The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1675: walk the path

"Don't use this aggressive method!!" Xia Xia shook his head.

The enchantress said so, how could he not hear it.

"Then what can I do? Seduce?" The enchantress asked.

Summer can only smile bitterly.

"I've decided to accompany you on this trip, as long as you don't think I'm a burden!!" Xi Batian said very firmly.


in China.

Who would dislike Xibatian as a burden?

It's like a joke.

Shenzhou's peak combat power.

One of the Big Four.

"Okay, let's go together then." Xia Tian smiled slightly.

Although he doesn't want to implicate these two people, since the two people's attitudes are so firm, let's go together first. If he really encounters big trouble, even if he exposes his rambunctiousness, he will take people away. .

"You still have a little conscience!" The demon girl's every move is beyond what ordinary people can handle.

Xi Batian's solution is to never go to see the enchantress, even when talking to the enchantress.

He doesn't look either.

Summer is fine, but you can't keep staring at the enchantress.

Otherwise, even the enchantress does not take the initiative.

will also fall.

that's it.

A three-person team rushed forward like this.

Such a three-person team is definitely not common in China, and it can even be said that it will not happen once in tens of thousands of years.

"Since the three of us are going to act together, then I must first talk about my rules. If you don't agree, you can separate now. You help me in the summer, I will definitely keep it in my heart, if I need anything in the future You can find me anywhere, as long as it doesn't violate the principle, I will agree!!" Xia Xia said very seriously.

No matter how familiar they are.

this kind of thing.

He had to make things clear, otherwise something special happened later that would affect their relationship.

And it can also bring unexpected disasters to the team.

"Okay, please say it!" Xi Batian said very seriously.

"When we formed a team, sometimes, my judgment could not be explained to you, but you must trust my judgment. If I say go, you must go, especially when some treasures appear, if I say no If you go, you must not go!!" Summer was very serious.

this kind of thing.

Not to be sloppy.

"To put it simply, let us listen to you!!" The enchanting girl pouted.

"We originally wanted to go in and out with you, so naturally we wanted to listen to you. If we listened to us, we wouldn't be able to get inside!!" Xi Batian knew how much he weighed.

If he can rely on his own ability to enter into it, then.

Then he could have solved the secret here long ago.

Since Xia Xia is a special person, then they follow Xia Xia, maybe they really have a chance to find out.

"Okay, then let's go in!!!" Xia Xia understood that the road ahead was not that simple.

He was not alone with his own life on his shoulders.

He also took the lives of two other people on his shoulders.

"Finally, I can see what secrets there are in the legendary Tiankeng." Yaoji usually wouldn't dare to come to such a dangerous place, but she was very curious about this world.

Anything that piqued her curiosity.

She wanted to take a look.

in this legend.

What is so strange about the most dangerous place in China?

"Go!" Summer flew in like this.

"Your route is not easy!!" Xi Batian flew for a while and found that the route in summer seemed to be different from the safe place they normally thought.

"This is the route that a friend of mine told me. It can quickly reach the inside of the Tiankeng, but this route was taken by him a long time ago, so there should be a chance!" Xia Xia is not sure whether this route is really safe or not. , can you go on?

But he still wanted to try.


This is the closest way to the Tiankeng Center.

other way.

Even if you walk for thousands of years, you will not be able to reach the core area.

And here he can't use teleportation and the source of soil casually.

In case you accidentally fall into desperation.

He won't even have a chance to react, and he will die directly.

He still has to be careful about this.

"And this kind of thing, it seems that the people you know are all amazing people!!" Xi Batian said with emotion.

They have been in China for so long.

Didn't even know there was such a thing.

"Aren't you amazing people?" Xia Tian smiled slightly.

That's right.

People like Xibatian and Yaoji are truly amazing people.

"Here in Tiankeng, there are actually a lot of secrets hidden. At the beginning, it may only be related to the spiritual world, but later, because this is a desperate place and a dangerous place, many people who were hunted and killed all ran here, and they also carried A lot of secrets have been revealed, which makes the originally very mysterious Tiankeng hide more secrets." The enchantress explained.

Although she has never really entered the inside of the, there are still many records about the Tiankeng in the Tianzu.

Those records she usually likes to read.


She is a person who likes to explore very much, but with the improvement of her strength, coupled with her charm, she hardly needs to do anything by herself, and countless people will do it for her. It's getting easier and simpler, because she has the support of the Celestial Clan.

Gradually, she lost that sense of adventure.

Although dangerous.

But there are always unexpected rewards.

"We Sibatian broke into Tiankeng together before. At that time, Vaughn believed that we had the power of the source, and even if we were in danger, we could retreat completely, but that time, the four of us almost all Accident, this is also the reason why I dare not use the power of the source casually!!" Xi Batian recalled.

"What's the big danger?" Xia Xia asked very curiously.

"It's space, we were almost involved in the turbulent flow of space!!" Xi Batian explained.

"The space here has been destroyed, right!!" Xia Xia said.

"No, it's not destruction, but the space here is constantly changing. Although this change should be random for the time being, what if this change can become active in the future?" Xi Batian expressed their conjecture at the time.

This is the thing that scares them the most.

If this change can become active, then the other party can kill them silently.

At the moment when they use the power of the source to teleport, the other party uses the space change, and their teleportation will directly enter the time and space turbulence.

"Become active!!!" Xia Tian's eyes lit up.

He seemed to have caught something.

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