The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1698: 3 strokes

Hard and soft!

This is the way of summer. If he has to push the opponent, it will be very dangerous to jump over the wall, let alone two top players in the second echelon.

And there are also the existence of Xi Batian and Yao Ji.

He didn't want these two to be hurt.

If it is his own words.

He didn't care about fighting with each other.

"Three moves?" Yiren Zun was taken aback.

"Yes, within three moves, I stand still, even if you only hurt my clothes, you will win!!" Xia Tian said directly.

"Okay, it's a deal!!" Irenzun felt that this was a very good opportunity.

Although Xia Xia is now Venerable Hundred Stars.

It was almost impossible for him to kill Xia Xia, but the three moves Xia Xia stood still and let him fight, how could he not even hurt Xia Xia's clothes.

"Yes!" Summer nodded slightly.

He has already given the other party a chance. If Yirenzun loses this time, if Yirenzun dares to be a rogue again, Xia Xia will definitely not talk nonsense with him again.

Just start dry.

But people want faces and trees want bark.

A person with the identity of Yiren Zun also wants to be humiliated, and he must be embarrassed to say anything else.

"I want to see how you, the boy who just broke through the hundred stars, can withstand the three moves of the Inhuman Reverence!!" Ye Gui also looked like a good show.

Xi Batian didn't say anything, he supported all the decisions Xia Xia made.

The enchantress can only watch the play.

As long as it's not a team fight, she can't interfere casually.

Because this is a top-level collision.

She stepped in.

That would be tantamount to insulting people.


"I didn't expect that I would have this day too!" Yaoji always thought that she was already a top expert in China. Usually, when she came out, she was the kind of expert who was sitting in town, but now she is here, but she has become a theatergoer. .

we can even say.

She doesn't even have the qualifications to do it.

"Come on!" Summer shouted.

"Okay, then I'll let you see how much the gap between you and me is!!" Yiren Zun believes that although Xia Xia has already entered the ranks of his level, Xia Xia is always just a person who has just entered. He is different from a veteran player like him.

He is an overall increase in strength.

And summer.

Can only be considered lucky.


A ray of light erupted from his body, and the moment the light appeared, it disappeared directly.


When it reappeared, it had already hit Xia Xia.

No trace!

"Successful?" Yiren Zun's face lit up, his attack only needed to break Xia Xia's clothes.


But soon, a puzzled look appeared on his face: "What's going on?"

"It's Silent!!" Ye Gui reminded: "I've seen this ability before, this is Silent, you thought your attack had hit him, but in fact, it was intercepted!!"

Xia Xia looked at Ye Gui: "A person who likes to talk about rules so much, is it embarrassing to interrupt now?"

Night Ghost turned his head and said nothing.

Watching chess does not speak a true gentleman.

When watching the battle, it is more of a bystander, so generally when watching other people fighting, it is best not to say anything or do anything, just watch it honestly.

"Summer, it's a good way!!" An excited smile appeared on the face of Inhuman Venerable.

at the same time.

A ball appeared in his hand.

A sphere full of light.

There are various forces inside.

For a moment.

Endless rays of light erupted from the sphere, turning into hundreds of millions of rays of light, directly killing the summer.

The power of each light is very powerful.

It was as if it were all a blow from a broken star.

"A living target, can't I handle you yet?" The Inhuman Venerable's attacks came from different directions, but they could hit Xia Xia at the same time.

this attack.

Can instantly shatter all venerable armor.

penetrate the body.

This is one of his big killer moves.

Brilliant and colorful.

"Is this the ability of the weapon or the law of light?" Xia Xia researched there.

"It's a combination of weapons and the law of light. The law of light is characterized by strong penetrating power!!!" Hongfeng explained.


Summer's body was instantly shattered.

However, the shattered summer quickly reunited.

This blow.

So it was resolved by summer.


"Is this the horror of the Hundred Stars of the Power of Origin?" Inhuman Zun said in surprise.

Xia Xia smiled slightly: "The power of the source is very difficult to break through the hundred stars, it is ten times or even a hundred times more difficult than normal cultivation, but in the same way, once you break through the hundred stars, the benefits you get will be different. Fast and violent, normal people can't bear it at all, but for me, it's useless. In other words, any force that wants to directly attack my body, except for the power of the spirit, can't hurt me. Unless you attack the surrounding air and nature together, you can catch a little trace of me!!!"

He is speaking out about his weakness.

Of course.

Even if he doesn't say it.

The other party will know sooner or later.

He said so.

I just hope that the opponent will be convinced of the Good! ! "Iren Zun obviously also appreciates Xia Xia. At this time, Xia Xia said such words directly, obviously not wanting to take advantage of him: "I said, you just broke through Hundred Stars, and we are already in Hundred Stars." People who have been a star for a long time, so we have more experience with Bai Xing, and we have played against other Bai Xing before, so now you may be an invincible existence to others, but for us, it is really not. ! ! "


The ball in his hand flew directly to the summer.

Very fast.

When the silent force wanted to go up to block it, it was directly hit by the ball and attacked Xia Xia's body.

"Not good!!" Xia Si hurriedly shouted.

The current Xia Si is an Emperor Grade Qiansi Beast, and after cultivating the ability to be silent, his overall fighting ability is stronger.

But now.

He was directly knocked out.

"This time, it's impossible for you to stand where you are!!" Inhuman Zun shouted loudly.

"Ancient Divine Soldier!" Xia Xia had already seen that the weapon used by the opponent was the Ancient Divine Soldier.

But he was in no hurry.

He raised his hand directly.

[Wuji, defense! ! 】


All attack power disappeared in an instant.

that's it.

Directly blocked by summer.

Three strokes.


"How is that possible?" The face of Inhuman Venerable was full of shock.

"I won!!" Summer said lightly.

"No, and me, I haven't shot yet!!" Ye Gui obviously wanted to cheat.

Although the summer has been won, he doesn't want to admit it.

A smile appeared on Xia Tian's face: "There is only one chance. If you don't accept it, then I will use my strongest state to beat you to accept it."

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