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Chapter 1784: Battle of the Peak

Wuyin's whole person is about to fall into a state of madness, and he is now deeply shocked by this news.

Completely speechless.

He didn't know how to express his feelings.

He only knew that he could no longer control his emotions.

"I finally understand why you have to kill the Celestial Clan, Xia Xia, you help me resurrect, and I will kill the Celestial Clan with you, okay?" Wuyin said very excitedly.

To be able to make him, who was once the number one expert in China, be so gaffe.

Only this thing.

He doesn't know how to describe his feelings now.

"Can you control your situation?" Xia Xia looked at Silent with disgust.

How can this have the demeanor of a half-spirit-level expert?

I can't see where it looks like the first master.

Ha ha ha ha!

"Can I not get excited? Now think about it, why did Tianlong stop me at that time, it turns out that you are his son, that's no wonder." Wuyin now seems like a lunatic.

Been there talking to myself.

It was as if a new world had opened up.

It was like seeing this new world.

"Summer, you know, what do you represent?" Wuyin asked.

"I don't know!!" Summer said.

"When you can fly to a place of more than 100,000 feet, you will see it again, and you will understand." Wu Yin said.

"Since you've seen it, you can tell me the situation above now." Xia Xia looked at Silent in confusion.

Since Silent has already seen it.

That Wuyin can completely describe to him what it is like to be more than ten trillion feet.

"No, I can't explain it clearly, and I can't describe it. You will only understand what's going on if you've seen it with your own eyes. I believe you'll be able to see it soon." shook his head.

"Waste feelings!!" Xia Xia said.

"Since you told me about this, then I will tell you, Tianlong, no, why did your father choose to attack the Tianzu in two and a half years!!" said Wuyin.

"Why?" Summer asked in confusion.

"Because of the battle of the pinnacle of the fairy world!!!" said Silently.

"What is that?" Xia Xia asked in confusion.

"I don't know!" Wu Yin shook his head again.

"You are also the number one expert in Shenzhou, why don't you know anything!!" Xia Xia felt very speechless, and he wanted to know more things from Wu Yin.

But now it seems that I really think too much.

"You don't understand, although I don't understand what the battle of the peak is, but according to my investigation, there are winners in the battle of the peak, and the legendary three saints of the spiritual world back then were the three of the last battle of the peak. There are winners, so they are so strong, if one day, we can participate in the peak battle, then after winning, the benefits we can get are not what you can imagine!!!” Wuyin explained.

"But now we don't even know what the Battle of the Peak is." Xia Xia said.

"We will know, we will definitely know, especially as the time is getting closer and closer, there will definitely be more clues, and according to my investigation, the time of the peak battle is three years later, that is to say , Half a year after the war broke out between Tianlong and Tianzu, it was the time for the peak battle to start. This time was stuck very well. No matter Tianlong won or lost, Tianzu will inevitably pay the price. If they lose, they will perish. , If they win, they will inevitably suffer heavy losses, so they will not have the energy to participate in the battle of the peak!!!" said Silently.


"Listening to what you said, I also understand something!!" Xia Xia nodded.

"In fact, I had a lot of things I didn't want to tell you before, and I felt that it was meaningless to tell you, but if you were the son of Tianlong, it would be different, I can tell you anything, I can tell you everything. I can dedicate it to you without reservation, as long as you take me with you!!!" Wuyin has now made it clear that he wants to be the younger brother of the summer.

Summer also understood what he meant.

But he also felt very speechless.

If this matter spreads out, people outside will probably be frightened to death.

Definitely can't believe this.

The dignified Divine State's former No. 1 master, Wuyin, actually came to be his younger brother.

Who would believe this kind of thing?

"There is a situation ahead!!" Xia Tian, ​​who was on his way, suddenly discovered the traces of the seal.

"Light and Dark Seal!!" Wu Yan glanced.

"It shouldn't be easy for someone who can let the messengers of light and dark to seal together!!" Xia Xia checked the seal: "This seal has a total of 9999 changes, if you want to use evolution to break it, there will be no tens of millions of years. It is impossible to succeed, and it will also be under the circumstance that my strength is continuous!!"

"Finally there is something you can't do." Wuyin said with emotion.

It's been summer for so long.

He began to have the same idea as the enchantress.

It seems that summer is really omnipotent.

"What I said is that the normal method won't work, but I have two options." Xia Tian pointed forward.

Central's finger.

Break everything.


Bunch of power spread failed.

"It seems that there is also a critical point in Yang's finger. My finger just now can't break through the spiritual realm of this seal. All that is in vain. In these two spaces, the power of light and darkness is endless. Add it up, and my Immortal Destruction Finger can't be used a few times." Xia Xia rejected the idea.

"It scared me to death, I thought you really had a way!!!" Wuyin said with emotion.


As soon as his voice fell, he suddenly found that summer had begun again.

This time.

The method used in summer is completely different from before.

He started madly absorbing the power of this seal by relying on the dantian of the Realm King Jue.

"This...what are you doing?" Silent asked inexplicably.

"I want to absorb the power of the seal. In this case, the seal will be broken naturally." Xia Xia said.

"You're crazy, how big is your dantian, how can you absorb so much power?" Wuyin felt that Xia Xia was crazy: "And there are many restrictions on the power in the seal, and there are many places for self-detonation, etc., You absorb it all into your dantian, and your dantian will be destroyed!!”

"Really?" The corner of Xia Tian's mouth twitched slightly.

If it was someone else.

That is indeed impossible.

But if it were Xia Xia, it would be completely different. His Realm King Jue Dantian could purify any power, and what he lacked most was pure power.


at this time.

A face appeared on the seal: "Where is the little guy, disturbing Lao Tzu's sleep!!!"


Ps: A special character is about to appear, which belongs to the book friend's cameo, but it is the most special book friend, and I will add more today.

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