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Chapter 1747: out of the circle

On the way, Yaoji has been taken care of by Xia Xia too much, and she really hopes that she can help Xia Xia at a critical moment.

The goal of summer is the secret of the sinkhole.

Then next.

They will face even more dangers.

In this case, if she can't help Xia Xia, then she really feels useless.

"Don't force it, everything depends on chance. This Pisces mark contains spiritual power. If you go too deep, I may not be able to keep you!!" Xia Xia could also see it.

This Pisces sign is really powerful.

But the same.

Such a powerful thing is very difficult to control.

If the enchantress is forcibly controlled, it is very likely that she will lose her life.

"In this lifetime, there must be some pursuit!!" After the enchantress finished speaking, she clapped her hand in the mark of Pisces.

The surrounding space began to distort in an instant.

Summer hastily retreated.


It's up to the enchantress herself.

"I suspect that it is very difficult for her to succeed!!" said Hongfeng.

"How?" Summer asked.

"To pass this hurdle, you must have a lot of concentration and talent. Over the years, her strength has been improved almost entirely by others, which proves that her talent actually has an upper limit, and now it should be The digging is almost done; in addition, she has been under the protection of the Celestial Clan for all these years, and she has not experienced any life-and-death struggle by herself, so her concentration is definitely not enough!!" Hongfeng followed Xia Tian like this for many years.

He naturally understands what is called talent and what is called concentration.

"Everyone is different, don't underestimate anyone!!" Xia Tian pointed his finger on the ground.

A pure force flows from the ground into the body of the enchantress: "The next step is to look at herself."

Those who can help the enchantress in summer, that's all.

As for whether the enchantress can watch it in the end, that is her own creation.

that's it.

Time passed little by little.

The body of the enchantress began to gradually become illusory, as if it would dissipate in this world at any time.


Xia Tian frowned: "No, she can't take it anymore!!"

at this time.

He also started to move forward.

Although it was very dangerous to do so, he didn't want to see the enchantress die like this. If the enchantress died like this, then the enchantress' body would completely dissipate between heaven and earth.

"No, we are also recruited." Hong Feng hurriedly reminded.

Destruction Finger.

Break it for me!

Summer is pointing in the air.

Cracks began to appear in the originally distorted space, and he grabbed the enchantress beside him and wanted to rush out of the crack.

But the enchantress got rid of his hand at this time.

She chose to stay.

"Let's go!!" Xia Xia said to the demon girl.

"No!!" The enchanting girl's eyes were filled with determination.

at this moment.

She seems to have found the meaning of her life.

for this meaning.

She would like to stay.

No matter how dangerous, she wanted to give it a try.

"Let's go, this is her own decision." Hongfeng reminded.


Xia Xia sighed, then turned to leave.

The moment to jump out in the summer.

The monster's body completely disappeared there.

As if it had never appeared in this world.

"I don't know if she will survive." Xia Xia shook his head helplessly.

"Have you forgotten the Vermillion Bird Egg?" Hongfeng asked.

"Saint Suzaku's egg!!" Xia Tian's eyes lit up.

"Yes, that is the egg of the ancient holy beast. The power contained in it is very terrifying, and it has the ability to destroy everything. If you use this egg, you might be able to help her." Hong Feng explained.

"He's right, although it's a pity to do so, but it is indeed the best way!!" Sheng Xuanwu said suddenly.

"Okay!!" It's a pity that Xia Tian will not care about anything.

As long as he can save his friends, he doesn't care about anything precious.

Seeing the appearance of the Suzaku Egg, Sheng Xuanwu reminded: "It is very difficult to break this egg, you need to..."

Halfway through his words, he was stunned.

Because he saw that Xia Xia held a golden knife in his hand and cut the egg of Saint Suzaku directly.

"What is this?" Sheng Xuanwu said in surprise.

Just now he had to talk about how to break Saint Suzaku's egg. Although it was very difficult, he still had a way.

But now summer has done it all neatly.

Xia Xia didn't answer, but sprinkled Saint Suzaku's egg directly on the space in front of him.

"Is that all right?" Summer asked.

"Of course, the luck of this girl is really good, not only has this illusion as the foundation, but also the egg of Saint Vermilion as the source of strength, this time, not only can she successfully refine the illusion, but she will also break through The Hundred Stars are the Hundred Stars with the power of Saint Suzaku as their foundation!!" Sheng Xuanwu explained he felt.

Can recognize summer.

It is the greatest luck of the enchanting princess in her life.

This time, Xia Xia not only helped Yao Ji break through 100 stars.

It also gave Yaoji a bright future, the strongest foundation and the strongest means.

The future of the enchantress, the future is limitless.

"As long as I can help her!!" Xia Xia finally felt relieved.

At this time, the space in front of him had completely turned blood red.

Endless power entangles the entire space.

"It seems that Yaoji will be very happy this time, but I don't know how far her strength can go!!" Hongfeng said very curiously.

"Already out of the circle!!" said Sheng Xuanwu.

"Out of the circle, what do you mean?" Hong Feng asked in confusion.

"If Shenzhou was a circle, then Xia Xia would have already been out of the circle, and Yaoji is now out of the circle. Although Dong Batian is also the owner of the power of Hundred Stars, he can only be regarded as half out of the circle. !!" Sheng Xuanwu explained.

"Is it because of the power of the bloodline of the holy beast?" Xia Xia asked.

"Yes, although the power of the source is powerful after Hundred Stars, it should be considered to be the same level of ability as the Pisces mark here, but the power of Saint Suzaku is completely superior to other powers. It will become stronger and stronger!!" Sheng Xuanwu explained.

"Okay, then let me see how far she can grow this time!!" Xia Xia's face also showed a look of anticipation.


They are going to enter the most dangerous area of ​​the sinkhole.

in this kind of place.

If the strength of the enchantress increases, it is also very important to him.

"She will surprise you!!!"

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