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Chapter 1645: Zerg appears

"Spirit of the sea, in my eyes, there should be only this spirit in Shenzhou, the spirit of fairy beasts and spirits of fairy demons are just spirits that have been cultivated, while the spirit of the sea is the spirit of everything in the world, and the essence of heaven and earth is condensed. !!" The enchanting girl's evaluation of the spirit of the sea is very high.

"So many people want to become spirits, what will happen after they become spirits?" Xia Xia asked.

"The reason why Shenzhou has been in turmoil for so many years, even if it is the Celestial Clan, can't completely dominate Shenzhou is because we humans lack a spirit. If there is a spirit in human beings, then he is the king of human beings, the symbol of all human beings, All disputes no longer exist, he can lead mankind to go farther and higher, and he can show us the real Divine State, the real galaxy, the real universe!!!" The enchantress is obviously very yearning for this kind of thing.


She thought it was impossible for her to become a spirit in her life.

But as long as there is a spirit in Shenzhou, that's fine.


"You really like the universe, but I only like being with my family." Xia Tian smiled.

"You love your family very much!!" said the enchantress.

"I've been too selfish in my life, always abandoning them and pursuing what I want to pursue, but I haven't been able to accompany them well. If I can, after the battle of the Celestial Clan, if I can succeed by luck, then I You can accompany them." Xia Xia said.


The witch frowned.

"What's wrong?" Summer asked.

"You..." The enchantress stopped halfway through: "Say something else!!"

She hesitated, obviously wanting something important just now.

"Why, is there anything you dare not say?" Xia Tian asked.

"I guessed about 70% of your situation!!!" said the enchantress.


Xia Xia looked at the enchantress, as if waiting for the enchantress to reply.

"I don't want to say it, because this kind of thing, once it is said, there will be great danger!!!" The enchantress explained.

"Are you afraid that I will kill you?" Xia Tian asked.

"No, I'm afraid to say it, it's not a secret!!" Yaoji glanced ahead: "Just now Xi Batian doesn't know your situation!!!"

"The two of us just met."

"That's good, if even he knows, the Heavenly Clan will know it completely, and if the Heavenly Clan knows all about it, the Heavenly Clan will use the power of the whole family to attack and kill you!!" The enchantress explained.

heard here.

Summer will understand.

The witch really knew something.

if not.

She wouldn't say that anymore.

"Don't say it, you guessed it!!" Xia Xia responded.


"The timing of your appearance is too coincidental. Those people in the Celestial Clan are all old foxes. If you let them know that you want to do it at that time, they will definitely associate it!!!" Said the demon girl.

"You are very smart, I really regret letting you follow me now." Xia Xia said.

"It's far worse, most of what I know about you now is based on observation and the intelligence of my subordinates, and then analyze it, a lot of information is scattered, and I don't have any secret methods you have. See, the exploration of you for the time being has not yet been fully formed!!!" It is not so easy for the enchantress to become a priest of the Celestial Clan.

Although her seduction technique is powerful, it is impossible for her to become a priest of the Celestial Clan with seduction alone.


The Thunder of Heaven's Punishment was continuously inhaled into Xia's body.

"There is a situation ahead!!!" Xia Xia's body moved and flew forward quickly.

This is the direction that Xi Batian just flew over. Now that there is movement in that direction, there must be something major happening.

if not.

With Xi Batian's methods, it is impossible to make such a loud noise.

that's it.

They flew forward quickly.


As they rushed past, Summer saw a group of monsters.

"Zerg?" The enchanting girl's eyes widened, apparently seeing something incredible: "What's going on? Why did the Zerg appear in Shenzhou."

"I don't know, I accidentally touched the box just now, and then they ran out!!!" Xi Batian obviously couldn't understand what was going on and why so many Zerg suddenly appeared.

"How many, and how strong is it?" Yaoji asked.

"A lot, I have killed tens of thousands of them, but the level is not high, the strongest one is only three stars!!" Xi Batian explained.

The enchantress glanced at Xia Xia: "The cosmic Zerg can be divided into one to ten stars, the first star is the most common Zerg, which can be compared with humans with more than 50,000 points of law power; the second star, can be compared to the law's power of eight Humans with 10,000 to 100,000 points; the third star is the human strength of 100,000 to 150,000 points of the power of law."


Xia Tian nodded slightly: "It's not very strong!!"

"Come and try!!!" Xi Batian nodded slightly to Xia Xia, obviously wanting to let Xia Xia and Zerg play the same

He also wanted to let Xia Xia see the power of the Zerg.

"I said it's only in the case of equality, not that a human of that level can defeat the Zerg. The Zerg is stronger than humans in terms of armor and supply." The witch reminded.


Summer is also directly rushed past.

"Be careful of being bitten, many of them are poisonous!!!" Xi Batian reminded.


But soon, they were all stunned.

When Xia Xia came to the Zerg, the Zerg actually began to tremble. The Zerg who were originally fierce, as if they were going to devour the world, are now lying there honestly.


Summer is about to start.

Those Zerg seem to have received some orders.

One by one they started to explode.

But they all protect the power of self-destruction in the middle.

Simply put.

is suicide.

"How could this be?" Xi Batian and Yaoji looked at each other.

They didn't understand what was going on. They wanted to see surprise in Xia Xia's eyes just now, but now, they were shocked by such a scene.

Such a thing.

Completely beyond their comprehension.

"It's not very strong!!" Xia Xia looked at the two of them in confusion.

"This..." Xi Batian didn't know how to explain for a while.

"It's strange, why did they tremble just now, were afraid, and even committed suicide as if they had received an order." Although the enchantress has a lot of knowledge and strong analytical skills.

But even she couldn't understand what was going on.

"Let's see what's going on with this box first!!!" Xia Tian suggested.

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