The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1639: overall enhancement

The high priest's status in the Celestial Clan is at the top, but he will not speak too much to Haotian, but there will still be some differences in status, so when he speaks, he is neither humble nor arrogant.

Very imposing.


"His strength has surpassed the top line. Even if you ask others to take action, it's the same, so it's time to change the method!!!" Haotian did not reveal Xia Xia's true identity.

Although he already knew that Summer was the son of the mother tree.

And he doesn't approve of Summer's approach.

But the conversation between him and Xia Xia is a secret between the two of them.

"Even if you said that, it would be very difficult to kill him, but he has always hated my Celestial Clan very much. Even if we try to win him over, he will not agree." The high priest shook his head, although Summer has only just emerged not long ago.

But the strength shown in the summer has been very against the sky.

Such people.

It is impossible to succumb to the Celestial Clan casually.

"For someone like Xia Xia, it's useless to be hard. If you send out a stronger person, maybe he has a way to kill him, but he's just giving it away!!!" Haotian reminded.

The high priest apparently did not give up the use of force.

But Haotian has already understood a certain ability of Xia Xia.

He played against Summer twice.

Every summer can bring him great surprises.


Even him.

Can't see through summer at all.


Son of the mother tree.

Open the sea of ​​knowledge.

This kind of thing is already very bad.

But he believes that Xia Xia must have more terrifying identities and abilities than these two identities.

As for the origin of the soil.

In the eyes of others, it may be an incomparable ability to defy the sky, but in his eyes, it has always been nothing.

In Xia Tian, ​​the ability that can make him fancy is the most defiant.

"Well, since you insist on this, then I will give up the pursuit of him, but people like him are always a potential danger, especially at this time, you also know that what happened to Tianlong this time, How important it is to us, this matter cannot be sloppy!!!" The high priest's eyes were full of firmness.

Dragon thing.

It's the biggest thing about the Celestial Clan recently.

Because that would be the end of the Spiritual Art.

The final development of the power of the sky.

Know the sea!

Once this power is obtained.

The Celestial Clan will continue to dominate for hundreds of millions of years.

And the overall strength will completely surpass all other forces in China.

"I can't do anything about those things!!!" Haotian said.

"Well, it seems that we can only ask that person to come forward and investigate Xia Xia. Now we know too little about Xia Xia, and his growth rate is too fast!!!" The high priest wanted to investigate Xia Xia.

is a detailed investigation.

Instead of the simple information it used to be.

"She won't come out casually!!!" Haotian reminded.

"No way, you also know that I am a thick-skinned person. For this kind of thing, only a cheeky person like me can invite her!!!" After the high priest finished speaking, he walked out.

Watching the figure of the high priest go away.

Haotian was thoughtful.

In the end, his body also disappeared in place.


After Xia Xia left, he rushed directly to the Tiankeng. This time, he was going to see what happened to the legendary Tiankeng.

"I learned a lot of news from Haotian this time!!!" Hongfeng said with emotion.

They finally know the true identity of Xia's mother.

"In any case, I must rescue my mother!!" Xia Xia had already made up her mind.


He also understood from Haotian that his father's path was the path of failure. If he didn't go, his father would surely die.

"Although I have always felt that the sea of ​​​​knowledge is not simple, I never thought that the sea of ​​​​knowledge is such a heaven-defying existence. Now I finally understand why your father didn't let you kill the Celestial Clan. In the territory of the Celestial Clan, once you do it, They will definitely be able to discover the secrets of your sea of ​​consciousness, but they can't take away your sea of ​​consciousness, so they will definitely arrest you, try their best to study your sea of ​​consciousness, and take away the sea of ​​consciousness at all costs. !!" Hongfeng also gained a new understanding of the sea of ​​consciousness.

the former him.

Although I also feel that the ability to know the sea is very strong.

But he has always used the Sea of ​​​​Consciousness as an assistant.

until now.

He just understood.

sea ​​of ​​knowledge.

It turned out to be the legendary power of the sky.

It is the ultimate power of the Celestial Clan.

Even SkyClan values ​​it more than World Power.

"It seems that the development of the sea of ​​consciousness must be accelerated. I want to develop the sea of ​​consciousness as quickly as possible. At the same time, to improve the ability of the king of the world, I must also improve the law of the stars." Xia Xia said with emotion. .

"Master, just leave the source of soil to me to develop it!!" Xia Si's voice appeared in Xia Xia's sea of ​​consciousness.

Although the source of the earth is also very strong now.

But not the limit.

For the time being, Xia Tian only used the source of soil to develop another universe.

There is still some distance from the ninety-ninth level.

Even though he does nothing ten thousand years later, after one hundred thousand years, the origin of his earth can also grow to the ninety-nine stars of the Venerable.

But there is not so much time to wait in summer.

You must find a way to improve yourself.

"I'll leave it to you!!" Xia Tian didn't say much.


It's already part of his body.

"Then leave the sea of ​​​​knowledge to me!!" Hong Feng reminded.


"If I'm polite, I won't say more, brothers, this time, we can't fail." Xia Xia must improve himself in all aspects. Only in this way can he truly face the world of Shenzhou.

The last three years.

It was his last chance.

He had no way out.

He failed.

Then his mother would be stuck there for the rest of her life.

His father would also become a puppet without an autonomous soul.

his wives.

Can never be free from the protection of the mother.

"Tiankeng, I'm here, let me see how amazing you are!!!" Xia Xia rushed forward.


But even Haotian dare not step into the place casually, once entering here, anyone may fall.


Just stepped into the scope of the Tiankeng.

A force of thunder and lightning fell from the sky.

This is divine punishment.

Hit the summer directly.

Xia Xia did not resist, and did not let Xia Si resist, but sensed the power of lightning: "What a strong power of lightning, this has just come in, and it has such a great power, if it is an ordinary quasi-venerable, You won't even have a chance to react, you will be killed directly."

"Look in front of you, as far as the eye can see, the black clouds are rolling, and the sky seems to have a big hole. This kind of place contains endless danger!!" Hongfeng reminded.

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