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Chapter 1786: The power of light bulbs


The witch was completely stunned.

"That's what you can think of, but it's not that easy!!" The enchantress said with emotion.

"Yeah, you're right, it's not that easy. Although you have the Law of Light, if your Law of Light is released in this darkness, it's just like a drop of water falling into it. It's the same in the whole sea!!" Wuyin thinks Xia's idea is very good, but Xia's idea is difficult to realize.

If you want to do this completely, this is not something you can do with just one or two sentences.

"Then let's start with the light!!" A smile appeared on Xia Xia's face.

"What do you need me to do?" the enchantress asked.

"Next, I will refine a batch of things. You help me to throw them out, throw them indiscriminately, wait in any direction, throw them in any position, just throw them out, don't throw them in the same position, the more scattered the more Good!!" Summer reminded.

"Okay, leave it to me!!" Yaoji nodded.

"I still don't understand what you want to do!!" Wu Yin said with emotion.

"You five clones, don't be idle, help to throw them together, and Qi Qizhi Mou, come out and throw them for me!!" Xia Xia then started directly.

"Then you can tell me, what are you going to refine?" Wu Yin asked.

"Bulb!!" Summer said.

"Light bulb? Is it a magic weapon?" It was the first time Wu Yin heard this name.

Now he is more and more confused about what he wants to do in summer.


With Xia Xia's right hand, hundreds of light bulbs appeared in his hand.

Wuyin took a light bulb and looked at it in his hand: "What is the use of this thing?"

He couldn't see the light bulb in action.

I don't even know what to do with this.

"You'll know soon!!!" A mysterious smile appeared on Xia Xia's face.


He began to make light bulbs in large numbers.

tens of thousands.

a few millions.


hundreds of millions.


"It's almost there, although this place is very big, but the number is already quite large!!!" Xia Xia then communicated with the Thunder Clan in Senluo Wanxiang: "Lei Gong, I need everyone's help, you help me fight the power of thunder and lightning. come out."

"But we can't leave this world!!" Lei Gong said.

"I will magnify the junction of this world. You can release the power of lightning through my body." Xia Xia said.

"But if you release the power of thunder and lightning like this, the power is almost zero, only electricity, no thunder!!!" Lei Gong explained.

"This is what I want. If you have thunder, I'm afraid that you will smash my lightbulb!!" Xia Xia explained.

"What is a light bulb?" Lei Gong asked in confusion.

"You can see it right away!!" Xia Tian smiled.

at this time.

Everyone has no idea what to do in summer.

They can only do as Summer says.

For a moment.

The endless power of thunder and punishment spread out.

These lightning forces are injected into the light bulb.


The light bulb started to light up.

Billions of light bulbs light up.

Because these light bulbs are made of special materials in China in summer, the size is thousands of times that of the earth, and the brightness of each is tens of thousands or even 100,000 times that of the earth.

So many bulbs light up together.

Directly illuminates dark areas.

"What's going on?" Yaoji looked dumbfounded. Although she also felt that Xia Xia must have a solution before, she never imagined that Xia Xia's solution was actually this, and he actually lit up the sky.

"Damn it, this is the light bulb!!!" Wuyin couldn't help but want to curse.

It was the first time he had seen such a situation.

Rely on your own ability in summer.

Illuminated the world shrouded in darkness.

Such a scene.

It also shocked the Thunder Clan. The entire Thunder Clan were stunned by this scene. They just didn't understand what Xia Xia meant, but now they saw that Xia Xia had such a terrifying ability.

This is in the eyes of the people of their Thunder Clan.

Just an omnipotent god.

It can even be said that it is an existence more terrifying than God.

this ability.

is beyond their imagination.

"It seems that this space is too big, and it's not bright enough!!!" Xia Xia smiled and shouted at the same time: "King of the sea clan, I need water, the more water, the better, spray on different directions."

"Leave it to me!!" said the king of the sea clan.


Endless sea water appeared.

Tianhan sword appeared in Xia Xia's hands.

An endless cold glow appeared.

The sprayed ice turned into mirrors and scattered in this space.

The law of the day!

Summer uses the law of the sun again to illuminate this space.

These mirrors refract and reflect more and more light.

Ha ha ha ha!

"It can still be like this, it can still be like this!!!" Silent laughed.

He is so excited now.

Summer's ability completely made him succumb.

He even started to admire Xia Xia now. The ability of Xia can only be described as against the sky. This kind of ability, this kind of idea, is what he thinks about for 10,000 years, 100,000 years, hundreds of years. Unbelievable for a thousand years.

The already bright world is refracted by these mirrors.

Simply say.

Covers every corner.

"Why are you so smart?" The enchantress said with emotion.

"This is the power of nine-year compulsory education!!!" Xia Tian smiled slightly.

His father had told him since he was a child.

Learn mathematics, physics and chemistry, and travel all over the world.

Now he finally understood what it meant.

He really needs to rely on these skills no matter where he goes now.

This is his greatest wealth.

"What's that?" The demon girl asked in confusion.

"I'll tell you later!!" Xia Xia understood that by doing this, he would definitely be able to draw out the messenger of darkness.


All he has to do is to attack the dark messenger head-on.

"Stinky boy, what kind of place do you think this is, how dare you make it so bright!!" The voice of the dark messenger appeared, and his voice was loud and spread throughout the entire space.

"Without this method, how can you come out!!" Xia Xia said very casually.

"Okay, since you are so anxious to die, then I will give you a ride, and I will let you understand what the real darkness is!!!" said the dark messenger.

"I hope you can solve me at one time, otherwise, as long as you give me time, I can create ten times, a hundred times, a thousand times, ten thousand times more light than this, and then you won't even have a place to hide. , it can even be said that you don't even have a shred of shelter!!!" Xia Xia's eyes turned to the shadow in front of him.

"Crush it, world!!!" the dark messenger shouted.

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