The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1574: than endurance?

"Your perception can't go wrong, so even if this thing is incredible, we must regard it as his talent!!!" Gao Wanxiong knew his brother's ability, so he knew very well that the perception of the fourth youngest was Can't go wrong.

"Boss, have you forgotten to inherit the jade?" Bai second brother asked.

"That's right, there is the body of the Tongtian Tower nearby, which will naturally attract many young talents. Those who can't break through will go out to find opportunities on their own. Inherit jade, leave some thoughts for yourself." Gao Wanxiong nodded slightly.

"This can be right, but if the inheritance jade is used, it will destroy his foundation, and it takes years of insight. He must not have fully mastered the two thousand fairy explosions now, and even if the next time he encounters a higher The immortal explosion of the level, he can't use and digest it in a short time, and the second time he uses the inheritance jade, the risk factor has increased!!!" Second brother Bai means that the information they have now should be the complete Xia Tian. 's information.


"Fourth, sort out all the news you perceive, give one copy to each of the brothers, and then we will continue!!" Gao Wanxiong said.

"The biggest trouble now is that Feng Zhi committed suicide. He has already died once and cannot be resurrected again in a short time!!!" said the third son.

"Second child, is there any way?" Gao Wanxiong understood that if there was no wind, it would be much more difficult for them to deal with summer.

"I can indeed speed up his rebirth, but I need to find a safe place to put him there. The premise is that it must be very safe, because the power that erupts will spread out, like a treasure light, attracting Others, if someone happens to pass by, they will definitely take away the treasures and power used for rebirth there, then the fourth child will be in danger." said the second brother Bai.

"Can't it be in Asgard?" Gao Wanxiong asked.

"Of course not, unless the fairy palace above the five treasures can be perfectly integrated with this world, our fairy palace is only a ninth level fairy palace, and the gap between the five treasures is too big!!" The third son shook his head.

The level of Asgard here is divided by the Celestial Clan.

It can be divided into one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, one treasure, two treasures, three treasures, four treasures, and five treasures.

Level 9 Immortal Palace is already very rare.

If there is more than one treasure in Asgard, it is even more difficult to find too much in the entire Shenzhou.

And it's all very hidden.

Their slaughter team was assigned to the ninth-level fairy palace because of their countless contributions! !

"Although the blood-colored group here is not deep, there are very few people who can come here, but there are other small dangers here, but it should be no problem for the sixth to arrange a formation!!!" Gao Wanxiong asked.

"There is absolutely no problem with the formation of the sixth, although it can't stop Baoguang, but it can resist the attack from the outside and buy time for the fifth, but I am afraid that there will suddenly be a master of the venerable level passing by here, or other formations. Experts pass by here, in that case, the wind will be more fortunate!!!" Second Brother Bai's meaning is very simple.

If the wind is normally resurrected, there is no danger.

But if you want to revive Wind Zhi quickly, you have to take certain risks.

"Don't hesitate, our life is given by the Celestial Clan. In order to complete the mission of the Celestial Clan, even if all ten of us die, we will not hesitate. If his life is not good and he dies here, it is also his destination. !!" Gao Wanxiong said very seriously.

"Yes!!!" Everyone nodded.

"Sixth, set up two illusion formations, one defensive formation and one attacking formation!!!" Second Brother Bai reminded.

"Don't worry, second brother, I came out this time and brought a lot of array disks, and I will keep fifth brother!!" The sixth elder said firmly.

"Get ready!!" Gao Wanxiong took out a compass: "Since the fifth is in trouble, we can only use Wuyin to find summer!!"

They also understand.

There are many tricks and methods in summer. It is still a little difficult to use the fog to determine the exact location of summer.

"Leave it to me!!" said the fourth young man.

His perception is very terrifying. With Wuyin, they can determine the approximate location of Xia Xia, and after reaching the approximate location, relying on his strong perception, he is confident to find Xia Xia.


"Let's go, this time we must chase, Xia Xia's ability is more than we know, we can't be careless, this time we have to attack head-on, find an opportunity, and kill with one blow!!" Break one by one.


The best way now is to go together.

It's hard to catch summer though.

But in the endurance competition, they will definitely not lose.

Summer's realm is much lower than them, even if summer's explosiveness is strong, long-term endurance is definitely not comparable to them.

Even if they catch up for ten days and a half months, they have to catch up.

At this time, the summer has left using the source of soil.

"Masters without the ability to track, really feel a lot easier. Now I use the source of soil to teleport, they can't find it at all, they can only blindly track me, and they must think that endurance is better than me, full speed Pursue, I can just consume them like this. After their consumption reaches a certain level, either the speed will slow down, or the team will be temporarily separated. No matter which point, I can give me a chance to sneak attack on them and defeat this Killer Squad one by one! !" Xia Xia was ready to kill the Killer Squad.


It's hunting time.

"The purpose of training for so long is to compete with the Celestial Clan, and now they have sent out a death squad, of course we will continue!" Hongfeng responded.


Summer disappeared in place.


This is the second wave of his collision with the Celestial Clan.

The first wave is to kill the Tianzu dog.

The second wave was the Killer Squad who beheaded them.

The third wave is to start hunting Tianzu people.

The fourth wave kills the Celestial Clan.


Now there is one more important news.

That is they found a place of induction again.

"Let ten of them be the stepping stones for me to see the strength of the Celestial Clan!!" Xia Xia's body disappeared again, and when he appeared again, he came to a huge flame pit: "It's here. Bar?"

By the way, the novel app I'm using recently, [\\mi\\mi\\reading\\app\\\\] supports both Android and Apple phones!

"Yes, the previous induction is here. Although it cannot be the source of the Tongtian Tower's absorption of power, it should also be a place with inheritance jade!!!"

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