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Chapter 1552: Killer Squad

"Recently?" Xia Xia was stunned.

"That's right, according to my investigation, although the Celestial Clan has been very low-key recently, they have already started secret operations. Now, except for you and Tianlong, the other Celestial Clan must-killers have all been killed." Jinhua's news is very well-informed.

"They've all been killed? Those people should be pretty good, right?" Xia Xia remembered seeing the Heavenly Clan's must-kill list.

Those people are very powerful.

And everyone's abilities are unique.

"Lingxuezun is also dead, so now there are only you and Tianlong left." Jinhua said.

"Why didn't they do anything to me before?" Xia Xia asked.

"The Heavenly Clan's actions are generally divided into two steps. The first is a crushing attack, sending a large number of masters to kill you directly, but if they find that sending a large number of masters can't kill you, they will Knowing that you have a lot of escape and other means, so at this time, they will secretly investigate you, investigate everything about you, including your friends, brothers and family members and all your battles, all the abilities you have used, Conduct analysis to find out who is professionally restraining your ability, plus top talents in all aspects to form a team to hunt you down, the name of this team is 'Slayer Squad!

"Slayer Squad!!"

"Yes, generally speaking, the team is divided into ten people, one doctor, one magician, one tracker, one control system ability, one perception ability, and five combatants, and these five combatants usually have one. The meat shield, the fast one, and the other three will be the ones who restrain your ability!!" Jin Hua explained.

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"How is the overall strength?" Xia Tian asked.

"The five non-combatants have different general realms, mainly because they are very strong in their respective fields. For example, a doctor can quickly restore the fighting ability of dying combatants; a magician can meet any special When you are in a situation, set up and break the formation; a person who controls the system ability is used to assist the battle; a tracking person is to lock your position; the person with perception ability is in the battle and continues to analyze all your abilities. It was passed on to others at the first time; the cooperation of the five combatants will also be very close, and they will master all your abilities, the easiest and most violent to kill you, and it is precisely because of this that those Celestial Clan must-kill lists Only the top talents and top masters will be killed one by one, because no matter how strong you are, as long as you are targeted, it will be difficult to survive." Jin Hua said patiently.

He is helping Xia Xia analyze how Tian Clan will deal with Xia Xia next.

"They'll deal with my friends?" Xia Tian asked.

"Yes, if the Celestial Clan wants to kill people, they will clean it up, but don't worry, the Celestial Clan will not arrest those people to threaten you, but will kill them directly. People like Baichuan who openly stand with you will also be them. But now that the Baichuan Ruthless Sword is in hand, the Celestial Clan can't kill him!!" Jin Hua said.


Summer is still very low-key, and now the people outside should only be exposed to thirteen.

None of his other brothers were exposed.

However, it is always dangerous to be outside, and Xia Xia has summoned them to find a safe place to hide first.

"What is the realm of combatants?" Xia Xia asked.

"Don't use the realm to describe the warriors of the Celestial Clan, just like you, you are not even the Venerable, but you can kill the Venerable. Over the years, the Celestial Clan has accumulated how many geniuses and how many top warriors, no one knows. , It can be said that the slayer team that came out to kill you may not be of high realm, but it is definitely the most complete of all your abilities. They are prepared to kill you. If you meet them, use your best abilities. , then you will be instantly seized by them, step by step, will kill you!!" Jin Hua said.

"Do you think I can escape their pursuit?" Xia Xia looked at Jin Hua.

"No!!" Jin Hua said very directly.

"Why?" Summer asked.

"Because in the whole of China, there is no one who can't be killed by the hunter team, including Shenwei who was killed by the hunter team!!" Jinhua said.

"Why is the dragon still alive that day?" Xia Xia asked again.

"Tianlong is alive, not because he can escape the pursuit of the hunter team, but because the Celestial Clan wants him to live, he holds the secret of the power of the heavens, the Celestial Clan must use him, and when he returns to the Celestial Clan At that time, it was said to be a war, but in fact, it was a transaction. If they could negotiate a success, it would be a win-win situation. If the negotiation was unsuccessful, the Celestial Clan would also find a way to kill the Tianlong, but then the Tianlong will face It is the strongest power in the entire Shenzhou!" Jinhua explained.


Xia Tian glanced at Jinhua: "I plan to let you go, remember your promise to me before, and you are absolutely not allowed to contact anyone you know You really plan to let me go! !" Jin Hua's eyes lit up.

Although I swore before the summer.

But if he didn't let him one day in the summer, he couldn't feel at ease one day.

"I'll keep my word in Xia, but next time let me meet you, I won't be merciful!!" Xia reminded.

"Thank you, thank you!" Jin Hua was very grateful.

He really wants to live.

Now that he is willing to let him go in the summer, that is the grace of remaking him.

that's it.

The spirit of the golden flower is released in summer.

However, he would not protect the body of Jinhua's Sea of ​​Knowledge, so Jinhua had to find a way to survive.

And his power of the soul will continue to lose.

"It seems that the Celestial Clan should find me soon, no, I must master this fairy explosion quickly!" Xia Xia understood that Jin Hua's words were not joking, the Celestial Clan had the ability to master all his previous battle information .

In this case.

Tianzu is not only able to master his abilities.

You can also master all his attack methods, fighting methods, and kill him.

Say so.

If he didn't prepare some trump cards, it would be really bad luck.


is the most terrifying.

Xia Xia would rather face thousands of troops than meet those opponents who have thoroughly studied him.

"By the way, I can try to peel off Qinghu's divine soul little by little, make his divine soul into multiple pieces, and then find clues from his divine soul little by little!!!" Hongfeng thought of a way.

As long as the green tiger can speak.

That summer, he will be able to master the true cultivation method of Immortal Explosion.

This will be a big trump card for him to deal with the Celestial Clan.

"The people from the bottom of the mountain came so fast, it seems that there is a good show to watch this time."

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