The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1696: Summer VS Inhumans

"Hundred Stars?" Yiren Zun was also stunned when he saw this scene.

Four Tyrants.

They are all ninety-nine stars.

And if there is no accident, the four of them will not be able to break through the hundred stars in this life, and their realm will stop there.

But now.

Xi Batian actually broke through to 100 stars.

The power of the source breaks through the hundred stars, and it will be another world.

Just now he looked down on Xi Batian.

But now.

Xi Batian actually broke through the hundred stars just like him.

And after the power of the source breaks through the hundred stars, the upper limit is obviously higher, and the strength of Xibatian in the future will definitely be unlimited.

"How did he do it?" Inhuman Zun has not recovered from the shock.

He couldn't figure it out.

How did Xi Batian break through?

over the years.

Those who have never obtained the power of the source can break through 100 stars, and the ninety-nine stars are their limit. If they want to improve their strength, they must rely on external forces to continue, because they can no longer break through.

From now on.

Inside the second echelon of China.

Just one more person.

The masters of other major sources of power will definitely come to the door one after another. Whether it is to ask for it or use other methods, they will definitely want to get a breakthrough from Xibatian.

"Can't I break through Hundred Stars?" Xi Batian asked, looking at the night ghost in front of him.

He likes the expressions of Night Ghost and Inren Zun very much.

They looked down on themselves before, thinking that they had their current strength and status by relying on the power of the source, but now, breaking through the Hundred Stars is completely different.

"How is this possible?" Ye Gui kept shaking his head.

Obviously he still can't believe what he is seeing now.


Xi Batian is now the first person to break through the power of the source of Shenzhou.

Although Demon Venerable is also a person who breaks through the power of the source, but Demon Venerable itself is not a person of this era, and the source power possessed by Demon Venerable is different from the five sources.

It can be said.

From now on.

Xibatian's status in China will undergo earth-shaking changes.

Even they have to make good friends with Xi Batian.

Because maybe there will be something to ask Xibatian in the future.

"Since everyone is in the same echelon, there's no need to fight anymore!!" Ye Gui was thinking of using his own realm to crush Xibatian, but now it seems that his realm is simply not enough. It is impossible to crush Xibatian.

If the two really fight.

It's hard to be victorious.

And here is a sinkhole.

If you consume too much, maybe something unforeseen will happen later.

He also didn't want to waste time and energy.

Shenzhou is actually like that.

Generally everyone met.

Rarely do they really work hard with each other, they see it almost the same, give each other a step, give each other face, and this matter will pass.

"You said you won't fight if you don't fight?" Xi Batian looked at Xia Tian.

In his opinion.


The right to speak should be on Xia Xia, not on Ye Gui.

"You just broke through 100 stars, and although you entered the second echelon, there is still a certain gap between you and me. If I say no to fight, I already give you a lot of face. If you really want to fight, I'm not afraid of you. And I still have Inhuman Venerable here, two masters of the second echelon, do you think you can handle it?" Ye Gui directly used equal strength to suppress Xi Batian.

That's right.

The two masters of the second echelon are there.

There is only one person in Xibatian.

How can you compete with them.

"Really?" Xi Batian looked at Xia Xia: "How do you say it?"

"You just broke through, don't you want to try your current strength?" Xia Xia asked.

"You still know me!!" Xi Batian rushed forward without talking nonsense.

He already understood what summer meant.

Deal with these people.

Without a fight, they will always think they are afraid of them.

In the past, I was not at the same level as the other party, but now it is different. I have successfully entered the same level as the other party. Then I have to let the other party understand that I am no longer the person who can be looked down upon by the other party. .


Xi Batian's attack just hit Ye Gui's body abruptly.

"Xi Batian, I've given you enough face, you don't know what's wrong!!" Ye Gui didn't want to fight.

he thinks.

He had just given Xi Batian face.

As long as Xibatian continues, then they don't have to fight.

But now.

Xi Batian actually killed him directly.

There was a slight smile on Yirenzun's face: "Don't you understand? He seems to listen to Xia Xia very much, that is to say, the thief should be the king first!"


He directly killed the Inhuman Venerable.

at the same time.

He also gave part of his attention to the enchanting girl.

Although there is still some gap between the enchantress and him.

But the enchantress is also a master of the fourth echelon after all.

If suddenly attacked.

It will also cause him a lot of damage.

"I'm still thinking about distraction at this time, you must be underestimating me!!" Xia Xia naturally saw the distraction of the Bang!


Before Inhuman's attack hit Xia Xia, his body was already knocked into the air.


"What's going on?" He just didn't understand what was going on.

The body was knocked out.

according to his calculations.

His position just now should not be hit by summer.

"Don't you want to capture the king?" Xia Xia looked at the Inhuman Venerable in front of him with great interest: "You can't capture me with this little skill!!!"

The enchantress also stood aside to watch the play: "Don't count me, deal with the two of you, if I still intervene, I will definitely laugh at me in the summer!!!"

Her attitude is simple.

That's two to two.

They were not afraid at all.

Xia Xia and Xi Batian have to face two second-tier masters at the same time?

This made Inhuman Zun and Night Ghost very puzzled.

Although Xi Batian has already broken through to the second echelon, he has just broken through after all, and his overall strength is simply impossible to compare with Ye Gui, and Xia Xia is just a little more means. It's not too long, it's already good for the third echelon.

The difference should be huge.


Xia Xia's body moved, and he came directly to the side of Inhuman Venerable.

Gravity soil!

The endless sand directly wrapped the body of Inhuman Venerable.

"Not good!!!" Inhuman Zun suddenly had an ominous premonition.


He also started to retreat for the first time, dodging Xia Xia's powerful attack.

at the same time.

His eyes looked at Xia Xia's forehead.

The forehead of this summer.

There is a Xuanwu mark.

"You have also broken through the hundred stars!!!" Yiren Zun looked at the summer in front of him in shock.

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