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Chapter 1550: Kill the Venerable Level 40

"Go to hell!!" Qinghu was obviously red-eyed. This time, he was thinking of killing Xia Xia.

Immortal explosion hit with one hit.

Everything around was destroyed.

And this time, he didn't have control over his power. Although Xia Xian had set up a formation around him before, when Qinghu didn't keep his hands, the formation was like a thin layer of paper.

Instantly shattered.

The huge destructive force spread out in an instant, rippling from the mountain, and the guards up and down were also instantly swallowed up by the attack and died directly. They never dreamed that they would die like this. Kill yourself.

at the same time.

Such a big movement also attracted a lot of immortal beasts and people from the **** forest area, all of them looked at this mountain.

Everyone in the Scarlet Forest area knows that this mountain is usually not allowed to go up casually.

If it was the past, they would definitely not dare to approach.

But now it's different.

They have just experienced the Blood River Valley Incident and the Immortal Beast Attack. In addition, the management team here has not yet formed, so it is still difficult to restrain these people.

Originally, I was very interested in the situation on this mountain.

They are now starting to rush up the mountain one after another.

"Oops, Qinghu's attack this time is too loud, I'm afraid it will cause a lot of trouble." The elder frowned. He didn't expect that Qinghu didn't take Xia Xia for so long.

Originally they thought.

Qinghu attacked Xia Xia, and it was naturally within his grasp.

But now.

Such a big change happened.

However, they still have confidence in Qinghu. Now that Qinghu has used 900 Immortal Blasts, summer will definitely not be able to withstand it, and then, it will be the death of summer.

"After killing Xia Xia, what about the other two elders?" the old man asked.

"There's no other way, and I don't know where Xia Tian hid them, maybe they're already dead!!" The elder said helplessly, the elder is their most precious treasure.

But now.

But two died because of the summer.


The green tiger in front of him, the attack has already hit Xia Xia.

Just when he thought he would definitely kill Xia Xia, Xia Xia actually disappeared in front of him, and his attack hit an empty spot.

at the same time!

Countless rattan appeared.

Ivy Ring.

The law of the day!

200 Immortal Explosion!

Out instantly.

The flames were overwhelming.

"What?" The old people in the Tongtian Tower were all stunned. They just thought that Xia Xia was dead, but now when they saw this scene, they were all dumbfounded.

Summer is not only not killed.

Instead, he started to fight back.

"It's useless, Qinghu is a master at the fortieth level of the Venerable. Although Xia Xia was lucky enough to break one of the Venerable armors before, he still has three layers of Venerable armor. An attack of Xia's level will not even have one layer. Can't break it!!" An elder said.


A scream appeared.

It's a blue tiger.

"How is that possible?" The expressions of the elders all changed, and then they saw that the green tiger in the middle of the fire, the three layers of body armor were all torn apart, and the Tianhan sword in Xia's hand had pierced through the body of the green tiger. .

They couldn't believe what they were seeing.

this kind of thing.

It's just too scary.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!!" Qinghu looked at the wound on his body, his face was incredible, he never dreamed that such a thing would happen, and he was injured by a person below the rank of Venerable , and he was about to lose.

How could he tolerate such a thing?

A powerful hatred emerged.

at this moment.

Only by killing Xia Xia can he wash away his shame.

"I want you to die!!" Qinghu's dignity as a strong man fully blossomed at this moment.

1000 Immortal Explosion!

He finally hit his strongest attack.

Under normal circumstances, it would be no problem for him to use 1,000 Immortal Blasts, but he has used Immortal Blast so many times in a row, and his body has already reached the limit. 1000 immortal explosions.

This caused his flesh and blood to be torn apart directly.

The whole person looks very scary.

Pieces of muscle were broken.


Blood blew up the sky.

Qinghu's 1,000 attacks did not come out, because it exceeded the limit of his own body, instead of killing Xia Xia, he killed himself first.


Before Qinghu died, Xia Xia put his soul into the sea of ​​consciousness.


The blue tiger just died.

this moment.

The elders inside were all stupid. All this happened so fast that they didn't even have a chance to react.

"Elder, what should I do?"

"This time it's troublesome!!" The elder frowned.

"How about looking for other masters to take care of him?"

"The trouble is not summer, but the people who rushed up and down. With such a big movement just now, he will definitely attract a lot of people!!!" The elder frowned.

At this time, Xia Xia has disappeared in place, and he naturally understands that it will attract a lot of people, but since the other party is the first to do it, he will not be polite.

"This is the first time that I have managed a 40-star expert with such a small!!!" Hongfeng said excitedly.

Although they have played against other masters before.

But it's the first time they've won so easily.

"This kind of idiot, he killed himself!!!" Xia Xia shook his head helplessly. He killed a master like Qinghu with just a simple attack.

"People at the foot of the mountain can run up in at most half an hour!!" Hongfeng reminded.

"Find a place to rest first, let them make trouble!!" Xia Xia also found a place to watch the play.

Hongfeng wanted to see if she could get any news from Qinghu first.

Available soon.

He was also disappointed.

Because this Qinghu is the same as the other two elders, all important information is sealed, and it is impossible for Hongfeng to open the seal.

"Don't worry, there will always be opportunities, and we have gained a lot this time!!" Xia Tian didn't care.

"I'll try again!!" Hongfeng wanted to study these seals more.

He found that those people of great power have the ability to seal the soul.

It is impossible to forcibly search or torture a confession.


Just when Hongfeng was checking the soul of Qinghu, he suddenly found a strange place: "I found it!!"

"What?" Xia Tian asked.

"His divine soul is incomplete!!" Hongfeng said.

"It's normal for your soul to be damaged when you practice immortal explosion," Xia Xia said.

"No, it's not that the divine soul was damaged, but that part of the divine soul that controlled the memory was forcibly cut off, and I am familiar with this sign. I have seen such scenes from the divine souls of other Venerables, including Baichuan, Jian Damn them!!"

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