The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1609: vile snake hand

"This guy is so despicable!!" Hong Feng scolded angrily.

Xia Xia still didn't dodge, but stuck the handle of Langya Bang in his own bones. Instead of resisting the opponent's blow, he was ready to counterattack.


Blood was flying.

Half of Xia Xia's face was pierced, and blood continued to flow down.

at the same time.

With this blow, the airflow hit the handle of Xia Xia's mace, and Xia Xia's body also fell to the same side. The principle of leverage, the head of the mace was pried up and hit the body directly. The face of the snake hand hanging in the air.

The small book booth that book lovers used before has been hung up, and now they are basically using \\mi\\mi\\ to read \\app\\\\.

Front door.

The snake hand's original half face was completely gone.


A scream came from the snake's mouth.

His body completely fell into a pool of blood.

The body's defenses are opened.

In other words, he conceded defeat.

And Xia Xia, the moment the body fell down, the mace's inertia principle, the head first hit the ground, stuck Xia Xia's body there.

He is standing.

Victory is obvious.

Summer wins.

Snake hand loses.

"You lost!!" Xia Xia said, looking at the snake hand in front of him.

at the same time.

He took the healing pill, and the Law of the Moon began to recover completely.

The incomparable pain caused the snake hand to roll on the ground. Although he had already taken medicines for pain relief and healing, the injury to his body was too serious, and it was very painful when he recovered.

"We won, we won in the summer, we are safe!!" the people at the scene said excitedly.

They still remember the scene just now, and now they are starting to regret it. It was for them that Xia Xia participated in such a battle, and they were still complaining about Xia Xia just now.

This is really sorry for summer.


The snake hand stood up. He used the best healing medicine of the Celestial Clan, and the effect was very good. Although his body was still in pain, this competition actually only consumed his body, the power of his laws and the power of the world. And all kinds of means are without any consumption: "Summer, I promised you not to kill them, but I didn't say not to kill you!!!"

Although he was a rogue, he really didn't say this.

Now that the summer is so miserable, it is a good opportunity for him to start.

"Lord Snake King, it's too despicable for you to do this. Mr. Xia just competed with you normally. Don't you feel that you have lost your identity now that he has taken action like this?" A man stood in front of Snake Hand.


Snake hand is angry, how can he care what others say.

directly tore the opponent's body to pieces.

"What are you doing? Didn't you say, don't kill them?" Xia Xia scolded.

"That's right, I didn't kill them. Now I have no plans to kill them all, but I want to kill you. I will kill whoever stops me. It's a different matter!!" Snake Hand did not violate the rules.

"Don't come here!!!" Summer scolded.


Dozens of people stopped in front of Xia Xia: "Mr. Xia, what happened just now, but we people in Xuanwu City are not the kind of people who don't know what to do. You go to that kind of life-threatening battle for us. Now if we don't care about you, then Are we still human?"

The people of Xuanwu City.

The grudge is clear.

"Are they all looking for death?" Snake Hand wanted to shoot.

But he was blocked by Summer.

"Mr. Snake King, as long as you can wait for Mr. Xia to recover, we will never stop you. Otherwise, even if our people in Xuanwu City die in battle, we will stop you!!" The morale of those in Xuanwu City is very high. height of.

The **** battle in the summer just now has deeply affected them.

Summer let them see what it means to be tough.

Also let them see, what is faith.

"Wait for him to recover? You have a problem with your brain, or I have a problem with my brain. I'm here to kill him, and do I have to tell him the rules of the rivers and lakes?" The snake hand didn't talk nonsense. When the hands hit, it seemed like dozens of pythons flying out, and directly killed the people in front of him.

The law of the day!

boom! boom! boom!

Xia Xia's defense was played, but there was still a gap between his ice block and the opponent's attack.

The freeze was broken.

The bodies of those around were washed away, and although they were not dead, they all lost half their lives.

They want to get up.

But no matter how hard I tried, my body couldn't get up.


at the same time.

The owners of more surrounding shops and the guards ran over, and they all stood in front of Xia Xia.

"What are you doing?" Xia Xia hurriedly looked at the people around him.

"Mr. Xia, you recover first, here we block him!!" Those people said firmly.

"Okay, since you are courting death, then I'm welcome." Snake Hand looked at Xia Xia: "Now that I kill them all, it's not that I'm fouling, but they are courting death themselves!!"

He has been completely motivated to kill, and he wants to kill all these people.

Kill all those who dare to disobey him.

"Get out of the way, I can escape!!" Xia Xia hurriedly reminded.

"Escape?" The snake hand's body moved, and thousands of giant pythons fell from the sky: "I have blocked all your escape routes, their attacks will continue to smash, if you escape, the people below will suffer for you!!! "

He could see Xia Xia's mind and so he also wanted to seize this opportunity.

Does not give summer any possibility of escape.

These giant pythons did not directly attack those humans, but directly attacked Xia Xia, but if Xia Xia dodged, the attack of the giant pythons would not stop.

It will directly hit those people next to Xia Xia.

He is making summer go nowhere.

"This guy is too despicable!!" Hong Feng was about to die from such popularity.


Summer's right hand waved.

The Tianhan Sword appeared in his hand: "Since there is no way out, then kill it!!"


One piece splits the boa constrictor in two.

At the same time, the severed python turned into tens of thousands of small snakes and attacked Xia Tian.

Summer quickly crushes these little snakes.

But there are more snakes again.

The law of the day!


The attack of the second python smashed down.

Although Xia Xia was resolved again, but in the same way, the frozen snake broke through and directly wrapped the bodies of those around.


Summer quickly to rescue those people.

But more attacks hit him.

The scene was completely in danger.


More and more people began to join the fight, and they all came to help Summer.

"The more people come, the better. The more people come, the more tired he will be!!" Snake Hand saw more people coming, not only did he not have the slightest fear, but he was happier.


The number of deaths started to increase.

at this time.

A figure fell in front of everyone.

This man had a halo on his head: "Stop it all for me, I'm from the Celestial Clan, who would dare to kill people on my territory?"

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