The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1539: Babel again

"It seems that you have been eyeing it for a long time!!" Jin Hua said with emotion.


Xia Tian nodded slightly: "How much do you know about this tower!!"

"I have already said the name of the tower, it is called Tongtian Tower, but it is useless to break in hard. I have tried disguise, but unfortunately it was discovered. I also tried to use black lotus to attach to a person, but it still failed. In the end, I thought about trying hard, but I still failed." Jinhua said.

"With your disguise methods, you will also be discovered?" Xia Xia asked.

"There is a mirror at the entrance. As long as the mirror is seen in the past, any disguise or means are useless. It was the first time I saw such a situation at the time. Even the Celestial Clan did not have such means." Jin Hua sighed with emotion. road.

"I remember that those old men are all in the realm of quasi-venerable people. With your strength, if you want to kill them, wouldn't you be one at a time?" Xia Xia asked again.

He had already researched it at the time.

those old men.

All are not in the realm of the Venerable, and it is not difficult for Jinhua to kill the Venerable.

Not to mention these quasi-venerable ones.

"It's the same mirror. When I was about to go in, a strong light appeared in the mirror, which almost destroyed my body, and the old people inside also told me that if I had a fate, I could go in naturally. , Of course I didn't accept it, so I started to destroy it, thinking about destroying the Scarlet Forest!!" Jinhua said.

"You want to destroy the Scarlet Forest and kill all the masters in the Hall of Fame, isn't it to avenge your family?" Xia Xia asked.

"I didn't lie about this, my family was indeed killed, but it can be said that almost all the people in the Hall of Fame were killed directly or indirectly by me!!" Jinhua said.

"Have they offended you?" Xia Tian asked.

"Because they are the people chosen by the Tongtian Tower, I just want to kill them all and let the Tongtian Tower understand that I am the son of destiny." Jinhua glanced at it: "By the way, when you finally killed me, it appeared. Flame, it doesn't seem to be your law of the sun!!!"

"Well, it's the ultimate move of the God of Fire. He attached the ultimate move to my attack and prepared a fatal blow for me. It is precisely because of that blow that the seed of death was left in your body. Attacks only work," Xia Xia explained.


"I realized it. When I fought with you, I felt a pain in my chest, and the body armor seemed to be very unstable. It turned out that he did it!!" Jin Hua naturally knew who the God of Fire was.

"He also avenged his father." Xia Xia said.

"There are a lot of people who want to seek revenge from me. I don't care about one or two more. If it wasn't for you, no matter how many people came, they wouldn't be able to avenge them!!!" Jin Hua obviously looked down on other people very much.

In his opinion.

The reason why I lost is because of summer.

"In the attack of Grass Vulcan, a total of 9999 times of flames were blasted. That one blow will make you constantly explode flames in your body, which is equivalent to 9999 attacks, and the power is still very great!!" Xia Xia caught this move at that time. At the time, he also understood why Caohuo Shen said that he had a way to kill Jinhua.


Grass Vulcan still underestimated Jinhua.

However, with the help of Xia Xia, the power of Grass Vulcan broke out again.

"Jinhua, what you said is really important to me now, but I still want you to promise me one thing!!!" Xia Xia said.

"What's the matter!" Jinhua asked.

"After I let you go, within 10,000 years, you will not be allowed to kill anyone casually, unless the other party is really chasing you to death!!" Xia Xia looked at the golden flower in front of him.


Jin Hua sighed: "One wrong step, all the game is lost. My previous killings were all for one goal. Now that the goal has failed, I don't need to kill anymore."

"Also, it is not allowed to study Xiaohuoyu!!" Xia Xia said.

"I thought you would ask me for Xiaohuoyu's research method!" Jinhua said.

"I admit that you can develop such a heaven-defying weapon, it is very powerful, but it is really against the heavens!!!" Xia Xia said.

"Tiandao? You look down on this sky too much, but since you asked, I will agree to you!" Jinhua is now willing to promise everything in order to live.

"Okay, you record everything I want to know on the jade slip. I will read it slowly. The more detailed the better, the more detailed you write, the sooner I will let you go!!" Xia Xia said.

Jinhua is no nonsense either.

Since they have already agreed, he has already made this preparation.

Must tell summer everything summer wants to know.

Summer will let him go.


Summer's first thought now is to control the power of the spirit first.

That is the spiritual power of the spirit of all things.

"I feel that Jinhua still has many core secrets that I haven't told you!!!" Hongfeng said.

"That's natural. How could he tell me all of his plans for so many years at once, but he has said enough. If I continue to force him, it will have the opposite effect. Next, let's see how much he recorded. !!" Xia Xia didn't talk nonsense any He is now trying to find a way to improve his strength first.

Then go to the Babel Tower in front of you to have a look.

See what this has to do with the Babel he saw on Earth.

"First the Aurora, and then the Tongtian Tower. I found that whether it is the spiritual world or Shenzhou, it seems to have a certain relationship with the earth!!!" Hongfeng reminded.


Summer is also the beginning of wrapping the spiritual power of the spirit of all things on the flower of the sea of ​​​​knowledge.

Although this is not the spiritual core of the complete spirit of all things.

But it's also half.

Because of the silence back then.

It is a half-step spirit of all things.

Therefore, he can only condense the spiritual core of half the spirit of all things.

Now summer is to find a way to control the spiritual core of the spirit of all things.

In the sea of ​​​​knowledge, he has evolved again and again. The power of the spiritual core of the spirit of all things is not his power, but the power of others, and he wants to control this power as his own.

That would require him to try again and again.

Thousands of actual combat control.

To truly fit this power perfectly.


a long time.

With the help of the Flower of Consciousness, he finally completely controlled this power.

"Next, let's go and see this Babel Tower!!!" Before Xia Xia, he was worried that he would be exposed if he went in like this, and he was still trying to find a way to see if there was any other way to get in.

But now that I know all kinds of disguise means are useless.

He didn't talk nonsense anymore.

Ready to go straight in.


at this time.

A communication talisman fell in his hand.

It is Shenwu: "Master, the woman named Tiantian has been found!!"

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