The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1627: Made me look bad

The two of them!

The most suitable is the sneak attack.

Once successful, the power is very powerful.

They used this trick to hurt Tian Kui just now. Now they want to use the same method to hurt Xia Xia to deter the experts here. As long as they succeed this time, the three hundred Venerables will naturally be honest. .

Although they couldn't recruit all of these 300 people in the end, as long as they recruited one-third, it was a very generous number.

day and month.

One yang and one yin.

As if it could turn things around!

But Xia Xia still stood there, as if not seeing the attack of the two.

"Go to hell!!" Brother Moyin shouted loudly.

The two of them were very confident in their attack.

This blow.

You can get it all done.


at this time.

Two earth walls suddenly appeared on the ground, directly blocking the attack of the two.


The two of them also broke the earth wall in front of their own attacks.

But just as their attack hit the earth wall, the earth wall suddenly softened, as if it had turned into mud.

The strength of the two was in the air.

Haven't waited for them to pull up.

Muddy bound the weakest part of their arms.

They didn't wait for the two to react.

The mud suddenly turned into a sharp soil blade, directly cutting off the arms of the two men.


"How could it be possible!!" Brother Moyin originally wanted to cut off Xia Xia's arm, but now the two brothers' arms have been cut off by Xia Xia.

The two hurried back! !

Summer did not chase.


All the people around took a deep breath.

This scene is really shocking.

They never imagined that such a thing would happen.

at the same time.

The three hundred brothers behind the Moyin brothers are obviously hesitant. Following two such people, if something really happens later, can these two people decide?

"Kid, don't be too arrogant, our hall master is on his way, and when our hall master arrives, he will naturally take care of you!!" Brother Moyin also put down his harsh words, and also told these people on the scene.

They also have backup.

There are stronger masters.

This finally stabilized the hearts of three hundred people.

But next.

More and more people come here.

The ghost clan didn't wait honestly, they seized the opportunity and took the opportunity to develop.

Some people also went to Tiankui's side.

Seven hundred!

When the number of Venerables reached 700, the hall master of the Demon Race finally arrived. When he saw the mighty team of Venerables, he was obviously stunned. Although he was well-informed, he had never seen such a What a great man.


He still had a high stance.

"Everyone, I'm the head of the Demon Clan. We Demon Clan advocate freedom. There are special cultivation techniques, immortal techniques, and various treasures. If you want to live more freely in Shenzhou in the future, you can Come to our Demon Race, we are always welcome!!" He said this not only to his own venerable, but also to other venerables.

If so many venerables are recruited under the command of the Demon Race, the strength of the Demon Race will definitely increase greatly.

"Teacher!!!" Brother Moyin stepped forward.

"Why are you two so embarrassed, your arms also seem to be reborn!!" The hall master asked inexplicably.

"The hall master, it's that person who injured both of us!!" Brother Moyin reminded.


The head of the hall looked at the summer.

All in one.

sit there in summer.

Feel connected to heaven and earth.

just like.

This person does not exist.

"This person is not simple!!" The hall master looked at it carefully.

"Sir, he is the law of earth, but it seems to be the law of mutation, and the control is very strong!!!" Brother Moyin reminded.


The hall master found that the people around him were looking at him expectantly.

"Are you bragging for me?" The hall master already understood what was going on.

It must be Brother Moyin who used his name to frighten everyone. Now that he is here, if he doesn't clean up this person, it will definitely disappoint the people at the scene.

The prestige that was so hard to accumulate no longer exists.

Although some Venerables will be pulled in the end.

But there won't be too many.

"Sir, if you clean up this guy, then the Venerable here will definitely make us king!!" Brother Moyin reminded.


The hall master nodded slightly, then walked towards Xia Xia: "Brother, don't you sign up for a name?"

If the other party is a famous person.

Then he can also judge the strength gap between the two sides.

over the years.

Venerable-level wars rarely break out in Shenzhou, because after the two sides roughly know each other's strength, they will give each other a step, and the matter is over.

"You don't deserve to know!!!" Xia Xia responded.

Still no face.

This is summer.

Don't care who you are, if I don't want to pay attention to you, I won't pay attention to you! !

The old man in the crowd was sweating coldly on his back.

He didn't expect it.

Summer is so tough.

"Everyone is from Maybe there will be a chance to meet in the future. If you are like this, I'm afraid you won't be able to eat in China!!!" The hall master reminded.

What he meant was simple.

Venerables give each other face and help each other.

Maybe you have something to ask me in the future.

"Then what?" Summer asked blankly.


It is impossible to get face from him.

"It seems that you don't intend to give me this face today, so let me see how much you have!" The hall master also understood that this time, things may not be good.

That being the case.

He also intends to try the other party's reality.

Even if the opponent is really stronger than him, he still has the confidence to fight.

He can't die anyway.

But if the other party is just bluffing, then you have to teach the other party a good lesson, and at the same time shock the people here.

"It's normal for him not to give you face!!" A figure fell on the ghost clan.

"Yaksha!!!" The hall master recognized him directly when he saw him: "You know him?"

"Zimo, I advise you not to provoke him. He is not something you can afford!!" When Yasha landed on the ghost clan team, the ghost clan people saluted.


This time he came forward on behalf of the ghost clan.

"Really? There are a lot of people in China that I can't afford to offend, but he is obviously not one of those people. In China, no one has to give me Zimo face!!" Can't provoke the lightest group of people.

But the man in front of him.

Obviously not among those people.

"Really?" Yasha smiled slightly: "He doesn't even give the face of the Celestial Clan, so what's the face of your child demon?"

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