The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1589: Conquer the Wind

There are ten brothers of them, but no one refuses to come. Although he also knows that the two people in front of him are not easy to mess with, but if ten of their brothers join forces, no matter how strong the opponent is, it doesn't matter to him, if he is not just resurrected, and there is still more important If the task is on him, he will not say the soft words just now.

"I want to see who is courting death!!!" said the venerable warrior angrily.

boom! boom!

After the two fought for a few rounds, Fengzhi gradually felt his inadequacy.

The opponent's realm is higher than his own, and his explosive power is strong, and he has just been resurrected, so he is not the opponent's opponent at all: "If you have the ability, let me call someone, and when my brothers arrive, killing you is like chopping melons and vegetables. ."

The venerable warrior looked at Fengzhi in front of him coldly: "Okay, Zhengchou can't find them!!"

The previous six venerable warriors had sent the news back before they died.


Feng Zhi also took out a messenger.

But the moment the messenger flew up, it circled around without a target.


"What's the matter?" Feng Zhi hurriedly launched an investigation, but no matter how he investigated, he couldn't find his brothers.


A drop of blood fell on his palm.

At the same time, nine breaths fell.


Nine breaths dissipated.

"What?" Fengzhi's face was very ugly. Although he didn't have the life jade slips of several others, this was his top tracking technique, and now the tracking technique shows that there are no such people.

Plus the previous signs.

He had almost guessed what was going on.

his nine brothers.

All dead.

He was the only one left alive in their Killer Squad.

at this time.

He was completely stunned. He never thought that such a thing would happen. An invincible slayer team was gone.

"What? Are your brothers ignoring you?" said the venerable warrior with great disdain.

"I killed you!!" Fengzhi is completely crazy now, all his brothers are dead, so what's the point of his life.

All the anger.

All vented on the venerable warrior in front of him.


A person's desperate style of play is still very terrifying, and that venerable warrior also began to rush.

Black gas.

at this time.

Hei Zun shot, and the powerful black qi wrapped around Feng Zhi, directly binding Feng Zhi: "Look at what you just did, your brothers should be dead!!"

"I want you to bury my brother with you!!!" Wind Zhi angrily shouted.

"How dare you talk to Lord Hei Zun like this!!" The noble warrior stepped up and kicked.

Hei Zun stopped the noble warrior who wanted to continue attacking: "I think there is a problem here."

"Lord Hei Zun, it was they who killed several of our other Venerable warriors, and also destroyed our Tongtian Water Mirror!!!"

"No, according to the previous information, it can be seen that our six venerable warriors have an advantage. It is impossible for them to be killed all of a sudden and silently, and they cannot be resurrected. Now his brothers are all dead. It is even more unlikely that his brothers did it, if I guessed correctly, there should be other people who attacked the two teams and killed the people in the two teams." Hei Zun analyzed.

He was still very calm.

Although something happened this time.

But he had to figure out the situation, otherwise he wouldn't be able to explain it to the top.

"Didn't they do it?"

"If I guessed correctly, they should be the Celestial Clan's Killer Squad, a team of ten people, but when our people came back, their team was only seven people, which proves that they should be chasing Kill someone, and the damage is not small, this person destroyed the Tongtian Water Mirror, the guy gave it to the men of the Tianzu people, and then let us both fight. So he created a chance for that person to attack!!!" Hei Zun's analysis was perfect.

When hearing this.

Fengzhi also calmed down: "Summer, it's summer!!!"

"Xiamen!!!" Hei Zun nodded slightly when he heard the name: "That's right, there was friction with Xia before, he shouldn't be wrong in dealing with both of us!!"


Black Venerable withdrew his power.

The shackles on the wind disappeared.

This time.

He didn't resist or run away: "We are indeed the Killer Squad, and the goal of this mission is Xia. Originally, ten of us had all the information about Xia, but when we fought, we found that the information was obviously behind. , I am not worthy of Xia Xia's current strength, and I am also dying for the second time, so I can only be resurrected here."

"Lord Hei Zun, even if Xia Xian has a lot of means, he shouldn't be able to kill so many of us, right? And if one of our people died, the others should be able to know that they will be vigilant, and it is impossible for them to be killed all of a sudden. Dead, unless he has a helper!!" said the venerable warrior.


A communication talisman fell into Hei Zun's hand: "The person the Arctic wolf just chased down was but Xia escaped."

"He can't even beat the Arctic wolf, how can he kill so many masters!!!" The venerable warrior obviously did not believe that Xia Xia really had the ability to kill so many masters.

"No matter who it is, it must die!!" Hei Zun glanced at Fengzhi: "You go, this time has nothing to do with you, I will not embarrass you!!"

Fengzhi glanced at Hei Zun, as if he had made up his mind: "Mr. Hei Zun, can you bring me?"

He wants revenge.

To avenge his brothers, he wanted to kill Xia Xia even more. Although the brothers were already dead, as long as there was one person left, he could not forget the mission.

"Bring you?" Hei Zun looked at Fengzhi in confusion.

"I'm a tracker in the Killer Squad. My tracking ability is very strong, and I have the breath of summer, so I can quickly lock his position!!" Fengzhi is still very strong in tracking.


"Okay, then I'll take you and find out Xia Xia for me!!!" Although Hei Zun also suspected Xia Xian to help, he has no news here for the time being.

But as long as you find Xia, even if you have other helpers, you can find them together.

Now that he knows the existence of the Killer Squad.

Naturally, he also understands the Killer Squad.

Only the person with the strongest tracking ability in the Celestial Clan can enter the Killer Squad, and he is currently lacking such talent.

"I don't want to say thank you, if I can take revenge this time, I will be dispatched in the future!!" Feng Zhi also understood that even if his mission was completed this time, he would not have the face to return to the Celestial Clan.

It should be wandering the world from now on.

Unless one day he can make great contributions to the Celestial Clan again, he can return to the Celestial Clan.

"Okay, then I'll take you to kill Xia Xia."

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