The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1651: Divine Thunder

This trick, used in other places, has almost no great power, but it is different here.


Gathered countless thunder.

It can be said.

The entire Tiankeng area.

It is to be shrouded in divine punishment.


for a while.

The thunderclouds rolled, and it seemed that the heaven and the earth were about to be pierced.

The entire space was blocked by lightning.

"No, we are all within the attack range!!!" Yaoji hurriedly shouted.

"Protect this place first and not be threatened!!!" the high priest shouted.

There are still so many Zerg boxes below, and their people are investigating. At this time, if the thunder penalty is directly smashed, those Zerg will be directly freed from the bondage, and it will be troublesome at that time.

for a while.

Except for the masters who went down.

Others have begun to put up strong defenses.

Cover their space.

"We are not the main battlefield here, and the thunder penalty won't be too big!!" Xi Batian reminded.

at the same time.

Endless flames soared into the sky.

Straight to the sky.

As if to burn the dark clouds in the sky.


Lightning fell.

The flames dissipated instantly.


The defensive hoods below were directly split open! !

"What?" Everyone's face changed.

At the beginning, they all thought that they were not the main battlefield, so the thunder penalty they received would not be too strong, but now, this thunder penalty directly broke their defenses.

This is not right.

"Are we also the main battlefield here?" Someone suddenly asked.

"No, we are not the main battlefield!!!" Xi Batian's eyes turned to the main battlefield.

Not where the main battlefield is.

Thunder penalty is already so terrifying.

A thunder.

break their defenses.

How terrifying would the thunder penalty on the main battlefield be?

boom! boom! boom!

At this point they see.

On the main battlefield.

One after another, the Heavenly Punishment fell, twice the size of the Heavenly Thunder here, and it fell ten times faster than here.

"Damn, what kind of ability does he have?" Xi Batian looked at the enchantress.

"External force, this does not belong to his own ability, but he mobilized the thunder penalty here in Tiankeng. You also know that here in Tiankeng, the biggest existence against the sky contains the strongest revenge in the spiritual world. Punishment is also one of the most terrifying places in the entire Shenzhou. He is now mobilizing all the thunder penalties here, if it continues like this, maybe the thunder and penalties of the entire Tiankeng will be attracted by him!" Yaoji explained.

"King Tiansu, kill him!!!" the high priest shouted.

He could also imagine what the consequences would be if he continued to attract Thunder Punishment.

By the time.

The situation here is completely out of control.


At this time, the situation of King Tiansu here is not good.

The power of thunder.

It is the purest and most yang existence in this world.

such a powerful force.

Even if his strength is strong, he cannot withstand such a terrifying force at this time. He simply does not dare to use his own strength to bear the thunder penalty, let alone resist the thunder penalty. He can only use the beast transformation to resolve the thunder penalty.

"Damn, why such a big purple thunder." King Tiansu didn't even have the ability to resist at this time.

Just dodge.


The situation in the others was not very good, and they did not dare to carry the attack of Zi Lei.

They had all heard the order of the high priest just now.

But now.

They can't do anything at all.


A broken star hit Xia Tian directly.

However, it was blocked by the ability to be silent.

Shays now.

It is already an emperor-level tenth-grade Qiansi beast, and its defensive power has become very terrifying. Coupled with the blessing of the silent ability, it can be said that it is very easy to block the blow of this broken star.

"I blocked this blow before, and I couldn't recover it in a short time. Now, as long as I control my strength, blocking this blow is no longer a problem!!!"

rather than hard.

This will also cause much less damage to himself.


Around this summer, it has become a thunder and lightning purgatory.


The purple lightning is getting bigger and bigger.

"Damn, it can't go on like this, you find an opportunity to attack him at the same time, attack him from different angles, and break his silence!!!" the battle priest Tiansu Wang shouted.


They are very passive.

If it continues like this.

Summer occupies all kinds of places, and maybe what will happen later.


at the same time.

The more than 20 masters around began to look for opportunities to attack Xia Xia.

"Have you forgotten the source of the earth?" The moment they launched the attack, the powerful source of the earth was instantly attacked around their bodies.

That's right.

Summer is not just for thunder.


The Law of the Sun is activated at the same time.


Summer's body disappeared in place.

Immortal explosion eight thousand times!

Destroy the fairy finger! ! !

Another opportunity was found, Xia Xia directly launched his own attack and killed one of the masters these people.

As long as summer is given a chance, that summer will never miss this opportunity. As long as the speed of their beastization is a little slower, or just lifted, that is the best time to attack in summer.

"Xiamen, I must kill you!!" King Tiansu saw that Xia could kill his subordinates in front of him.

very depressed.

When had he been so wronged?

"If you really have the ability, you don't have to use beastification to defuse my attacks all the time!!" Xia Xia said very rudely.


King Tiansu snorted heavily, and at the same time his body disappeared in place. When he reappeared, he had already killed Xia Xia.


A strong blow hit directly.

"Do you know what the cage of the world is?" King Tiansu killed Xia Xia.

at the same time.

His entire body turned into endless rays of light, and these rays of light were intertwined around the summer.


"No, his attack is not as simple as it seems, but a divine attack!!!" Hong Feng hurriedly reminded.

"Soul art!!" Xia Tian thought of this.

Heavenly Clan Supreme Cheats.

It can be said.

This is the strongest ability of the Celestial Clan. Normally, only the High Priest is qualified to comprehend the most core strength, but King Tiansu has already begun to comprehend the highest level of Divine Soul Art because of countless meritorious deeds.


His real killer move is in the divine soul technique, and he wants to kill Xia Xia's divine soul silently.


This time, he encountered the ancestor of Divine Soul Art.

That is the power of the sea of ​​consciousness.

The purest power of heaven.

"It seems that the opportunity to kill the priest has not been lost!!!"

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