no difference between notifying a group of people like that and raising a group of pigs in captivity.

"Because they want to pursue the real fairyland!!!"

"The real fairyland, what is that?" Xia Xia asked.

"do not know!!"

"Okay, let's put the matter of the Tianzu I remembered, you seem to be very familiar with the Blood River Valley and the Scarlet Forest District, can you tell me, what are the Blood River Valley and the Scarlet Forest District? What's going on?" Summer asked.

"Blood River Valley is actually the inheritance of Wuyin. Back then, I almost got Wuyin's inheritance by using opportunistic methods, but I didn't expect that Wuyin was so dark, and I discovered my secret at the last moment. Forcibly kicked me out, I was naturally very unwilling. Relying on some of the inheritance I obtained, I released the voiceless inner demon, and found the ruthless sword and the blood-colored crown, but with my ability, I want to completely It is impossible to release these things, so I prepared this blood river valley incident. Originally, according to my plan, I could get the blood-colored crown, the ruthless sword, devour the voiceless heart demon, and completely obtain the voiceless inheritance. It's a pity, because of your appearance, all my plans have been ruined!!" Jin Hua felt very depressed when she thought of this.

"In fact, even without me, there will be other people who will destroy your plan, because people like you will be dealt with by God!!" Xia Xia responded.

"You won, everything you say is right!!" Jinhua said very upset.

"Okay, let's talk about the Scarlet Forest area!!" Xia Xia did not continue arguing with him.

"I want to obtain the Soundless Inheritance just to take action against the Scarlet Forest, because only if I obtain the Soundless Inheritance, the Scarlet Crown and the Merciless Sword, can I control the Scarlet Forest. Once I control the Scarlet Forest, then I will take control of the Scarlet Forest. It is beyond the control of the Celestials!!" Jin Hua explained.

"What do you mean?" Summer asked.

"Do you really think that the Scarlet Forest is just an ordinary place? How did it attract so many experts from the Hall of Fame? And why are the immortal beasts eyeing this place?"

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