The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1685: Xibatian's determination

Tu Ling is very excited now. He has waited for so many years, just to wait for a real destined person, so that he can pass on everything about himself to the other party, but it is too difficult to wait for such a destined person.


There are very few people who can come here.

And among those who come in, only those who possess the origin of the earth can accept everything from him.

What are the odds of this?

He even thought that it was impossible for him to have that fate in his life.

Everything that he fantasized about will eventually come to nothing.

But just when his remnant soul was about to dissipate, Xia Xia appeared, which made him very much want to give everything he had to Xia Xia.

Use everything you fantasize about.

"All that is left to Senior Earth Spirit." Xia Xia naturally wouldn't be polite.

Since he has met someone like Tu Ling, it means that this is their fate, and he will cherish this fate.

Of course.

Xia Xia is not the kind of person who doesn't know how to be grateful. If Tu Ling wants to help him wholeheartedly, then he will also help Tu Ling resurrect.

The origin of the earth!

Xia Xia handed over the source of his soil completely, handed it directly to the soil spirit, and let him control it completely, and in the sea of ​​​​knowledge, he opened up a separate space for him, allowing him to play freely in it.

"It's amazing, there are such terrifying things in this world!!" When Tu Ling saw Xia Xia's Sea of ​​Consciousness, he was also extremely shocked.

He never thought of it.

Summer can still have such a terrifying ability.

This allows him to completely let go of his hands and feet and go for a big fight.


Xia Tian let out a sigh of relief, and his eyes also looked in front of him: "Continue on the road!!"

at this time.

Xia Xia didn't know that it was not peaceful outside the canyon. Although Xi Batian was guarding there, the Demon Race team had already rushed over, and this time four people came, and one of them was the one who had just escaped.

"Three fifth echelons, one fourth echelon!!" As soon as Xi Batian saw these people, he knew their identities.

Probably also guessed their strength.

It seems.

This time.

These people from the Demon Race came prepared.

"The top warrior of the demon race, I have seen Mr. Wuzang!!" The man in the lead bowed his hands.

People in Shenzhou are still very disciplined. Generally, when they see such a master or senior, they will salut. No matter what happens afterward, they should be respectful at the beginning.

The other scattered people also bowed their hands one after another.

"Senior warrior of the demon race, Wude, Wuqing, Wuyang have seen Mr.!!"


Xi Batian nodded slightly: "Why, do you think that with the four of you joining forces, you can get past me?"

"Sir, we came to a place like Tiankeng to find some real heaven and earth spiritual treasures, real opportunities. Now that we know that there are real opportunities, we can't just give up, if you must stop it, sir. Us, then we can only offend you temporarily, and I will apologize to you later!!" Izang said very politely.

In fact, China has always had a rule.

That is when everyone is robbing treasures, no matter how fierce the fight is, as long as it is later, this kind of thing is not allowed to be mentioned again.

Because of that.

It will be very rude.

And the hatred will continue to deepen.

So everyone wants it.

Treasure conflict can be separated from hatred.

"I'm here, and none of you can go there!!" Xi Batian said firmly.


Endless vajra trees rose from below the ground.

Directly seal the entire entrance.

"As expected of the legendary Four Batian, today our brothers also want to experience Mr.'s skills!" After the three people finished speaking, they landed directly around Xi Batian and surrounded Xi Batian. stand up.


Wu Zang, who led the team, did not come.

"It turns out that you guys are trying to delay me temporarily with three people, and then buy him time to let him break through!!" Xi Batian had already seen their thoughts.

"Sir, we know you are strong, but you can't stop us!!!" After the three people finished speaking, they started directly.

God kill wood!

Spiked Cage!


Around the body of the three people, the most lethal Heavenly Killing Wood appeared in an instant!

at the same time.

Xi Batian's body disappeared in place and appeared directly in front of Wu Zang who was about to charge forward.


One kick kicked Wuzang out: "I said, no one can pass by with me!!!"

Wu Zang got up slowly, with an excited look on his face: "As expected of the legendary Xi Batian, his strength is indeed extraordinary."

"This is just the beginning!!" Xi Batian responded.

"Really?" A smile appeared on Wu Zang's face.

Directly rushed to Xibatian.

"No!" Xi Batian finally felt that the situation was not right. Just now he thought that Wu Zang wanted to let three people hold him, and then Wu Zang rushed over, but at this time he finally realized that it was Wu Zang who wanted to stop him. He, give him the illusion that he wants to rush in, then drag him and buy time for the other If the other three rush in from three different directions, then he wants to get out now It's hard to stop three people.

"Don't think about it!!" Xi Batian bounced Wu Zang away directly.

at the same time.

Two of them were knocked out.

But there was still one person who broke through his defense and wanted to rush into the canyon.

"Sir, you can't stop us, let's give up!!" Wu Zang shouted loudly.

"Really? Then I'll kill you, and I'll see if he can come back to rescue you!!!" Xi Batian's expression turned cold. Under normal circumstances, they would rarely kill them. The other party, but now Xi Batian's murderous aura showed his determination.

It's summer in there.

He promised the summer that he wouldn't let anyone in.

But now.

Someone wants to break in.

This naturally made him completely explode.

He is Xibatian.

One of China's top combat powers.

The master of the third echelon.


Wu Zang obviously didn't expect Xi Batian to be so angry: "Sir, treasure is also the dream of us people. Although I don't know why you are so angry, we will never give up easily!!"

"it is good!"

"I promise, from now on, when you see someone from your Demon Race, see one and kill one!!" Xi Batian was completely furious.

This time, Izang was also stunned.

Although there will be some friction when stealing treasures, it will not come to this stage.


The person who had already broken through obviously didn't mean to stop: "If the king is defeated, what if it is Xi Batian?"


at this time.

A beautiful figure appeared in front of everyone: "Am I beautiful?"

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