The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1718: left door


what happened.

Summer's attitude is always so optimistic.

"Your mentality is really good. If you were someone else, you would have been worried to death!!!" The demon girl feels that Xia Xia is really different from normal people. In this situation, who doesn't worry about dying here? .

Summer can still laugh out.

"When you encounter a problem, just find a way to solve it. What's the use of worrying, you can solve it if you can solve it, if you can't solve it, you can find a way to solve it. If you can't solve it, you can use the power of the source to try your luck. Although there is a high probability of accidents, there are also successes. Hope!!" Xia Xia now has the power of the source, and he can go anywhere in China and leave anywhere, but the reasonable space is too unstable now, he uses the power of the source nearby, it is easy to tear the space , falling into the turbulent flow of time and space.

Source teleportation is to open the channel of time and space, and in the vicinity of this unstable space, it seems that there is a gap in the space channel.

There are still risks.

"Following you, I don't seem to know what the danger is anymore, it's really reliable!!!" Yaoji said with emotion.

Summer gave her a great sense of security.

"Tell me about your understanding of the abyss!!" Xia Xia brought the enchantress, just a moving treasure house.

The enchantress has a very rich knowledge.

Those are the knowledge that only the Celestial Clan has.

"In an ordinary abyss, the stone walls on both sides are very hard after years of wind blowing, and in the abyss, there are usually some immortal beasts that like darkness and humidity. Although these immortal beasts are not powerful, they have very good senses. And living in this kind of place all the year round, the armor is very hard, and many of them will also contain certain toxins, as well as pools of water, etc., there may also be some poisonous gas, poisonous mist!!" The enchantress explained.

"En!!" Xia Tian nodded slightly: "Then it's not a big problem."

"By the way, all canyons will have an end. Generally, the end will be much higher than other places, and it may be a slope. With luck, we can walk up from there!!" The enchantress reminded.

"I have seen it before we came down. This canyon is too long. If we want to walk through it like this, then I am afraid that our strength will be exhausted, and we will not be able to walk to the edge!!" Xia Xia had already observed it at the time. Now, if he could bypass it, he would have bypassed it at that time, and such a thing would not have happened.

"This is troublesome!!!" Yaoji frowned.

"You said before that there are usually fairy beasts here, right!!" Xia Xia said.

"Yes, there will be many immortal beasts that you can't see normally, all of which belong to the dark system," said the demon girl.

"Just hungry, grab one and bake it!!" A smile appeared on Xia Xia's face.

"You're really in the mood." The enchantress felt that Xia Xia was no longer in a good mood, but a big heart.

All this time.

Can it be eaten in summer?

"You also said that those immortal beasts live here all year round. Eating them can not only restore our strength, but also the flesh and blood in their bodies can help us better resist the pressure here." Xia Xia explained.


"Why didn't I think of it!" Yaoji also reacted.

"You've been worrying, how could you think of this." Xia Tian smiled.


The enchantress glared at Summer.

"By the way, I happened to meet you. You can tell me about the major events that have happened in Shenzhou over the years!!" Xia Xia's eyes searched around. He wanted to find a fairy beast, first observe how the fairy beast is. Fight the pressure here, then bake and eat.


"Do you know the history of Shenzhou?" The enchantress asked.

"I know!!" Summer nodded slightly.

100 million years ago: The Battle of the Immortals broke out (for a hundred years!!)

Shenzhou was officially established.

Ninety million years ago: China Second Party was established.

Eighty million years ago: Shenzhou Third Party was established.

Seventy million years ago: The Fourth Party of China was established.

Sixty million years ago: The Fifth Party of China was established.

Fifty million years ago: The Sixth Party of China was established.

Forty million years ago: The Seventh Party of China was established.

Thirty million years ago: The Eighth Party of China was established.

Twenty million years ago: Humans signed a non-aggression pact with fairy monsters and fairy beasts.

Ten million years ago: Haotian catastrophe! !

Five million years ago: The Celestial Clan began to recruit their subordinates and named them the Celestial Clan Dog.

One million years ago: The Four Devils appeared.

500,000 years ago: The Battle of Day and Night begins.

100,000 years ago: The eighth party in China, the top ten masters were officially formed.

"I won't tell you about things that are too long ago, and it has nothing to do with us now. Let me start with the treaty 20 million years ago!!" The enchantress knows these histories very well.


"Twenty million years ago, we humans and immortal beasts and immortal monsters were incapable of fighting, especially at the junction, where countless people died every day. In fact, this kind of battle was very destructive to Shenzhou. But because human beings, fairy beasts, and fairy monsters will release a lot of energy after they die, it is also a supplement to Shenzhou, so everyone has not paid much attention to this kind of battle until a human appears, This person's name is Zuokoumen, he is a human from the Inhuman race, he has the blood of immortal beasts and human beings, he ran a lot of battlefields, and recorded the worst and darkest side of the battlefield." The demon girl explained patiently. .

"That's very scary!!" Xia Xia said.

"Yes, what he recorded was the worst. Anyone who watched it would not be able to remain unmoved, and those human beings, immortal beasts, immortal demons begging for mercy when they were dying, and their desire for life, he took it. These things, traveled all over the three clans, spent 500,000 years, and negotiated the treaty that no war would happen again. During this time, he paid countless efforts and suffered a lot of physical injuries. Originally, he had a chance. It's a pity that he became a spiritual being. Those 500,000 years have exhausted all his efforts and talents, and finally he used his own life to inject into the treaty to protect the treaty!!!" said the enchanting girl.

"It sounds really admirable." Xia Xia nodded.

"But few people in China know about his deeds, because for the sake of the three clans, he didn't even break through the half-spirit, and the person who did not become a half-spirit can't be recorded in history, but his apprentice, you all listen. I said it." The witch said.

"Who is it?" Summer asked.

such a character.

Must be very famous.

People from around 20 million years ago.

"Muyin, the number one expert in Shenzhou before Haotian!!!" Yaoji explained.

"Wuyin is a disciple of Zuokoumen!!" Xia Xia said in surprise.

"But this person without sound is not that simple!!!"

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