The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1571: Two thousand fairy explosions

"Let's go!!" Gao Wanxiong's eyes were filled with murderous intent.

Summer is galloping at this time.

"They are here again, it seems that the tracking master has been resurrected!!" Hongfeng reminded.

"He has already been resurrected once, the second time should not be so easy to resurrect, that is to say, if I kill him this time, even if he can be resurrected, he will not be able to return to this team in a short time, even if they want to It will take at least seven days to find a new tracking expert!!" Xia Xia already had a plan.

At present, the teleportation formation in the Scarlet Forest has not recovered yet, and if others want to come over, they can only fly over.

Plus the rush time.

At least seven days.

"Seven days is indeed enough to do a lot of things, but there is also a person with super perception in their team. Although he is not good at tracking, he is good at defending. If you want to make a surprise attack, he can definitely find it. ." Hongfeng was also the first to analyze Xia's thoughts.


"I found it!!" Xia Xia suddenly said.

"Have you found the place where the Tongtian Tower absorbs power?" Hongfeng asked.

"I don't know, but the news that the source of the earth is back is a bit complicated, let's go and see!!" Xia Xia also quickly disappeared in place.

There must be many secrets in such a big **** forest area.

Come across some special places.

Also normal.

Xia Xia is very good at any environment, and if he can, he will also use the local environment to calculate the opponent.

at this time.

He also wanted to see it.

What exactly is going on there.

The origin of soil.


"He disappeared." Feng Zhi was also stunned when he was following him.

"Disappeared? What happened?" Sanzi frowned.

"Fourth, try to see if he is hiding!!" said the second brother Bai.

"Okay!!" The Fourth Young Master also hurriedly sensed.


The fourth young man shook his head: "There is no hiding, I estimate that he encountered the teleportation array, but this kind of teleportation array will be destroyed after he uses it!!"

"I'll try!!" Fengzhi began to search again: "Sure enough, he encountered the teleportation array. His current position is a full day away from us. It seems that he was teleported from this star to other stars. But it's still within our control."

kindness! !

"Come on, our speed is faster than him, our realm is higher than him, and we are more consuming than him. If we catch up with him this time, we will kill him!!" said the second child.

Summer at this time.

That location has been found.

Here is a cave.

A dark cave.

There is a sense of oppression inside.

"It's here. When my soil's source power is close to here, it is absorbed." Xia Xia walked in directly.

Hongfeng is also the first to appear, ready to respond to possible situations.

Shas wraps summer in the middle.


at this time.

A force flew out.

Xia Si directly blocked the sudden attack.

"This attack is actually an immortal explosion!!!" Xia Si reminded.

"Immortal explosion?" Xia Xia frowned, and then flew in at an accelerated speed. The attack he just hit was the source of his soil. Called out.

Recommend an app, comparable to the old version of the book-chasing artifact, which can change the source books to read \\\\\\\\\\\\\\!


He flew to a wall.

"No way!!" Hongfeng reminded.


Summer's eyes are also looking forward.


he sees.

This wall is breathing! ! !

"This is the inheritance jade!!!" Hong Feng said hurriedly.

"Inheritance?" Xia Xia was stunned.

"Yes, the information left by Jinhua is that there are many masters. Before knowing that he will die, he will leave the inheritance jade, and seal his ability perfectly, and leave it to future generations, which can be digested directly. But there are also shortcomings!!!" Hongfeng said.

"What's wrong?" Xia Tian asked.

"Because this kind of inheritance is a forcible improvement of a person's strength, and the damage to a person's foundation is very deep, it may take tens of thousands of years, hundreds of thousands of years to recover, and if one is not well controlled, it may damage the soul! !" Hong Feng explained.

"Then, do you think this is a problem for me?" Xia Xia was most afraid of damage to the foundation and injury to the soul.

"Yes, this kind of inheritance is tasteless to other masters. They don't want to touch this kind of thing, but it is different for you. You can ignore his shortcomings, so you can directly enjoy his advantages. , that is to directly obtain the inheritance here!!!" Hongfeng said.


Summer is no nonsense.

directly broke the wall.

There was a piece of jade inside.

His blood dripped on the jade.

Then the jade turned into a streamer and flowed directly into his sea of ​​consciousness.

"Twenty thousand fairy explosions!!!"


Xia Xia found out that he can do whatever he really lacks. Although he has the cultivation method of 3,000 times of immortal explosion, it is very difficult to fully master it, but now he can directly get 2,000 times of immortal explosion~www It's totally different.

"Even if a normal person directly obtains 2,000 immortal explosions, it will take years of tempering and practice to fully control it, but we have already controlled a thousand immortal explosions, and we have access to 2,000 immortal explosions. Treasure's cultivation method, so we can control this power naturally." Hongfeng said excitedly.

This time.

The strength of the summer can be considered to be improved again.

One thousand immortal explosions before had already done a lot of damage to the opponent. Now, if two thousand immortal blasts were used to sneak attack, it might really be possible to attack and kill the opponent.

"I'll get used to this power first. It will take at least one day for them to find this place. On this day, I will completely master 2,000 immortal explosions." Now summer is also planning to start counterattacking, and his trump card has become stronger again.

Such a great opportunity.

How could he miss it.

"I just watched this inheritance. The person who inherited this inheritance was also from the Scarlet Forest area before, and he also entered the Tongtian Tower, but his talent is average. In his lifetime, he only cultivated to 2,000 immortal explosions. In order to pursue In a higher realm, he left the Tongtian Tower and came to the Scarlet Forest to look for opportunities, but he failed in the end. He knew that he would die, so he used his life's strength to condense the inheritance jade. You know, the inheritance jade wants to condense But it is very difficult, and there are many conditions required by oneself, which can only be completed in a state of almost dying, among the 100,000 top geniuses, it is already a high probability that one person can condense the inheritance jade!" Hongfeng explained.


"Looks like I'm lucky, I actually found this kind of thing here, so I can't waste my luck this time, just let the Killer Squad wait for me!!!" A trace of killing intent flashed in Xia Xia's eyes. .

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