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Chapter 1600: Relic of the Soundless Inner Demon

Summer is also looking around.

As a result, nothing was seen.

Nothing: "Who is he? Where is he, don't worry, with me here, nothing will happen!!!"

"I didn't perceive anything either!!" Hongfeng helped Xia search for the first time.

But he found nothing.


Nothing at all.

Xia Xia has carefully inspected the surroundings, and he can be very sure that there is absolutely nothing around.

Unless the other party's hidden means are very superb.

beyond his comprehension.

But his eyes can see through everything, and if there is someone, he can definitely see it.

"He's here!!" The Voiceless Inner Demon shouted.

"Don't panic, I'll protect you!!" Xia Xia's hand patted the silent demon directly.

Xia Si directly wrapped around Wuyin's body: "This is the Emperor Grade Thousand Silk Beast, even if the enemy is very strong, he can protect you for a while!!"

"Summer, he's really here." Soundless Heart Demon said anxiously.

"Don't worry, calm down and tell me who the enemy is, where is he, and what is he specifically!!" Xia Xia said.

"I don't know, I don't know!!" Soundless Heart Demon panicked.

"Calm down, you must calm yourself down, even if Haotian comes, I will buy you time!!!" Xia Xia comforted.

He is also using his own power to continuously transport.

I want the voiceless demon to control himself as much as possible! !

"He's here, he's here!!" The voiceless inner demon let out a huge roar.

at the same time.

Natsu's defense exploded from within.

"Summer, I can't take it anymore, this is what I left to you, there is a sliver of my soul in it, if you have a chance, show me the world!!!" A small fish appeared in the hands of the silent heart demon. , small black fish.

It fell directly into the hands of summer.

at the same time.

His body spread out.

"What's going on?" Summer was completely stunned.

Where is the enemy?

to the end.

Summer did not see where the enemy was.

"Master, I was blasted from the inside, that is to say, it was his own power that broke my defense, and it was definitely not any external force that attacked him!!" Xia Si reminded.

No one knows better than him what just happened, if it weren't for his strong defense inside and out, it would have just happened.

He will also be seriously injured.

Looking at the black fish in his hand: "This is a kind of inheritance jade!!"

"Yes, it's just a small copy. It should be some important news that the Voiceless Inner Demon deliberately left behind, as well as a small remnant of his own soul, but this little remnant cannot be recovered. He was originally an Inner Demon, although he has It began to take shape gradually, but it did not really take shape, so even if your strength improves again in the future, when you can restore this remnant soul, a brand new person will come out, and there will be no more silent demons, that silent demon. The inner demon has completely disappeared from this world." Hongfeng reminded.

"Who the **** did it? Why didn't I notice anything!!" Xia Xia frowned.

in front of him.

Kill the silent heart demon.

What would someone do.

Just like what he said before, even if Haotian came.

His Promise and Heavenly Power can also resist for a while.

But he found nothing.

"Let's take a look at what the Soundless Inner Demon left behind, maybe there will be some clues!!" Hongfeng reminded.


Xia Xia nodded slightly, his eyes still searching around, but in the end he found nothing.


He left the place.

Find a safe place.

The origin of the earth!


Although he didn't find anything there just now, he was still worried that if he only teleported in place, he would be found.


After leaving in the summer.

The voiceless heart demon that had dissipated, the body began to reunite.

Appears in place again.


There is no fear or even any expression on the face of the voiceless heart demon now, a kind of majesty that reigns in the world appears, his eyes swept around, and everything around him seems to have no sound: " Without the power of the spirit, without the soundless control!!!"

In the summer, he used the source of the earth to leave the blood-colored group directly.

He is now.

has come to an absolutely safe place.

Then began to digest the little black fish gradually.

at the same time.

Among the Celestial Clan.

"High Priest, Killer Squad, all destroyed!!"

"All ten of them died?" The high priest frowned.

"Yes, the last Fengzhi has also died. They were eaten away bit by bit. There were resurrected people in the middle, but they all died in the end. Before they died, they destroyed everything, including Asgard!! "

"It seems that summer is really not easy!!" The high priest said with emotion.

"Although the ten of them died, the ten of them sent back a lot of useful news this time. According to the news they sent back, and compared with the previous ones, it is not wrong for them to lose. The overall strength of the summer~www.wuxiaspot .com~ It’s dozens of times more than what we recorded before!!”

"It seems that this kid has been growing all the time. In this case, even if you send a stronger team, you won't be able to take him down. Just let the first team go!!" the high priest said.

"A team...they're all..."

"Forget it, I'll go there myself!!" The high priest got up.

"By the way, High Priest, Greedy Wolf is here, he said he wants to talk to you!!!"

"Talk to him?" The high priest looked outside: "Tell him, there is nothing to talk about, the place for the Celestial Clan sacrifice is reserved for him, if he wants, come anytime, if he doesn't want, then I have nothing to say. of."


"Let's talk to a team first, these guys can't be fooled!!" The high priest disappeared in place.


Summer is also there to digest the information of the little black fish.

"It's done!!" Hongfeng reminded.

"Is there any important news?" Xia Xia asked.

"Very important!!" Hong Feng said.

"It seems that he really left me something very good." Xia Xia also saw it, but the silent demon recognized him.

If not in the case of his recognition.

The Soundless Inner Demon would never leave him such a good thing.

To know.

After so many years, the voiceless heart demon has long since believed in no one, let alone wishing others well. He is still a heart demon himself.

But he trusted Summer.

And left that kind of thing for summer.

"Yeah, what he left behind is: Immortal Skills, Silent Voice; and Venerable's Secret!!!" Hong Feng said.

"Muyin, the secret of the Venerable, is the secret of the soul being cut?" Xia Xia hurriedly asked.


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