The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1568: Armor Restoration

"Penglai!!!" Gao Wanxiong frowned: "It's getting more and more troublesome!!"

The third son looked at the doctor next to him: "Second brother Bai, look at my armor..."

"No problem, pay attention next time. Although our information is wrong, you should understand that the opponent that the high priest is afraid of is definitely not easy. If you are not careless this time, you will not let people break the third floor. Venerable Armor!!" Bai Erge walked to the third son's side.

that's it.

The venerable armor on the three sons appeared layer by layer.

Can the Venerable Armor be restored?

If summer is here, it will definitely feel hopeless.


The Venerable Armor is the strongest defense of a Venerable. It is very difficult for any enemy to break the Venerable Armor, but once the Venerable Armor is broken, it cannot be recovered in a short period of time. It takes a long time to accumulate power and re-condense, so in battle, once a venerable's venerable armor is broken, the venerable must be careful.

But now.

The three-layer Venerable Venerable armor of the three sons was actually broken.

Such a method is simply outrageous.

"Thank you second brother Bai!!" The third son said gratefully.

"Everyone should be careful next, it seems that summer is not easy, he should have grown again, and the level of the wings behind him should have also increased. If I guessed correctly, the power of the wings should have the power of the pseudo ancient gods. According to our understanding, although the sword in his hand is only a famous weapon, it also has the rank of an ancient divine soldier, as well as the ancient magic weapon ivy ring in his hand." Gao Wanxiong reminded.

The level of weapons can be divided into: low-level fairy weapons, medium-level fairy weapons, high-level fairy weapons, famous weapons, pseudo-ancient weapons, and ancient weapons! !

Even those venerable ones are running around for a famous item.

Even many people spend tens of thousands of years, 100,000 years, to find a famous tool that suits them.

Not to mention the fake ancient gods.

That is definitely the top weapon.

"Brother, he is too cautious, will he know of our existence?" asked the third son.

"Impossible, he can't know about the existence of the Killer Squad, and the loose cultivators who know our existence outside do not exist. For a long time, the Killer Squad has never failed, so our existence is the most important thing for Shenzhou. Mysterious, it is impossible for anyone to know our existence, so he will not have any precautions. He can only say that he is too careful, but as long as we find an opportunity, we can get him at one time!!" Gao Wanxiong believes that these people, It is impossible to expose.

The reason why the summer didn't catch up was because it was not easy to deal with in the summer.

But as long as they haven't been exposed.

Then they still have a chance to kill the summer with one hit.


Just waiting for the summer to reveal its flaws.

"Qing Lao Si, you said just now that he has only practiced the Immortal Explosion a thousand times, so how did he break through my Venerable Armor?" asked the third son.

"What else is there, because you are careless yourself, normally speaking, even if it is a thousand immortal explosions, after all, it is just an ordinary law of the sun, and he is only a quasi-exalted person, the power should not be enough, but you simply Without any strength to resist, even with the door wide open, he also seized the opportunity and gave you a weak attack. From this, it can be seen that his combat experience is very rich, and his perception and observation skills are also terrible! !" The fourth young man reminded.

"Fifth, report your position!!!" said the third son.

"He was running away, obviously after being attacked by you just now, he suspected that you had a helper, so he started to run for his life!!" said Fengzhi.

"I'm so good at acting, how did he find me?" the third son asked.

"I'll go with you!!" Feng Zhi said.

"Aren't you really exposed when you go with me?" Sanzi asked in confusion.

"Don't you think I didn't expose it? He is Xia Xia. According to what we know about him, he is a very shrewd person. Do you think he will believe that it was a fool like you who tracked him down? He must have discovered you just now. It's impulsive, too stupid, it can't be because you have the ability to track, so he suspects there is an ambush and dare not chase you, now I go with you, but it will clear some of his doubts!!" Feng Zhi said.

"You're an idiot!!!"

"Okay, let the fifth go with you!!!" Gao Wanxiong felt that what Feng Zhi said was very reasonable.

"Don't get in the way, I will try to kill him this time!!!" said the third son.

"Boss, I have cured the third son's venerable armor, Xia Xia will definitely find it, so it is impossible to attract Xia Xia to come here, let's outflank him!!" said the second brother Bai.


"I forgot about this, so let's go, the second, the fourth come with me, the third and fifth are head-on, and the rest of you go around from the other side, the tenth is the fastest, and goes straight to the front. Go, when the time comes, we will be surrounded by three and one will be missed, and we will deliberately drive him to the old ten. The old ten drags him, and the rest of us join forces to kill him. Remember, this guy has a lot of Don't keep your hands!!!" Gao Wanxiong always had a feeling of unease.

So he also wants to make a quick decision now.

I don't want to make any mistakes.



Summer is also coming.

"They separated!!" Hongfeng reminded.

"It seems that you want to outflank me!!!" Xia Xia already understood the thoughts of these people. Since he already knows the team, once the opponent's team changes, he can analyze what the other party wants to do.

"No, we can't fight. Once we are surrounded by them, we can't escape. We must find a way to consume them!!!" Hongfeng said.

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"Consume it?" Xia Tian's eyes lit up: "What do you think of the Babel Tower?"

"Tongtian Tower?" Hongfeng was taken aback.

"That's right, what would happen if they had a fight with the masters of the Tower of Babel?" Xia Xia asked.

"Impossible, Tongtian Tower is relatively rational, and they all belong to major forces, so they must know each other, and they won't do anything casually!!" Hongfeng said.

"But what if the place where the Tongtian Tower absorbed the power of the blood-colored group was destroyed by the Celestial Clan?" A slight smile appeared on Xia Xia's face.


Hongfeng was stunned.

"If that's the case, the Babel Tower will definitely not let it go, but how can we find out where the Babel Tower absorbs power?!!"

Although he also knew that this was a good method, it was not so easy to find the position where the Babel Tower could absorb the power. This was simply looking for a needle in a haystack.

"I have a way!!!"

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