The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1773: gasification

A powerful attack came in an instant.

The power of the blood of the divine beast turned into the purest attack, and the branches were killed in front of Xia Xia.

Immortal Skill: Wood-type must kill!

[Wuji, defense! 】

"It's now!!" Xia Xia saw the opportunity and launched a counterattack at the moment when the enemy was the most relaxed.

It is impossible for anyone to react at this moment.

Because this blow, in Jumang's impression, will definitely succeed.

So he's ready to win.

Some attacks including combos.


One mistake.

Then everything he did next would be wrong.

Summer hits.

The attack of Hongfeng and the five clones killed them directly.

The golden knife has appeared in his hand.

cut off.

Although the branch's defense was strong, the golden knife cut it off.

This toughness can withstand other attacks, but it cannot stop the surprise attack of the golden knife.

The sharpness of the golden knife has far exceeded that toughness.


At the same time, all those attacks in the summer were played out.

Originally, Jumang was a good idea. As long as he attacked Xia Xia once, then his subsequent attacks could kill Xia Xia. The sum of those attacks was terrifying. In that case, all Xia Xia’s attacks would be useless. , and as soon as he succeeds, his defense can be instantly formed, even if there is a delayed attack, he will not care.

But now it's different.

One wrong step, one wrong step.


Although he was also the first to defend.

But the golden knife cut a gap.

The gap is not very big.

But compared to his previous absolute defense, it was already big enough.

This gap is enough for summer.

Summer's pre-arranged attacks were all shot down.

The Immortal Destruction Finger also broke through the gap at the same time.


Destroying Immortal Finger accurately attacked Jumang's body, as well as the attack of Hongfeng and the scattered attack of the five clones.


Jumang's body was instantly knocked into the air.

at the same time.

After the fifth split, Hongfeng's attack was also played again, but the point they played was not the current foothold of Jumang.

[Tianquan, fight back! ! 】

Even strokes.

As soon as Xia Xia succeeded, he would definitely seize the opportunity and start a frantic counterattack. Now is the time for him to counterattack. All calculations are incomparably subtle, and there will be no difference.

Jumang is also a difficult opponent.

The moment his body was knocked flying, he felt that something was wrong, because the attack just now hit the foothold where he retreated.

At this time, he also hurriedly controlled his body.

Want to avoid summer combos.


The moment he took control of his body.

The powerful impact attacked again, causing his internal organs to be particularly painful. If it wasn't for his strong physical toughness, he would not be able to withstand this attack now.

At the same time, he also understood the horror of this summer attack.

"No, my foothold was predicted by him again, that is to say, if I don't continue to resist, I will be hit, but if I continue to resist, the damage I will continue to double!! "Jumang's mind began to think quickly.

He must now make a choice.

If he chooses the wrong one, he will be miserable.

"I can only take this attack hard. My defense gap is very small now. He can't hit me accurately!!" Jumang felt that what he had done was already very covert, and it was absolutely impossible for Xia to be here. In this case, he also accurately found his weakness.


The surrounding attacks were blocked by him, and some of the remaining attacks penetrated that point, but were also blocked by the defense of his body.


Destroy the fairy finger!

at this time.

The Immortal Destruction Finger hit Jumang's body again.

"How is that possible?" Jumang's face was full of incredible expressions.

The next attack in the summer is also played again.

"Summer, wait for me!!" Jumang's body turned into a stream of air and disappeared in place.

"Where are the people?" Xia Xia was stunned.

"No need to chase, this is the third power of the bloodline. Only the bloodline above the level of the holy beast can be cultivated, and it must be very pure to cultivate!!" Wuyin explained.

"What?" Summer asked in confusion.

"The first realm of blood power is attack power bonus; the second realm is resurrection; the third realm is Qi transformation." Wuyin said.

"This ability is very strong. If you succeed in your cultivation, you will be able to escape at any time of danger in the future!!" Xia Xia said enviously.

"Don't think about it, first of all, you must have the blood of a divine beast or a holy beast, and it must be pure; secondly, your talent must be very strong and the realm is very high; finally, it is very difficult to succeed in cultivation." Wuyin explained. .

"Then if I attacked with spiritual power just now, can he still run?" Xia Xia asked.

"Yes, this is still the place with the strongest Qi transformation!!" Wu Yin explained Oh!

"I'm really envious, it seems that humans have no chance to cultivate!!" Xia Xia said helplessly.

"It's not completely absent. As long as you cultivate to the spiritual realm, you will have a chance, but it depends on your talent!!" said Wuyin.


"If you have a chance, it will do. With such a strong ability, you will have more lives!!" Xia Xia said with emotion.

"How can it be that simple!!" Wu Yin sighed with emotion.

"King of the Sea Clan, check, is he still in Tongtianhai?" Xia Xia reminded.

it is good!

The king of the sea clan was also the first to conduct a search.

Finally found.

Jumang has run away.

The injury he suffered this time was really serious, so he didn't dare to stay here. What he was worried about was that Xia Xian would find him again. If he was found again, Xia Xian would probably kill him, although the transformation was very strong. , but it is not something that can be used casually.

"Since it's been chased away, let's take Tongtianhai in!!" Xia Xia asked.

"Okay, Tongtianhai is a unique ancient sacred treasure, which will continuously generate the spiritual energy of heaven and earth to help people practice, and there are many treasures in it, even me, it is impossible to mine all the treasures, but from From now on, I can unlock the wisdom of the sea clan below, and if they help me together, they can unlock all the secrets in this sea of ​​​​opening the sky." The meaning of the sea clan king is very simple.

The Tongtianhai he gave to the summer is a huge treasure trove.

He will mine all the treasures in this treasure house little by little.

"Then I'll leave it to you!!" Xia Xia was not polite, and with the help of the King of the Sea Clan, he directly collected the whole piece of Tongtianhai into everything.

Tongtianhai disappeared.

Everyone was stunned.

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