The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1673: summer hit

[Net] The best all-around master heard the words of the enchantress.

Xi Batian also stopped, they are all smart people, they don't need to say everything clearly: "You mean, Mr. Xia knows there will be danger, so he deliberately leaves us."

"Yes." The enchantress nodded.

"Go back" Xi Batian is not a wolf-hearted person, Xia Xia helped him, if at this time.

If he just ran away.

Is he still a man?

The two kept going.

If it weren't for the fact that the ancient fire phoenix was very angry when they pursued this time and left no traces, it would be really difficult for the two of them to catch up.

that's it.

It took them ten days to catch up with the summer.

When they saw it.

Summer is standing there completely, motionless.

"What's the matter?" Xi Batian asked.

"Illusion," the demon girl reminded.

"Illusionary" Xi Batian was taken aback for a moment: "Even your seduction technique can't let him be recruited, how can ordinary illusion techniques let him be recruited."

Although he didn't know Xia Xia for a long time, he also knew Xia Xia's ability, normal illusion, it is impossible for Xia Xia to be tricked.

"This is the illusion technique used by the ancient fire phoenix. The power really shouldn't be stronger than my seduction technique, but looking at his current appearance, he should be deeply caught in it. If he continues like this, his soul will be hooked out. In that case, he will surely die." Yaoji also frowned.

She is very clear.

Illusion and seduction are the same.

Once hit.

How dire the consequences.

"I really don't understand, why is he immersed in illusion and can't get out?" Xi Batian still didn't quite understand.

If the other party is using absolute strength to crush Xia Xia, he has nothing to say, but now the other party uses only illusions. Normally, such illusions should not cause such pressure on Xia.

"It's not that I can't come out, it's that I don't want to come out," the enchantress explained.

"I don't want to come out" Xi Batian frowned: "What's going on?"

"What else can happen, the illusion of the ancient fire phoenix inadvertently touched his weakness and made him fall into it. He knew it was an illusion, but he was willing to stay in the illusion and didn't want to come out." Understand what's going on.

Xia Xia can be indifferent under her charm.

How could it be possible to fall into such an illusion casually.

The only explanation is.

I don't want to come out in summer.

She had encountered such a thing before.

She still remembers that opponent now. She has been running around for her younger brother all her life, but his younger brother died at the hands of the Celestial Clan. He fought against the Celestial Clan step by step by relying on his own ability. Finally, the Celestial Clan asked her to come forward. At that time, her seduction did not let the other party get caught, but in the end, based on the information she investigated, she successfully used his brother's incarnation to get him caught.

She also understood at the time.

The other party actually knew that he had fallen into an illusion.

But the other party just didn't want to leave that illusion.

In the end, he was beheaded by other experts of the Celestial Clan.

This thing is very similar to the current summer situation.

"I didn't expect that a person like him would actually have weaknesses." Xi Batian thought it was incredible. In his eyes, Xia Xia had always been the kind of real powerhouse.

An existence that is not afraid of heaven and earth in China.

But now he found out.

There are also weaknesses in summer.

"Everyone has their own weaknesses, it's just that you haven't found them. The ancient fire phoenix certainly couldn't find Xia's weaknesses, but he succeeded unintentionally." Yaoji said with emotion.

"Then what should we do, we can't just watch him get hit?" Xi Batian asked anxiously.

"It is impossible to wake up a person who is pretending to be asleep, so what we can do now is very simple, that is, find the body of the ancient fire phoenix and attack him, in this case, he cannot continue to use illusions , you can get out of this state in summer." The enchantress reminded.


Xi Batian's eyes quickly patrolled around.

There was a determined look on his face.

at this time.

It's totally a sea of ​​fire here.

A very huge space, swallowed by flames.


He also walked directly into the sea of ​​​​fire.

If he wants to know where the ancient fire phoenix is, it is definitely unrealistic to rush to find it, so what he has to do now is very simple, that is, find the ancient fire phoenix according to the strength of the flame.

Since the ancient fire phoenix is ​​using illusion, the flames around his body must be the strongest.


In order to better sense the change of the flame.

Xi Batian did not release any armor.

But rely on their own flesh to distinguish.

In this way, the location of the ancient fire phoenix can be found more accurately.


After searching in the flames for a long time, scars began to appear on Xi Batian's body.

The enchantress is also looking for it on the periphery. Although the speed of her searching will be much slower, it is better than waiting.

that's it.

Xiba Tian searched for half a day.


When his body was about to become coke, he found the ancient fire phoenix.

goddamn wood

wood dragon

Xi Batian's attack directly smashed out.


call out

After the body of the ancient fire phoenix was attacked, he also rose to the sky for the first time.

at the same time.

His illusion was lifted.

standing there in summer.

Close your eyes.

Tears flowed from the corners of his eyes.

"He cried" Yaoji looked at the tears in Xia Xia's eyes and didn't know what to think.

In her eyes, Xia Xia is a very strong person, even in the face of a behemoth like Tian Clan, Xia Xia has never admitted the slightest bit of counsel, but now, Xia Xia will actually cry.

He also has a vulnerable side.

"It's you again!" When the ancient fire phoenix saw Xibatian and Yaoji, an angry expression appeared on his face.

on his claws.

Instantly filled with flames.

Directly grabbed Xi Batian.

The current Xi Batian looked scarred, and it was the perfect opportunity to raid him.


The powerful impact seemed to crush Xi Batian completely. If he was hit head-on by this Xi Batian would definitely die.


Xi Batian also wanted to defuse the attack.

But he just suffered too many flame attacks, so his current physical condition is very poor.

in such a short time.

Can't move at all.

"Be careful," the enchantress shouted hurriedly.

She also ran over for the first time, but her position was still far from Xibatian, so it was too late.


Xi Batian will be completely destroyed by this blow.


A figure appeared in front of Xi Batian.

His eyes slowly opened, and he looked at the ancient fire phoenix in front of him: "Reincarnation"

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