The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1622: beast


Interested in summer.

This is not easy.


at this time.

A water beast emerged from the water.

"See the adults!!!"

"Is there an Immortal Palace? I need an Immortal Palace now!" Since Xia Xia had already promised Young Master to find a new home for the people of Xuanwu City, it must be done.

This is the only way he can do such a thing quickly now.

Ask your sister for help.

"Sir, wait a minute, I'll ask someone to ask for it!!" The water beast disappeared there.

Don't worry about summer.

Win this time.

Let him know his current overall strength, and he also knows what characteristics the stronger person has.

"Let's talk about the beast first, this is simple, just find a fairy beast of the venerable level, and then fuse with the other party to control this fairy beast, then you can have the ability to respect the beast. With the ability to respect the beast, it can be said that Whether it is lethality, defense, or the ability to escape, they have become stronger. The higher the level of the captured beast, the stronger the strength, the more special the ability, and the stronger the human being that integrates, but this kind of thing , Immortal beasts will definitely not agree, so they generally use strong, so the degree of integration is not very high, and it is impossible to fully play a role." Hongfeng explained.


"The people of the immortal beast family originally hated human beings, not to mention the rebellious immortal beasts. After being merged, they almost lost their ego. It would be strange for them to agree!!" Xia Xia thought, Those immortal beasts would rather die than be merged.

"Actually, it's not entirely a bad thing. If the strength of human beings increases, the immortal beasts will also increase. Humans can unravel the fusion. Although they need to pay some costs, they can still succeed. It's just that the immortal beasts don't trust it at all. Humans, so they won't voluntarily merge with humans!!!"


"It seems that the ability of this beast is really not simple, but it is certain that Xuanwu Xianmao can defeat people in the state of being a beast!!" Xia Xia has seen the power of Xuanwu Xianmao.

If attacking a person who is temporarily immobile.

The damage is very strong.

Just one hit kill.

Even if it is a strong person who uses Zun Beast.

"The defense of the Moonlight Profound Martial Armor is also very strong. They attacked several times before. Although there are signs of being broken, the Law of the Moon will be supplied as soon as possible. That is to say, as long as the Law of the Moon is still there, the Moonlight Profound Martial Armor can be used all the time. "Hongfeng also analyzed Xia's new ability.

This time.

Xia Xia broke through to the sixth floor of the King of the Realm.

The power has undergone earth-shaking changes.

"What's going on with that overcast scripture?" Xia Xia asked.

"This is said to be a scripture that appeared when Shenzhou didn't exist. It contains endless avenues. Anyone who has read this scripture can get great benefits from it, including the one from the Celestial Clan. The founders of the batch have almost all read the scriptures, and the cultivation of the world created by the Celestial Clan is also comprehended from the scriptures, but the content of the scriptures that everyone sees is almost incomplete, so everyone's perception is not the same. The same." Hong Feng explained.

"Have you seen this seven-person team before?" Xia Xia asked.

"Yes, they have all seen it. It is said that a small part of the Celestial Clan has been preserved. It is less than once to watch it. Only those who have made great contributions to the Celestial Clan will have the opportunity to pay their respects." Hongfeng said.


"Who can see it more comprehensively?" Xia Xia asked.

"According to their memory, in the past ten million years, there are five people who have read more than one-fifth of the content, namely: a high priest of the Tianzu; Wuyin; Haotian; Tianlong." Hongfeng said .

"My father has seen it too?" Xia Xia was stunned.

"Yes, the high priest of the Tianzu cultivated a powerful immortal skill; Wuyin created the immortal skill Wuyin; Haotian also cultivated in addition to the immortal skill; your father cultivated the immortal one finger." Hongfeng explained road.

"There's one less person!!" Xia Xia did a simple calculation.

There are five people in total, and now there are only four.

"Because it is a remnant soul, the last one is not recorded!!" Hong Feng said.

"So, this cloudy day scripture is really not easy!!" Xia Xia said with emotion.

"Of course it's not easy. According to his memory, it can be seen that anyone who obtains the Cloudy Sky Scripture can become the number one existence in China. If someone can obtain the complete Cloudy Sky Scripture, it may even surpass the Celestial Clan and unify it. Shenzhou!!" Hongfeng's words were all excavated from other people's memories.


"It seems that I will pay attention to it in the future!!" Xia Xia said with emotion.

He was curious.

Is it the real king of his own who defies the sky?

Or is the cloudy day even worse?


The water slowly rose.

The water beast just now appeared again.

"Sir, things are in a hurry. I only got two fairy palaces, and the level is not very high. If you can give me some more time, I will definitely be able to get a higher level fairy palace!!" The water beast said respectfully. The level of Asgard can be divided into: first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, one treasure, two treasures, three treasures, Four treasures, five treasures.

Summer took over two Asgards.

"One second treasure, one third treasure!!!" Xia Xia said in surprise.

"This level is too high!!" Hong Feng said with emotion.

"Sir, I can only find these two near me. Don't be angry, sir, give me a little time, and I will definitely find a higher level!!" The water beast thought that Xia Xia was angry.

"No, don't get me wrong, I'm not angry, these two levels are already very high." Xia Xia didn't come to embarrass the water beast.


He took back his blood.

The water beast also left directly.

"To have to go to two such high-level Asgards all at once!!" Xia Xia really didn't know how much she owed her sister.

"One immortal palace is enough for the people of Xuanwu City, and now there is one more!!" Hongfeng glanced at the two immortal palaces in Xia Xia's hands.

"There is another universe!!" Xia Tian's eyes lit up.

If you want to create another universe, there are three conditions: first, the venerable rank 95; second, no less than ten trillion fairy crystals; third, a quasi ancient magic weapon! !

Although his current source of soil has just merged, it is at least equivalent to the ninety-fifth level of the Venerable, and he will soon rush to the ninety-ninth level of the Venerable.


Not less than ten trillion fairy crystals.

This is not difficult either.

Before, he collected a large number of immortal crystals, all of which were nourished in the forest.


A quasi-ancient magic weapon.

Is there anything more suitable than a ivy ring?

Once he cultivates another world, his combat ability will undergo earth-shaking changes.

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