The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1731: big harvest

at this moment!

In the summer, the attack that he could play on himself was completely played out in an instant.

And in order to resist the dying struggle of the hundred-footed python.

He even used Wuji and Tianquan.

The five clones were all hit by the counterattack of the hundred-footed python and flew out.

Destroy the fairy finger!

Yuqiang in the summer played a role at this moment.

The King of the Realm!


Powerful power began to flow into Xia Xia's body, a steady stream.


The two Great Realm King Pills condensed successfully.

at the same time.

Xia Xia sealed the soul of the hundred-footed python in the sea of ​​​​knowledge, and turned it into the nourishment of the sea of ​​​​knowledge.


The hundred-footed python, one of the six great kings in the Tiankeng area, was killed by Xia Xia like this.


at the same time.

Yao Lingzun suddenly sensed something, and then his brows wrinkled.

"Senior, what's wrong?" Yaoji asked hurriedly.

"Dead!!" Yao Lingzun said.

"Who died? Could it be that something happened in the summer?" The enchantress got up and wanted to run over.

"No, it's not him, it's a hundred-legged python!!" Yao Lingzun explained.

"Hundred-legged python?" The demon girl was stunned, although she had said before that if Xia Xia could really kill the hundred-legged python, she was just joking at the time.

She just wanted to convey a message to Yaoling Zun, that Xia Xia would do a lot of incredible things.

But she really didn't expect it.

Xia Xia actually beheaded the hundred-legged python.

this kind of thing.

Completely beyond his imagination.

"How is that possible?" Yao Lingzun kept shaking his head.


Even if it is him, it is almost impossible to kill the hundred-legged python. With the ability of the hundred-footed python, he can run away, and his defense is so strong that it cannot be broken by normal people.


Things he can't do.

But it was done by summer.

"How did he do it?" Yao Lingzun said to himself, completely unable to believe that all this was true.


at this time.

Summer is cleaning the battlefield. This hundred-legged python is full of treasures. Any scale on his body can create a perfect armor, and the defense of this armor is extremely terrifying.

In a place like China.

Although there are many raw materials.

But most of the raw materials are dead.

The real treasures of the refining tool are living things.

It is the material of this fairy beast.

The scales of the hundred-footed python are among the top defenses among all immortal beasts, and he is also a immortal beast that is close to a half-spirit. If the scales on this existence are used for refining tools, it will be unimaginable.

The defense is invincible.

In the blood of the hundred-footed python, it contains the purest power in the world, and even a trace of spiritual power in it. Power, although only a trace, is also very terrifying.


This is the ancestor of all snakes.

After taking his blood, the snake tribe will tremble when you see it.

His flesh is full of toughness. After taking it, he will strengthen his body and increase his willfulness.

His nails, his eyes, his guts, etc.

All good stuff!

"So many good things, let me handle it!!" Hongfeng reminded.


"The flesh and blood are purified separately, and I have to roast the meat for Yaoling Zun!!" Xia Xia reminded.

"No problem." Hongfeng replied, "By the way, this hundred-legged python's old nest should be down there. Ordinary immortal beasts don't like to collect treasures, but the hundred-legged python has dragon bloodline, so it should be very fond of collecting treasures."


Xia Tian's eyes lit up, then he looked at the canyon in front and jumped in directly.

It's spooky everywhere.

Lots of bones.


Many masters have strayed into this place, and they have all become the food of the hundred-legged python.

"Although these corpses have always existed, their bones are almost shattered. From this, we can see how badly they were beaten when they were fighting the hundred-legged python!!" Hongfeng carefully observed those withered bones.

"There is a lot of storage equipment here. I will put it away first, and you will classify it later!" Xia Xia saw that there are quite a lot of storage equipment here.


"The hundred-legged python is very strong. When he kills these people, he either kills them in seconds or shatters the space, so the masters here don't even have the chance to send the storage equipment away!" Hongfeng followed. During the summer, the most seen is the instinctive transmission of storage equipment.

After beheading those enemies in the summer.

The storage equipment of those enemies either flowed into the turbulent flow of time and space, or instinctively teleported away, so beheading those people, apart from being able to condense the Great Realm King Pill, there is almost no loot.

But these people here have encountered a hundred-legged python.

Not even a chance to teleport things away.

It's cheaper in summer.

"There are really a lot of things in it." In the summer, seeing the treasures piled up into a mountain, it is also bright. Time to go back. "Hongfeng reminded.

Xia Xia beheaded the hundred-legged python.

With the strength of Demon Spirit Venerable, it is impossible not to sense it. If you don't go back for too long, Demon Spirit Venerable will rush over, and then there will be other troubles.


Xia Tian's body moved and disappeared in place.

when it reappears.

He had already returned to the Demon Spirit Venerable and the Demon Fairy. He put the blood of the hundred-footed python in a container, and the flesh of the hundred-footed python was thrown on the source of the earth: "I keep half of the blood, and the remaining half. Taking some for the enchantress every day can increase the induction of spiritual power, and occasionally hit some spiritual power attacks, enhance physical fitness, etc., there are many benefits."

The enchantress stepped forward for the first time.

with summer.

She won't be polite.

During this period of time following Xia Xia, she has gained too many benefits. If she owes favor, then she really owes Xia too much favor.

It's not good to be squeamish.

"The meat of the hundred-legged python is all here, but there is a troublesome thing, his meat is too tough, although my law of the sun can also be burned, but it takes too long and the heat is not good. Control, it will cause the taste to be much worse!" Xia Xia looked at the demon spirit in front of him.

Only then did Yao Lingzun realize that he had a lot of questions to ask Xia Xia just now, but for a while, he didn't know where to start.


"I'll add the fire for you, you can just tell me how big the flame is." Yao Lingzun was not in a hurry to ask anything at this time.

There's still time anyway.

He plans to have a good chat with Summer.

Summer is also very happy over there, because Hongfeng has just sorted things out.

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