The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1598: pierce the sky

"You're threatening me now, right?" The tower master's tone was flat, but his eyes seemed to want to see through Xia Xia completely.

See through the summer this person.

"It's not a threat, it's a warning. Of course, you don't need to care about the warnings from my little guy!!" Xia Xia's attitude was already clear.

He's not pretending.

Rather, it is stating a fact.

"What an arrogant person, I have been this tower owner for many years, and this is the first time I have been threatened, but I like your character!!" There was a slight smile on the tower owner's face.

Summer didn't answer.

He was waiting for the other's answer.

No matter how much the other party says, it means nothing to him, and he doesn't care what the other party says. What he cares about now is the other party's answer.

"Okay, I promise you, the battle is over, but you killed ten of my subordinates, you can't just forget about it, you know, cultivating ten of them will cost me countless resources and wealth, and you It also destroyed our most important place." The tower owner looked towards the summer.

"It's definitely wrong for me to kill your people, but if they didn't want to kill me, and if you didn't shoot first, I would never kill them casually, so I won't be responsible for this!!" Xia Tian Neither is arrogant.

He understands.

The other party is asking for a step. If it is someone else, this step will definitely be given, but not in summer.

Work outside in summer.

very simple.

Only fight and don't fight.

The other party chooses.

It is obviously impossible to want Xia Xia compensation and to pull something out of Xia Xia's teeth.

"It's really a stubborn guy, I like you more and more!!" The tower owner really likes the character of Xia, who is not afraid of the sky and the earth.

him back then.

The same is true, but he didn't have such a strong ability as Xia Xia back then, and he didn't have the world he had seen in Xia Xia.

"I don't like men!!" Xia Xia responded.

Ha ha ha ha!

The tower owner was amused by Xia Xia: "I'm talking about appreciation."

"That's fine!" Summer said.

"By the way, you said that if you want to stop the battle, you must tell you some secrets you want to know. Then what you want to know, you can talk about it." The tower owner looked at Xia Xia and said.

"First, what does the venerable represent; second, why all the venerable souls are incomplete; third, why is the Celestial Clan respected by everyone, including you top masters!!" Xia Xia naturally wanted to know It's a secret about the Celestial Clan and the Venerable.

He is now very close to the realm of the Venerable.

And the day when he killed the Celestial Clan was approaching.

"The venerable means that you are already a part of Shenzhou. If you don't have an immortal cultivator at the level of the venerable, you can only be regarded as the nourishment of Shenzhou; secondly, the spiritual soul of the venerable is incomplete, or it is forcibly cut open by others. , or they cut it by themselves, but one thing is that they agreed to it; third, the reason why the Celestial Clan is respected by everyone, including those of us who are equal to the Celestial Clan, is because the Celestial Clan is admired by everyone. There have been many heroes among them, no matter what bad things they have done in China, they are not worth mentioning compared to the credits of those heroes." The tower owner's answer is very simple, it can be said that all the problems in the summer are all answered. answered.

But each question was not directly answered.

"It's really troublesome to chat with you old fritters!!" Xia Xia shook his head.

He was not satisfied with this answer at all.

"There are some things that you shouldn't know. Now you should not be far from the realm of the venerable. When you reach the realm of the venerable, you will know everything little by little, and then your spirit will also Being cut off is the path that every Shenzhou person must take, and I believe that when the time comes, you will also agree to the other party cutting off your soul. As for the Tianzu, I heard that you and them seem to have a great grudge. But I can only tell you that it is impossible for you to win the Celestial Clan. The Celestial Clan you see is just the tip of their iceberg, and even if you really create a miracle and are about to win the Celestial Clan, other forces will I won't agree, so if you want to kill the Celestial Clan, you must be prepared to fight against the entire Shenzhou." The Tower Master explained this time in great detail.

Although he still did not say it clearly, the amount of information was already very huge.

The news is for summer.

Still important.

"Could it be that only the Celestial Clan can kill me, but I can't kill the Celestial Clan?" Xia Xia asked.

"The reason why the Celestial Clan wants to kill you is because there is a lunatic in the Celestial Clan. His name is Tianlong. This guy knows everything, knows the secret of the Venerable, knows the secret of the Celestial Clan, and knows the secret of Shenzhou~www.wuxiaspot .com~ But even if he knows all this, he doesn't care about anything. He is fighting for his own woman. His belief is that even if the entire China is destroyed, he doesn't care and wants to deal with such people. , the Celestial Clan can't leave any troubles and troubles for themselves, which is the main reason why they are cleaning up the enemy in large numbers this time." Tongtian Tower Master said.


It was his father's name again.

"The previous Celestial Clan also had the ability to kill those who are on the Celestial Clan's must-kill list, but they didn't do that, because they also knew that even if they killed all these people, Shenzhou would still have new ones. When the people who defy the sky appear, it is better to keep them, leave some tempered characters for the people of the Celestial Clan and the warriors of the Celestial Clan, leave a thought for the people of Shenzhou, leave a vigilance for the people of the Celestial Clan, tell them , the enemy will always exist, and the extreme will be the opposite, if the Celestial Clan really destroys all the dissidents in Shenzhou, then maybe there will be a more capable, a terrifying existence that can truly destroy the Celestial Clan." The tower master of Tongtian is now a problem in the summer. All answered.

"Then do you think Tianlong can succeed?" Xia Xia asked.

"In those days, Tianlong almost succeeded. At that time, the Celestial Clan was killed and injured countless times, and Shenzhou also killed many people because of this. He left a huge trauma to Shenzhou. In order to make up for the trauma he left, the Celestial Clan took out a very large A wealth of wealth to let all the masters in China help to remedy it!!" The Tower Master of Tongtian reminded.

"He's just dealing with people from the Celestial Clan, how did he leave a trauma to Shenzhou?" Xia Xia didn't understand what his father had done.

His father killed the Celestial Clan, almost destroying the Celestial Clan.

He knew this.

But what did his father do to Shenzhou?

"He leaked the sky!!!"

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