The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1555: Don't be too mad


"You want to take action too?" Hongfeng didn't understand why Xia Xia wanted to take action at this time.

"Just to join in the fun, if this guy is too smooth, then these loose cultivators will soon be intimidated, and they will be easily defeated by then, but if I make a few inadvertent sneak attacks in the team, I will It may turn the situation around, and it may even kill him. Once he dies, the morale of these loose cultivators will be completely boosted, and it will not be so easy to stop them in the future." Xia Xia would like to see it, and the Babel Tower will be next. What is the reaction.

"The masters in the Tongtian Tower are definitely not only Qinghu and this guy." Hongfeng meant that there were still a lot of masters.

Even killing them both.

Not much use.

"No matter how many masters they have, the existence of this level can't be unknown. If one dies, they will lose one. If they want to cultivate such masters, they may spend hundreds of thousands of years, or even millions of years. How can it not be heartbroken!!" Xia Xia believed that nothing could be solved by brute force.

But to find a way.

"A group of garbage, just because you want to enter the Tongtian Tower?" Zihun's face was full of disdain.

at the same time.

His body moved and disappeared directly in place.

When he reappeared, where he passed, all those people fell to the ground, and at the same time their spirits flew out and exploded in the air, killing hundreds of people in one blow.

"Damn, don't you think that the people in the Scarlet Forest are easy to bully? Let's go together and kill him!!" Although the people here in the Scarlet Forest are now more greedy, they have experienced After two life and death, there is also a kind of momentum of life and death if you don't accept it.

all the time.

Whether it is the blood river valley incident or the fairy beast attack.

They all belong to the kind of scumbag who are used as cannon fodder.


They also want to control their own destiny, not to be killed casually by others.

When Zihun wanted to kill the person beside him.


The man actually blew himself up.

The powerful explosive force caused Zihun to tilt his body and deviate from the attack track.

He never thought of it.

The people here are still so bloody, and they were caught off guard.

"Don't underestimate our people in the Scarlet Forest!!" Another expert rushed over instantly and fired his attack directly.


Zihun's body dodged, avoiding the opponent's attack.

But the continuous stream of masters around them also fired their attacks again and again, as if to suppress the purple soul.

"Damn, a bunch of trash, want to turn over in front of me too!!" Zihun didn't talk nonsense, he squeezed his hands, the air around him dried up instantly, and in front of him, a huge endless water element appeared, and then the water element continued Compressed and turned into a drop of liquid.

When seeing this scene.

Everyone at the scene was stunned.

"No, it's the smashing star strike that Venerable is good at!!!"

Someone suddenly reacted. This blow will be very terrifying. If there are so many people here, if this blow is in the crowd, at least 100,000 people will die, or even more.



Some people are defensive, trying to protect themselves.

There are also some people who are smart and know that they can't protect themselves, so they start to fight back directly, wanting to fight with Zihun.

"A group of ants, die for me!!" The water droplets in front of Zihun shot out directly.

He also began to enjoy the feeling.

The screams of others, the thrill of death.

After these people are dead, he can quickly detonate the souls that have not been completely shattered.

cause secondary damage.

This is his trump card.

The whole attack routine is perfect.

[Tianquan, rebound! ! 】

At this moment, he suddenly had a very dangerous feeling, as if he had fallen into a crisis.

Although in his own opinion.

There was no one to threaten him here, but he still instinctively dodged.


An attack hit his venerable armor, directly breaking a layer of his venerable armor, and he was able to sense that the attack he suffered was very familiar.


It was too late for him to think.

Because the people around have already killed them: "Everyone, let's go together, his attack didn't work!!"

And just now, there have been overwhelming attacks.


These attacks he is now facing.

water! !

Countless water formed a circle around him, and then exploded.

200 immortal explosions.

The power of the explosion spreads directly around, smashing the incoming attacks, and his defense is used to prevent the power of these explosions from affecting himself.

Perfect solution! !

"What a tough guy to deal with!!" Hong Feng said with emotion.

"It's very difficult to deal with. We made him vigilant just now. Next time I want to deal with him, it will be more difficult." Xia Xia also understands that even though he just broke the other's first layer of respect. armor, but it also made the other party vigilant next raid.

It will definitely be more difficult.


The people here have just participated in the Blood River Valley incident and fought with the fairy beasts. It can be said that the strength and luck of the people who can survive are good, and among so many people, there are some masters hidden.

"It seems that although he is strong, he is not as mad as at the beginning!!" Hongfeng saw that Zihun's attack was not as fast as at the beginning.

And it's not a defenseless attack.

"The main reason is that the scattered cultivators here saw the scene just now, and their morale was greatly shaken. They thought that there were experts in the team who would help them resist the attack of the broken star and the opponent's powerful attack, and the opponent was also worried about their own broken star because the attack just now failed. One blow won't work, so I don't dare to use it rashly, after all, the cost of a single blow from a broken star is still not small!!" Xia Xia had played against many Venerables.

Although he can't use the Starbreaker Strike.

But he also knew how much the Broken Star Strike cost.

A venerable who has just entered the venerable realm can also use a single strike of the broken star. After a period of rest, he can barely release the second time. Some top geniuses with special abilities and abilities can release three times after the rest, but Such people are few and far between.

Each time the strength increases.

The speed and power of Star Smash will become faster, but the number of times will only increase if you use the lowest-level Smash.

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But there are limits.

"This guy came out by himself, I'm definitely not willing to make this noise!" Hong Feng said.

"Of course, just wait and see the good show, he will definitely have a follow-up!!"

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