The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1706: Seeing the enchantress through perspective

"If it's someone else, I think it's a waste of time to come here, but if it's you, I really have a lot of expectations!!" Yaoji didn't believe that someone could really unlock the secret of Tiankeng.

this kind of place.

It's really scary.

The secrets contained in it are also very large.

"So confident in me?" Xia Tian asked.

"After so many years, you are the first man who made me curious!!" The enchanting girl sighed with emotion.

"You don't like me, do you?" Xia Tian smiled.

"Cut, little brat, I've outlived you by more than two million years!!" The enchanting princess curled her lips.

"What's wrong with living so long?" Xia Tian asked.

"By the way, do you usually have any hobbies?" The enchantress asked.

"I like to drink tea and take a peek at what women are wearing inside!!" Xia Xia replied.


The witch was stunned.

"Sorry, just kidding!" Xia Xia said.

"I'll just say, you usually look quite serious!" The enchantress was frightened.

"How could someone like me like to drink tea!!" Xia Xia said and flew out.


The black line on the face of the enchantress: "LSP!!!"

She also followed up.

"Do you know what you look like now?" Xia Tian asked.

"Like what?" Yaoji asked in confusion.

"The widow chases the bachelor, the more it pushes the more vigorous!!!" Xia Xia said with a big laugh.

"Summer!!!" The enchantress roared: "You stop for me, I must teach you a good lesson, you stinky brat."

After Xi Batian separated from Xia Xia and the others, he chased his godson Ya Fei all the way. Although Ya Fei was fast, his tracking ability was also terrible, so he kept chasing him.


"Don't run!!!" Xibatian stopped Yafei with an attack.

Yafei's body was knocked out.

Xibatian took the opportunity to grab Yafei's body: "Who are you? What did you do to my godson?"


Yafei turned back and attacked, directly hitting Xi Batian's body.

But Xi Batian didn't dodge, but he nullified the opponent's attack.

"What a strong body!!!" Yafei finally spoke.

"It seems that you can speak human words!!" Xi Batian looked at the other party coldly.

"You know the owner of this body." Yafei felt a little stuck when he spoke.

It's as if the body is not used to it yet.

"Yes, the owner of this body is my godson." With a wave of Xi Batian's right hand, countless diamond wood began to wrap Yafei's body.

He wanted to trap Yafei's body first, and then extract the soul inside.


at this time.

Countless thorns penetrated from the diamond wood.

The opponent's body turned into black mud and escaped from the bondage.


"This is..." Xi Batian seemed to think of something.

But seeing that Yafei was about to flee, he was the first to catch up.

"Don't try to escape!!!" Xi Batian just thought of some special circumstances, and he wanted to go forward to investigate.

the other side.

Xia Xia and Yao Ji were also on their way. In the next section of the road, Xia Xia discovered some special corpses. These corpses were almost the same as the previous ones. He was not polite, and put them all away, waiting for Hong Feng to slow down. Slow research.


Xia Xia looked at the enchantress: "Are you alright?"

"I don't know why, it's getting harder and harder, as if the consumption is a hundred times higher than before!!" The current state of the enchantress is indeed very bad.

"Don't mind me seeing you!" Xia Xia said.

"What's so scary about me? You didn't dare to look at it before, because you were afraid of my seduction!" Said the enchantress.

"Okay!" What Xia Xia said was obviously different from what the enchanting girl said.

The look that the enchantress said was normal viewing, and the look that Xia Tian said was to see with his clairvoyant eyes, looking through the clothes of the enchantress to see that.

instant time.

Summer saw the perfect figure.

The enchanting girl is not only the number one beauty in China, but her body is absolutely unimaginable.


How could a young man like Xia Xia see such a figure, how could he hold it.

Nosebleeds have come out.

And the eyes are also staring straight at the upper body of the enchantress.

"What are you looking at?" Yaoji hurriedly covered her upper body.

Although she was wearing clothes, she always had a feeling that she seemed to be seen through by the summer.

It was as if everything in her was seen by Summer.

Especially Xia Xia had a nosebleed, which made her a little unacceptable.


"Business is important!!" Xia Xia also reacted, and then his eyes hurriedly looked at the body of the enchantress. Although it was very tempting, he was still trying to avoid important parts as much as possible.

Just a little check.


His gaze found a problem on the inside of the base of the jade leg of the enchantress.

But he didn't know what to say for a while.

If you say it directly.

That fool knows that he has just seen through the enchantress.

If you don't talk about it, this is really a big Have you found anything? "It's very uncomfortable for Yaoji to be looked at by Xia Xia like this, and she also wants to know the result as soon as possible.

"Yes!!" Summer said.

"What is it?" The enchantress asked hastily.

"There's a red spot on the inside of your thigh, what is it?" Xia Tian asked.


The face of the enchantress became gloomy, and her eyes seemed to be killing people, as if she was going to eat summer.

Seeing her look, Xia Tian felt guilty: "Let's talk about business first!!"


The enchantress snorted heavily: "Shougongsha is also one of the sources of strength for my seductive arts. It is my weakness!!"

"There's a speck of dust on it now. This dust isn't easy. I estimate that your power consumption is caused by this dust!!" Xia Xia said.

The demon girl's fist clenched: "That is to say, can you see everything in my clothes?"

"I'm helping you!" Xia Xia hurriedly explained.

"I'm asking you if you are or not!!" The enchantress said coldly.

"Indeed!!" Summer nodded.

"Have you seen me like this before?" the enchantress asked.

"No, I can swear, I usually respect women very much, so I never use this ability to peek at others, this time I'm mainly worried that you will be in danger!!" Xia Tian raised his hand, as if he really wanted to swear Same.

The enchantress glanced at Xia Tian: "You turn around!!"

"Okay, I'll turn around!" Xia Xia hurriedly turned around.

Then the enchantress put her hand on the bottom of her thigh, and she really found a special dust on it. The most important thing is that she didn't know when it happened.


This means that Xia Xia really watched her all the time! !

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