The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1729: Weaknesses

at the same time.

Summer's five clones moved.

The Law of the Stars.

It exploded around that leg.

The law of the day.


The endless power of ice began to flow into the past, and this leg was completely frozen.

at the same time.

The attack of the original war hammer smashed on that leg.



The newly grown leg was shattered again.

"Success!" Hong Feng's eyes lit up.

"Take advantage of the victory, don't give him a chance to grow." Xia Xia wanted to use the power of the poisonous insects of the Kunming cave master to completely rot the bad part of that leg, and temporarily unable to grow a new leg.

at this time.

Xia Tian suddenly discovered that the huge body of the hundred-legged python was poking up from below.

"Damn it, the hundred-legged python, the hundred-legged python, of course there are hundred-legged pythons, how could I forget about this." Xia Tian finally reacted.

What he saw was.

The whole body of the hundred-legged python.

He has more legs than martial arts.

There are a hundred of them.

Each one is exactly the same as the one that was just broken in the summer.

It was already very laborious for him to break a leg, and now that a leg appears, how can it be beaten.

"The attack power of one leg is almost comparable to that of a broken star, and a hundred legs are equivalent to a hundred sages launching a broken star against you. This is impossible to withstand! !" Hong Feng said helplessly.

Although Xia Si's defense is very strong.

Such a massive attack.

It will also break Shath's critical point.

And it won't give Xia a chance to breathe.

That summer was miserable.

"Not good." Xia Xia suddenly saw that the first two legs of the hundred-legged python began to rotate 360 ​​degrees, and the speed was very fast, like a chainsaw, and it looked very terrifying.

The power that comes out is also incomparably great.

"This kind of power is even greater, and each attack is several times stronger than before!!" Hongfeng said in surprise.


They finally understood how terrifying the opponent was this time.

What they have to face this time.

It's this hundred-legged python.

"Now I don't even have a chance to get close to him, let alone defeat him, and his hundred feet are not something I can easily fight against!!" Xia Xia frowned, he just died like this Staring at the hundred-legged python in front of him.

I want to find out the flaws in the body of the hundred-legged python.

Now that the fight has started.

Then find a way to kill the opponent! !


Summer hurried to dodge.

When the hundred-legged python's legs fell, it was sharper than any weapon.

Crack rocks.


The Law of the Stars.

Endless shooting stars began to fall from the sky.



The legs of the hundred-footed python attacked casually, and they directly shattered the meteors falling from the sky.

"The origin of the earth!!"

The smashed meteor was originally meant to dissipate between the heavens and the earth, but by quickly using the source of earth in the summer, the power of the meteor could be re-condensed, and the smashed sand and stones began to gather towards the hundred-footed python.

The law of water!

The vast law of water began to fall from the sky.

However, these laws of water are not used to attack, but are poured into those sand and gravel.

He wants to turn this soil into cement.

The law of the day.


The cement dries and becomes extremely hard.


The body of the hundred-legged python moved, trying to break the seal.

The law of the sun, the ice seal!

Xia Xia quickly used the power of ice to seal it again on the body of the hundred-footed python.

Double seal.


Gravity soil! !

Triple Seal!

Origin Warhammer! !

Full blow!

Xia Xia's combined attack is very terrifying. All the attacks he did are to pave the way for this attack. Those legs of the hundred-legged python are not only powerful in attack, but also in defense. There is no chance of attacking the opponent's body.


The dual origin warhammers smashed down with all their strength.

This blow is terrifying.

The ice shatters.

Cement crushed.

The air also spread out.

This blow.

Contains endless power of origin.

"No, his defense is too strong." Tu Ling hurriedly shouted.

Back off for the first time in summer.

The five clones also retreated.


The huge eyes of the hundred-footed python just stared at the summer in front of him, as if full of playfulness.


Xia Xia nodded slightly: "The defense is so strong. Our strong blow didn't cause him any damage."

"This layer of scale armor on his skin can not only resist sharp external attacks, but also resolve powerful impact, that is to say, although our attack is very strong, the impact has been completely resolved by his scale armor, unable to It hurts the slightest bit of his body, and I am afraid there is no pain!!" Tu Ling explained.

"Shenzhou actually has a guy with such a strong defense!!" Xia Xia believes that after this breakthrough, his strength has already reached its peak in Shenzhou, let alone walking sideways, but apart from Haotian, among the human beings in Shenzhou, There are really not many people who can compete with him.

But now.

He can't even break the defense of the fairy beast in front of Let me try it! "Hongfeng suggested.

The endless wind blade began to fly forward.

The wind blade is extremely sharp.

It was as if he wanted to split the air in two.


The wind blade cuts on the scales of the hundred-footed python.

There was a sound of gold and iron symphony.

The incomparably powerful wind blade before, can't break even a little bit of defense now.

"This defense is too strong!" Hong Feng was also very surprised.

He and Xia Xia have fought countless masters over the years, but the defense of those people is really much worse than the defense of the hundred-legged python in front of him. The defense of this hundred-legged python, It is invincible.

"It seems that it is not that simple to break through his defense!!" Xia Xia said with emotion.

"All his defenses are on the scales, and his internal organs and internal defenses are not very strong. It can even be said that he relies too much on the defenses of his scales, so his internal defenses are almost untrained, so as long as we You can break through his surface defense, and if you want to kill him, it is much easier than beheading other immortal beasts!!" Hongfeng reminded.

That is to say.

The defense of the scales is broken.

Then they win.

any opponent.

It's not terrible, no matter how strong the opponent is, as long as they find the opponent's weakness and attack the opponent's weakness, then they can kill the opponent.

"The strongest place is also the weakest place, then we will break through his defense and use strong power to kill his body!!" Xia Xia's face showed an excited look.


He was going to find a way to completely kill this hundred-legged python.

"Then let him taste the power of Thunder Punishment first!!!" Hongfeng took the lead.

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