The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1749: A million-year-old collision

Mozun has always believed that Yaoji is just a battle priest of the Celestial Clan. Although to outsiders, she may be a master, but in his own eyes, Yaoji can only be regarded as a fourth echelon person. That's it.

And he is the peak combat power of the second echelon.

There is a huge gap between the two of them.

He even looked down on the enchantress a little.


When the fiery red tail came down again.

Mozun suddenly had a bad feeling.

However, he still instinctively believed that this blow had no effect on him.


Just when this blow hit him, he felt the seriousness of the problem: "How is it possible, your realm is Venerable Hundred Stars!!"

This time.

The Demon Venerable was very surprised. According to his investigation, the strength of the enchantress should only have the strength of Venerable 90 stars or more.

But now.

The enchantress he saw.

It is the Venerable Hundred Stars.

"Interesting, it's getting more and more interesting." Demon Venerable's face showed an excited look. At this moment, although the opponent became stronger, it also made him more certain.

There must be some way to improve strength in summer.

As long as he catches Xia Xia, digs out all the secrets in Xia Xia, and then devours Xia Xia and the enchanting princess, his strength will definitely be greatly improved.

It can even break through to the half-spirit.

What he sees now is his future.

"Do you think it's interesting? Then I'll show you something more interesting!!" The enchantress clapped her hands in front of her.

The entire space began to distort.

in front of her.

The sign of Pisces appeared.

Then an identical Demon Lord appeared in this space, and the copied Demon Lord killed the real Demon Lord in front of him.


When the two Demon Venerables fought.

True Demon Venerable is also getting more and more interested: "This ability is good. If you encounter other people, you must have no ability to parry, but unfortunately you encounter me."


A strong demonic energy erupted from Demon Venerable's body.

This piece of magic goes straight into the sky.

"I am the owner of the origin of the devil!!"

The demonic energy devoured the entire space, including the Pisces space, which was completely covered by black energy.

the sky now.

It has completely turned into darkness, darkness without light.

"Come back!!" Xia Xia pulled the enchantress back.

"This guy is really not simple, as expected of the old blame me who has lived for hundreds of millions of years!!" Yaoji said with emotion.

Although her current strength has become very strong, she can't use it perfectly, but the Demon Venerable opposite has been in this realm for hundreds of millions of years, and has cultivated all the abilities of this realm to the extreme.


When she faced the Demon Venerable, she also had a lot of pressure.

"You can't underestimate him. Since he dares to come to us, it proves that he has absolute confidence to kill us!!" Xia Xia knew very well what Demon Venerable thought.

Mozun knew that he had the backing of his sister.

But the Demon Venerable dared to come to him.

This is enough to prove.

Demon Venerable is determined to kill him, and will not give him a chance to spread the news.

"If he really thinks we are easy to bully, then he is wrong!!" Although Yaoji didn't take advantage of it just now, she didn't fully use her true strength.

She is now stronger.

Not to obey the Demon Lord either.

"He has sealed off the whole world. Now this place is equivalent to his home court. If we fight like this, we will suffer some losses!!" Tu Ling reminded.

"Then do you want to try with him?" Xia Tian asked.

"Can you?" Tu Ling was stunned.

"Of course, you two are people of the same era. The difference is that he has been sealed for hundreds of millions of years, and you have been dead for hundreds of millions of years. It should be very interesting to play against your contemporaries!!" Summer I also understand that people like Tu Ling and the others will definitely feel a little impulsive in their hearts when they see people in their era.

But the earth spirit also understands.

Xia Tian is the master. Now that he can fulfill his dream and live, it is already a gift from Xia Xia to him.

He couldn't ask for more from the summer.

"Thank you!!" Tu Ling was really grateful to Summer.

"Then I will leave the next battle to you!!" Xia Xia's power was injected into the clone of the source of the earth.


The clone of the source of the earth began to gradually transform into a human form from the state of invisibility, which is the appearance of the earth spirit.

Finally, completely out of the shackles of summer.

Although his current state cannot last too long, a battle is still enough time.

"Well?" Demon Venerable frowned: "How can there be a familiar feeling."

He always felt that the figure that suddenly appeared in front of him made him feel a little familiar, but he really couldn't tell how familiar it was.

"Above the king's city, the black eagle looks down, looks dilapidated, and shows his ambition to die!!" Tu Ling said lightly.

"It's you!!" When Demon Venerable heard these words, he already knew who the earth spirit in front of him was.

"That's right, you've survived until now, and it's all because of the devil's life. I didn't expect that you will end up on the exact same path as the devil!!" Tu Inspiration said.

"I killed you!!" Demon Venerable was completely plunged into anger at this time.


Mozun is a child who was snatched back by the Demon King.

The Demon King originally wanted to eat him.

But maybe it was fate. The Demon King failed in the end, and he raised him little by little. He admitted that the Demon King is a person who does all kinds of evil and is a real devil.

But the Demon King was really kind to him, and took care of him as if he were his own child.

But because he was naughty when he was a child, when he ran out to play, he exposed his relationship with the Demon King.

It was precisely because of this that he was caught by Earth Spirit's subordinates.

In the end, when the Demon King came to save him, he was injured by the Earth Spirit. Originally, the Earth Spirit could escape, but the Earth Spirit's subordinates threatened the Demon King with his life, precisely for him.

The Demon King did not escape in the end.

Killed by Earth Spirit.

Although the earth spirit kept his promise and let him go.

But he has always hated the earth spirit very much, but unfortunately, when he grew up later, the earth spirit had disappeared from Shenzhou.

There is no chance for revenge.

But he didn't expect that after a million years.

The enemy actually appeared.

"Okay, I also want to see how powerful the little devil back then is now!!" The body that Earth Spirit now controls is a body that possesses all the abilities of the source of the earth.

He is not afraid of the devil at all.


The two sides are completely fighting together.

"There's a good show to watch!!" The demon girl smiled.

"These two people, one is a person who is obsessed with cultivation; the other is a person who pursues longevity wholeheartedly, and they are both souls hundreds of millions of years ago. Their collision is destined to be the end of an era!!"

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