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Chapter 1735: haven't seen you for a long time

"You..." Kunming cave master wanted to say something.

But his sister had stopped him: "Huo Mo, the summer that killed my husband was not easy!!"

"I naturally know this, if it were simple, you wouldn't come to me!!" The Fire Demon turned back and walked towards the Fire Demon Cave behind him.

a long time.

He came out of it.

At this time in his hands.

There is a flaming skull.

And the endless flame behind him has disappeared.

"That summer was not easy to mess with, he is now a master of the Venerable Hundred Stars, and he is also the owner of the source of the earth!!" The Kunming cave master believes that they have suffered losses these times because they do not understand Xia Xia's strength.

So it will be hit.


Now that he already knows Xia's strength, he has to make it clear in advance.

"So, he can be considered a master of the second echelon, but as long as he is not Haotian, then it is impossible for him to fight against this world!!" Huo Mo said very confidently.

The power he intends to use this time.

It is a forbidden force.

He can only use it once in his life, but the power is terrifying.


He thought that his blow would be used at the most critical moment.


It's the moment of truth.

As long as he can kill the man called Xia Xia, then the woman he has waited for millions of years can marry him.

"Huo Mo, don't be careless, I only have this chance, I don't want to fail!!" Ming Yanyan said very seriously.

"Don't worry, I've waited for this day for so long, how could I fail!" A smile appeared on Huo Mo's face: "I said, unless he is already in the realm of Haotian, otherwise, he is Can't compete with this world."


"Then let's go!!" Ming Yanyan said.

"Sister, don't we need to prepare again?" asked the Kunming cave master.

"No, you find a place to hide first. If we succeed, I will send you a message. If we fail, you will never appear in Shenzhou!!" Ming Yanyan is very clear that if this time fails, That is enough to prove that Xia Xia already has the strength that can be compared with Haotian.

If the Kunming cave master dared to appear in Shenzhou again, the result can be imagined.

"Sister, I want to go together!!" The master of the Kunming cave shouted.

"What's the use of you going, you don't even have the biggest killer move now. After you go, we will be distracted to take care of you, how can we take revenge?" Ming Yanyan scolded.

Although the Kunming cave owner is very resentful.

But he had no choice.

Just like what his sister said.

He went.

Summer will definitely kill him first.

If you miss the best time by then, it will be miserable.

"Be obedient, go and wait for my sister to come back!!" Ming Yanyan hugged the master of the Kunming cave.

"Sister, you must come back!!" said the master of the Kunming cave.

"Sister will definitely come back!!" Ming Yanyan glanced at the fire demon beside him, and then the two disappeared in place.

Seeing his sister leave, the master of Kunming was restless. He always felt that something was going to happen: "In summer, it's all you, and it's all your fault. If it weren't for you, so many things wouldn't have happened."

He really hates summer now.

But he seems to have overlooked something.

If it wasn't for him to provoke summer first, would these things still happen?

If it wasn't for him wanting to kill Xia Xia.

Will his brother-in-law die because of him again?

"This is his breath!!" Ming Yanyan gave the breath of summer to the fire demon.


"If it wasn't for you, I would never have used this power, so be optimistic!!" The Fire Demon grabbed the breath of summer with both hands, and then a door of flames appeared.

The two walked directly into the door of flames.

After walking in.

The two have already appeared in the Tiankeng.

"Is this origin transmission?" Ming Yanyan asked inexplicably.

"No, this is a tracking method. I can only use it once in my life. There is a limit to the one-time teleportation. Now I have reached the maximum teleportation position, but it is definitely not far from him. The rest of the road only needs us to be fast. If you click, you will be able to catch up with him!!" Huo Mo explained.

Summer at this time.

I didn't know anyone else had such a terrifying tracking method.

But he also guessed that the other party must have some ability.

Now he and Yaoji have passed through that abyss.

After passing this abyss.

The two of them seem to have come to the area of ​​fairy beasts, and the number of fairy beasts here has obviously increased a lot.

They had been on the road for so long before, and they had also encountered the ancient fire phoenix, a fairy beast. Of course, this might also have something to do with his shortcut.

But now.

He could even see immortal beasts flying in the sky, and sensed immortal beasts running in the distance.

"There are so many immortal beasts, and each of them is so strong, if you are not careful, you will die here!!!" Yaoji said with emotion.

"It doesn't matter, you are a person who will win your life all your life. You can improve your strength when you stay, you don't have to work hard!!" Xia Xia smiled.


"This is a skill!!" Yaoji and Xia Xia are very So I don't care about Xia Xia joking.

"Be careful both of us, it always feels like something is staring at us!!" Xia Xia reminded.

"I felt it too, the hairs all over my body stood up!" said the enchantress.

"It seems that this tiankeng is getting more and more complicated. In the past, it may only be related to the spiritual world, but now it seems that it should not only be related to the spiritual world, but also has many other secrets." Xia Xia has already discovered How extraordinary it is here.

"Yes, at the beginning, it might just be a dangerous place, but with the passage of time, more and more masters and desperadoes, or people who were chased and killed fled here, so gradually, the people who gathered here became More and more, although many people have died, they will also leave inheritance, some treasures, etc., which will allow more and more people, fairy beasts or monsters to step into this place, and even many people I think, if you hide some secrets here, it will be more difficult for others to find out." The enchanting girl said with emotion.


Summer nodded slightly.

at this time.

A voice suddenly appeared in his sea of ​​consciousness: "Long time no see, my savior!!"


When he heard this voice, Xia Xia felt very familiar, but for a while, he couldn't think of whose voice it was.


Since I can tell him that.

That means that the other party must be his old acquaintance.

So which old acquaintance is here?

"What's the matter?" the witch asked.

"An acquaintance." Xia Xia explained.

"Acquaintances? Can you meet acquaintances here? Are you sure who can walk through that abyss? Even if you come around, it's not easy to survive in a place with so many immortal beasts!!!"

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