The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1663: 3 to 1

After flame drying.

The basalt armor has become extremely strong.

Boom! !

Although the temperature of the flame was high, it failed to shatter the Xuanwu armor.

The attack of Tianshamu instantly hit the ancient fire phoenix.

"Success!!!" Seeing that their combo was successful, Xi Batian was also very excited, as happy as a child.

No matter what level of person, when encountering such a situation, it is impossible not to be excited.

Played for so long.

He barely did any damage to the ancient fire phoenix.

Now his chorus with Summer is working.

on behalf of.

They still hope to defeat the ancient fire phoenix in front of them.

"No!!" Summer reminded.


Hearing Xia Xia's words, Xi Batian was taken aback: "No?"

His attack had already hit the ancient fire phoenix head-on, how could it not have worked? You know, this is his attack of the gods, and it is the strongest wood attack he has mastered.

Such a powerful attack.

Hit the front.

Can't defeat the ancient fire phoenix?

The smoke dissipated.

The power of the combined attack has been shattered.

On the body of the ancient fire phoenix, a set of flame armor also appeared. This flame armor is very similar to the basalt armor on the wooden dragon just now.

"This..." Xi Batian looked at the enchanting girl behind in confusion: "What's going on?"

He suddenly found out.

I really underestimate this ancient fire phoenix.

When the war just started.

He also thinks that he can easily win by himself.

After playing for a while, he found that it might be a little difficult for him to take down the opponent.

Help in the summer.

Although he is very grateful.

But the arrogance in his heart was still there. He always believed that even without Xia's help, he should be able to defeat the ancient fire phoenix.

But now.

When the strength of the ancient fire phoenix really showed, he realized that without Xia's help.

He will be defeated here.

"He should not be a creature of Shenzhou, nor just an ancient fire phoenix!!" The enchantress reminded.

She knows China very well.

If the ancient fire phoenix in front of her is really something of the Divine State, then she will definitely be able to understand. From the attack of the ancient fire phoenix now, it can be seen that this ancient fire phoenix is ​​the same as the ancient fire phoenix she knows. It's completely different.

Regardless of the level of fire.

Still from the attack.

Still on defense.

Too bad.


Although an ancient fire phoenix is ​​powerful, with the strength of Xi Batian, even if it is not at his home court, he should be able to easily defeat it.

But now.

Xia Xia and Xi Batian joined forces.

Only then did he force out the true strength of this ancient fire phoenix.

It's not that simple.

"I said, the three of you come together, one or two is not enough for me to stick between my teeth!!" The ancient fire phoenix said with great disdain.

Xi Batian was very upset: "We were actually looked down upon by a beast!!

This kind of thing is for him.

Just very depressing.

The three of them, in Shenzhou, are all top-notch experts, but now, the ancient fire phoenix in front of them actually looks down on them so much.

"It seems that it is not that easy to defeat him. We must first understand what kind of breed he is, and then understand his ability, what level his attack and defense belong to, so that we can have a chance to defeat him. Xia Xia didn't get angry or surprised, what he was thinking about now was how to defeat the ancient fire phoenix in front of him.

That's what sets him apart from other opponents.

other top players.

All look good.

As soon as they encounter some incredible power, they are very surprised.

Available in summer.

There is always only one question in mind: if you kill the other party.

"You're really different!!" The enchantress has been observing Xia Xia, so she also discovered the details of Xia Xia.

things that others notice.

It's totally different from what I noticed in the summer.

"Do you want to help?" Xia Tian asked.

"Do you really want the three of us to join forces?" Yaoji asked in confusion.

"Without a thorough understanding of him, no matter if it's two people or three people, you can't actually beat him, but going up together can speed up my understanding of him!!" Xia Xia explained.


hear him.

The enchantress was not polite: "Then I'll try it out, what's so special about this ancient fire phoenix!!"

Her body began to change gradually.

Fluff appeared on the face.

The body starts to get bigger.

Revered beast!

She directly released the state of the beast.

Of course.

She is not only to prevent being killed, but also to create a more powerful attack, after all, the opponent is a big man.

Although the current size of the ancient fire phoenix is ​​not like those big immortal beasts of millions of feet, he is also thousands of feet tall.

And all of them are concentrated essence power.

So if she uses her small body to fight, she will suffer some losses.


A hundred-tailed celestial fox appeared in front of Xia Xia, and it was a thousand feet tall: "Then give it a try!!"


Xi Batian clapped his hands.

His body also began to change.

Golden Light! !

His body also grew to a thousand feet tall.

at the same time.

His right hand grabbed.

Heaven kills the wood, subdues the magic pestle! !

"Since you underestimate my master in China, let me see how talented you are as a beast!!!"

Both of them showed their great strength.


Summer's hands clapped together.

The origin of soil.

The Law of the Moon!

Xuanwu armor! ! !

In an instant, the hundred-tailed celestial fox and the giant Asura were all wearing a complete set of basalt armor.

The law of the day! !

at the same time.

The tail and claws of the hundred-tailed celestial fox are all covered with a layer of flame, which is an ice-blue flame.

On the demon pestle in Asura's hand, an ice-blue flame was also lit.

And the hands of summer.

Tianhan sword appeared there.

Hongfeng also appeared behind him at the same time: "Come on, let him see how good we are!!"

three people.

with full force.

Next, they will have a real contest with this hundred-tailed celestial fox, and let the hundred-tailed celestial fox see how many kilograms the human masters in China have.

"That's what it looks like!!!" Flames erupted from the eyes of the ancient fire phoenix.

He got excited too.

it's here.

He is like a king.

No one can compete with him.


Finally someone could make him feel a little bit of excitement.

The endless flames fell overwhelmingly at this moment.

"We're up!!" Summer shouted.


The three of them rushed up like this.

The Tianhan Sword in Xia Xia's hand instantly turned into an ice-blue light of thousands of meters, slashing towards the flames ahead.

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