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Chapter 1724: spirit world

Yao Lingzun said very seriously.

"I've seen some of this in the Celestial Clan, isn't it ten people? The Celestial Clan seems to have looked for it before, but I don't know what it means!!" Yaoji shook her head.

Although she has heard some.

But she didn't know the details.

"This is the text on a stele. In fact, it really represents a few people. At the beginning, we were looking for these people everywhere, hoping to unlock the secret of the stele, but in the end there was nothing. After so many years , I have always suspected that this sentence is not referring to ten people, but one person!!" Yao Lingzun explained.


"one person?"

"I think the divine tablet should have two meanings. The first layer is ten people; the second layer is one person, and the one who can unlock the real secret of the divine tablet should be one person, a person who carries these characteristics." Ling Zun said.

"What's on him?" The demon girl asked in confusion.

"Think about it, his eyes are special, and it is very likely related to the eyes of absolute gods; he has the law of the sun, moon and stars, which is related to the three saints of the spiritual world, he has the law of stars and the power of Xuanwu, then maybe it is The five-star divine formation that can shake the Tiankeng, now there is only one spirit left, I guess, it should be after he has to break through the realm of the spirit, and then he will completely connect this sentence." Yao Lingzun explained.

"There is only one half-spirit in our Shenzhou, which is Haotian. Even Haotian has almost no chance to break through the spirit in this life. How can he break through, and his goal is to kill the Celestial Clan, and there are still a few years left. In time, he will kill him, and he will definitely die at that time, so I don't think these words are necessarily talking about him!!" Yaoji shook her head.

Although she didn't want to admit it.

But Summer is indeed a dying man.

How could the tablet of the gods write about the situation of a fast person?

"Do you know why when he comprehends the Yin Tianjing, he can only comprehend the ninety-ninth level, not the one hundredth level?" Yaoling Zun asked.

In fact, the ninety-ninth floor is enough to defy the sky.

In Shenzhou, it should be impossible to find a second one.

But there is only one difference between the ninety-ninth floor and the hundredth floor.

It's hard, but it shouldn't be too hard.

So why didn't summer work out?

"I'm also curious, is his talent inferior to that level?" The enchantress also felt very strange before.

"It's not that his talent is inferior, but his body is weird. There is a very strange power in his body. This power repels any external power, as if any power must be surrendered to it, the Yin Tianjing is very arrogant. How could he surrender to other powers? That's why this happened in the end. If he didn't have that special power in his body, then he would be able to comprehend 100% of all the powers in the seventh volume of the Yin Tianjing. But it's a very unfortunate thing, when the time comes, his ability will be really invincible in Shenzhou!!" Yao Lingzun said with emotion.

This is the anti-sky point of the Yin Tian Jing.

If anyone can 100% comprehend one of them, it is a symbol of invincibility in China.

"Then let him give up the power in his body, isn't it 100% comprehensible?" Yaoji believes that this kind of opportunity is simply a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Normal people can't have it in a lifetime.

But in summer, it can be done in one step.

"Since that power has absolute dominance in his body, then he will not give up that power, because he himself believes that his power will be above the Yintian Sutra!!" Yao Lingzun explained.

"How is it possible, the Cloudy Sky Scripture is the strongest secret book in China, and when the Cloudy Sky Scripture appeared in the past, all kinds of visions of heaven and earth simply shocked the entire Shenzhou!!" It is already the secret recipe of the peak. In Shenzhou, which top expert did not read the Cloudy Sky Sutra whose strength greatly increased.

No matter how much ability there is in summer, how can it compete with the cloudy sky.

"I don't know this, it's his own problem!!!" Yao Lingzun didn't know what Xia Xia's specific abilities were. Everything now is just speculation.

But more so.

The more he is curious about summer.

He found.

In the summer, he can see a lot of incredible things.

"What exactly does that sentence represent?" Yaoji remembered the previous sentence.

"Some people say it is a prophecy of salvation, and some say it is a prophecy of extinction, but according to some of my understanding, it should be an unshakable secret of Shenzhou, and it is even related to the origin of Shenzhou, etc.!!!" Yao Lingzun explained.

"It turns out that people like you don't know everything!!" Yaoji always thought that once a person cultivated to the spiritual realm, he should know everything about Shenzhou.

But now when she saw the situation of Yao Lingzun.

She understood.

Yao Lingzun also has a lot of things he doesn't know and can't figure out.

"I'm not a god, how can I know everything, Shenzhou is so big, and the recorded history of your human beings is only 100 million Only the events within this 100 million years have been recorded by the Celestial Clan. How much? Not even 1/10,000!!" Yao Lingzun said with emotion.

No matter how far he has cultivated.

It can only be said that the world seen is bigger.

"I've always longed for the existence of your predecessors in this realm. After all, it's something I can't touch in my life!" Yaoji also understands that it is already luck that her talent can be cultivated to this day.

If she was asked to do it all over again, then she would definitely not be able to cultivate to the current state again.

There are many special ingredients in it.


She will never get to that step of the spirit.

"In this world, who will know what will happen tomorrow? Our demon clan is transformed by everything in the world. Since my cultivation, there are countless races and countless geniuses who are better than me, but I am the only one who has come to the end. One, so never underestimate the saying that the leftover is the king, only the leftover will have the chance to become the king!!!" Yao Lingzun usually doesn't say so much to others.

But now he feels more destined with Yao Ji and Xia Xia.

Plus he's been stuck here for millions of years.

That's why so much is said.

"Then what do you think you have the greatest views on this world after breaking through the spirit!!" Yaoji looked at Yaoling Zun with great anticipation.

"There are many, first of all, to become the spirit of Shenzhou, the lifespan naturally doesn't need to be said. If there is no special accident, as long as you can hold on to the catastrophe for thousands of years, it will be immortal, but it will last thousands of years. The catastrophe is not so easy to survive, and the most important thing is that we can fly higher and see farther, and you will never imagine what a Shenzhou with more than 10,000 trillion feet will look like!!"

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