The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1768: Summer VS Jumang

Chapter 11407 Summer VS Jumang

In his territory, it is not too difficult to find Jumang.

Mang himself is very clear about this.


A figure appeared in front of Xia Xia and others.

He looks handsome, with a pair of two-color wings behind him, and a long branch grows on his back.

It seems to give people a feeling of harmless people and animals.

No one would have imagined that such a very quiet-looking man could control the brutal existence of the Sea Clan for so many years.

"Aren't you looking for me?" Jumang spoke first.

He opened his mouth.

The surrounding wood elements instantly become separate worlds.

This was not his attack.

It is his own law, and now he speaks casually, or even moves, and there will be wood elements accompanied.

If Xi Batian was here now, he would definitely be very excited.

"Yes, I came here originally to discuss with you, let me pass here and let me go to the back, but now I have changed my mind!!" Xia Xia said.


Jumang looked at Xia Xia with a very interested expression on his face.

"First, you first control the sea clan to consume us, you just want to take action on us, I came here rashly, I can ignore it; second, I hate others to abuse the sea clan, and you just did it, So, I won't forgive you." Xia's meaning is very simple.

He is ready.

Fight with Jumang in front of you.

"Fight against me, do you think you can win?" Jumang asked.

His tone was calm.

As if he didn't care about it at all.

"If you are really so sure, are you going to let the Sea Clan consume me here?" Xia Xia asked.

"What I like most is not to defeat a powerful enemy, but to see a person go from full of confidence at the beginning to despair at the end!!" Jumang responded.

A smile appeared on Xia Tian's face: "My favorite is to kill those self-righteous guys."

"I'll come first!!" Qiqiongzhimu took the lead.

For so long, he has been leading the team in the summer. He followed. He has come to this day without doing anything. Now there is such a strong enemy. He also knows that he is not the opponent's opponent, but he also has to show his own. The ability to fight with each other to create more opportunities for the summer.

Let Xia Xia see each other's weaknesses clearly.


Qiqiongzhimu's body was directly slapped by Jumang's wings.

one strike!

With just one blow, Qi Qiong Zhi Mou was hit.

That's what Jumang is all about.

"You can't do this. His every move is based on the Law of Wood. Your attack has already been sensed by his Law of Wood." Xia Xia reminded.

Without him here.

If Qiqiongzhimu goes on like this, he will definitely lose very easily.

But there is summer here.

Even if he loses, he will let Qiqiongzhimu use his true skills instead of being suppressed by the opponent's means.

Qiqiongzhimou also understood that he was impulsive.

Although the immortal beast clan has been fighting all year round, including them, the immortal beast kings, usually do not obey anyone and often fight.

But it is precisely because of this that they have developed the habit of working behind closed doors.

Without the experience of dealing with human beings outside, they are less tactful and have less brains to deal with special means. They prefer to fight with instinct, but this sentence seems to capture this, and he likes to deal with this kind of only use. Fighting instinctively.


Qiqiongzhimu learned to be smart this time and rushed up again.

"The left side is the space!!"

"Watch out for his wings."

"Don't touch the wood elements around his body!!"

After several rounds, every time Jumang wanted to raid Qiqiongzhimu, he was stopped by Xia Xia's words. As soon as Xia Xia said it, he instinctively felt guilty and withdrew his raid.

Qiqiongzhimou is fighting more and more fiercely.

"It doesn't look very good!!" The enchanting girl said with emotion.


at this time.

A thorn suddenly appeared.

"Be careful!!" Summer shouted loudly.

But it was too late.

Qiqiongzhimou's body was pierced.

"I'm coming!!" The enchantress also reacted immediately, without giving Jumang a chance to strike a combo, she quickly attacked the giant python.

Qiqiongzhimu retreated: "I'm sorry, Mr. Xia, I let you down."

"He knows too much about your immortal beast clan, so when he fights with you, he will be so relaxed. You should also pay attention to this in the future. Although fighting with your own instincts is more fierce and powerful, you will encounter the same people as yourself. If you have a level or a higher level than yourself, you should stop suppressing and calculating." Xia Xia didn't tell him to give up his instincts.

Instead, let him use his instincts better.


Qiqiongzhimu took the healing medicine that Xia Xia gave him and started to heal his injuries. He wanted to quickly recover his physical condition so that he could better prepare for the next battle.

He had already played against Jumang just now.

So he also knew how powerful Jumang was.

Only by recovering quickly can he better help the summer.

boom! boom! boom!

The demon girl came up with a violent attack, as if she wanted to suppress Jumang. She also knew very well that if she was weak and gave Jumang a chance to breathe, then Jumang would launch a counterattack. Strong Jumang, once he launches an attack, will he still give her a chance?

Hundreds of rounds down.

The enchanting girl's attack still did not have the slightest error, and the control was still very good.

"Summer, relay!!" Although Yaoji is playing very well now, she understands that this fighting method consumes a lot, and she feels that she has fallen into a cycle. If this goes on, she will definitely have flaws. , once this flaw appears, it is time for the opponent to counterattack.

It's better to wait until the opponent counterattacks.

Might as well let summer go.

You can rest for a while.

You can continue fighting for a while.


Xia Xia's body moved and rushed up directly.


The attack of the five clones was also the first time. This time, the sentence mang was a little caught off guard.

"Silent ability!!!" Jumang was taken aback.

"You still know Wuyin?" Xia Xia was also very curious.

"Over the years, the human beings who have passed by here can make me a little interested, that is, there is no sound. He was really good at that time, but he is the most evil of all the human beings I have ever seen! ' said Jumang.

"Evil?" Xia Xia was very curious.

"Know barnacles!!" Jumang asked know! ! ! ' Summer responded.

The barnacle is a kind of creature that likes to attach to the surface of marine organisms, absorbs the essence and blood of other people's body, and grows up little by little.

"Barnacles are one of the marine creatures I hate the most, and Silent, in my eyes, is barnacles!!" Jumang said.

Xia Xia frowned. He had a certain understanding of Wuyin before, but when he heard this, he suddenly had an ominous premonition: "Could it be."

"Hongfeng, check my sea of ​​knowledge!!!" Xia Xia shouted loudly.


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