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Chapter 1715: ancient fire phoenix

The ancient fire phoenix didn't believe that Xia Xia could find his body at all, and there was almost no flaw in his move.

His move.

is one of his trump cards.

[Tianquan, rebound! ! ! 】

Xia Xia's hands clenched, and all the attacks bounced back instantly.

at the same time.

Summer's body instantly flew out.

It landed directly next to the body of the ancient fire phoenix.

The source warhammer in his hand smashed down.


"What?" The face of the ancient fire phoenix was full of horror. He didn't expect that Xia Tian could really break through his ultimate move.

He didn't even think so.

Summer can actually find his body so accurately.


A large mouthful of blood spurted out of his mouth.

"Although your ability is good, it's a pity that you met me!!" Xia Xia's eyes can see through everything, although ordinary methods can't tell whether the ancient fire phoenix is ​​real or fake.

But in front of his eyes.

All tricks are useless.

He can see through each other clearly.

"What a strong ability!!" The enchantress looked at Xia Xia in surprise, as the so-called bystander is clear, but even she couldn't find out the body of the ancient fire phoenix, she didn't even have a clue, and didn't know where to start.

Available in summer.

But it can be so precise to counterattack.

And hit it off.


Gravity soil!

Endless dust covered the body of the ancient fire phoenix, wrapping the body of the ancient fire phoenix.

at the same time.

The source warhammer in Xia Xia's hands turned into the power of the source.

into the gravity soil.

Reinforced seal.

that's it.

The body of the ancient fire phoenix was completely wrapped in dust.

Summer's hands clapped hard in the air.

One after another light waves spread out: "Original Burial!!"


All the dust vibrated.

Everything in the dust is shattered.

call out!

There was a groan in the mouth of the ancient fire phoenix.

At the same time, a feather on his body fell again.

This feather is exactly the same as the previous one, and it is his ability to save his life.

"Human!!!" the ancient fire phoenix shouted angrily.

He never dreamed that he would suffer such a big loss from a human being.


Xia Tian looked at the second feather in his hand with a smile on his face. These two feathers were used by the ancient fire phoenix to save their lives. They were definitely good things. keep it.

"Is this angry?" A smile appeared on Xia Tian's face: "What else is there, just use it."

"Don't be too happy too soon, I won't just let this matter go, I will definitely kill you!!" After the ancient fire phoenix finished speaking, his body turned into a flame and disappeared into the world.

Summer did not go after it.

This is a Tiankeng, the ancient fire phoenix is ​​still very capable, and it is a waste of time to keep chasing it.

He also did not want to deviate from the current path.

"He definitely didn't expect that you have grown so much!!" The enchantress said with emotion.

summer now.

It is no longer the same level as the last summer when the ancient fire phoenix met.

Such a powerful growth rate.

"People, you always have to make progress, and you can't stay in place all the time!!" Xia Xia said.

"It's easy to say, apart from you, there is no other person in Shenzhou who has grown so fast." Yaoji was also full of emotion.

"By the way, these two feathers are useful to you." Xia Xia threw the two feathers to the enchantress.

"This is a good thing!!" The enchantress was not polite and put it away directly.

"Why do you put it away, just refine it directly!!" Xia Xia said.

"Such a good thing, of course, you have to choose the right time and place and all kinds of auxiliary materials before you can use it, otherwise it will be a waste!!" The enchantress knows the meaning of these two feathers.

This is what the ancient fire phoenix used to save lives.

Absolutely the best and most heaven-defying treasure.

such a treasure.

It can greatly increase her strength.

"Why are you so petty, messing with me, and thinking about those issues, do you know what is the saddest thing about people?" Xia Xia asked.

"What is it?" the witch asked.

"People are dead, and there are a bunch of treasures left!!" Xia Xia said.


The black line on the face of the enchantress.

"Now that the medicine pill is used, you can still go up one star. These two feathers are the life-like feathers of the ancient fire phoenix. The power contained in them is endless. If you can refine it, then your strength will definitely be able to. Great increase!!" Summer reminded.

"Okay!!" The enchantress still felt a little pity.

But Xia Xia said so, she also felt that she should improve her strength first, and she also had the ability to protect herself in case of any danger later.

"Now you should understand why my strength is improving so fast!!" Xia Xia said.

"It's just a bit of a waste!!" Yaoji said with emotion.

However, she still took the Great Realm King Dan.


Her realm was raised to ninety-six stars.

It's a matter of course.

She didn't need any effort at all.

"The next thing is the natal feathers of these two ancient fire The power contained in them is very huge, and it is not so easy to completely refine them!!" The enchanting princess looked at the two feathers in her hands.

These two feathers are really very important to her.

It can greatly improve her respected beast strength.

In this way, the strength of her fighting with the beast in the future can also be seen to be fully exerted.

"His digestion speed is a little slow!!" Hong Feng was a little worried when she saw the speed of the enchantress's digestion.

If it goes on like this, it will be indigestible without ten days and a half months.

"Then help her!!" Xia Xia's eyes looked at the body of the enchantress again, but this time he was looking at the inside of the enchantress. He wanted to see the flow of the power in the enchantress.

The King of the Realm!

In an instant!

The power of the two ancient fire phoenix feathers was thus digested by his realm.


Xia Xia injected power into the body of the enchantress.

According to the movement of the power within the enchantress, it begins to catalyze.

Less than half an hour.

The enchantress opened her eyes, and her face was full of incredible expressions: "How did you do it?"

Although she didn't speak just now, Xia Xia's every move was under her attention, so she clearly felt the changes in her body. Xia Xia actually helped her to completely purify her strength, and it did not require any external force. Next, you must know that even if she uses the fastest time to digest this power, it will take at least half a month.

Moreover, the accuracy of her power purification is estimated to be less than 50%, but the power accuracy of Xia Xia's purification has exceeded 95%.

This is very outrageous.

She is now looking forward to watching Xia Xia, hoping to know why from Xia Xia.

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