The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1789: I'm afraid it's my grandson

Xia Xia won't go head-to-head with so many hellhounds. When the enchantress and the hellhounds just fought, these hellhounds have the dark power bonus here, so the overall combat effectiveness has surpassed that of the venerable.

So many Venerables rushed over together.

Only a fool will take it hard.

The two quickly ran forward.

His direction was that of the Lightbringer.

It's absolutely safe over there.

No matter how talented the dark messenger is, it is impossible for him to go to the light messenger to kill.

"Why so many!!!" The enchantress was also very surprised.

"Although this ability is against the sky, it will not last long. Once the time is over, it will be difficult for him to use this ability a second time. Then we can fight back." Xia Tian didn't believe this. There is no limit to the use of this ability.

If there is no limit to the use of this ability, the Dark Messenger can kill the Celestial Clan by himself.


"Then let's run first!!!" The enchantress listens to Xia on everything now.

that's it.

The two of them kept running forward.

"You are such a strange person," said Wu Yin.

"What's wrong?" Xia Xia didn't understand why Wuyin suddenly said such words.

"Normally speaking, you clearly know that there is something wrong with Yaoji, even if you don't go away with her, at least you have to hide yourself, but you still make mistakes in front of her and have no reservations. In this case, the Celestial Clan will treat you well. There will definitely be more to understand!!!" Wu Yin said helplessly.

he feels.

In summer, this person is always going off the beaten path.

No one can guess what he does, let alone what he will do next.

"I have seen many top players, and you are one of them. You all give me the same feeling!!" Xia Xia said.

"What is it?" Silent asked inexplicably.

He also wanted to know what the summer gave them.

"Fear, you are all afraid, no matter what you do, you are afraid of wolves in front and tigers in the back, there is always something to be afraid of, as if this world is always scaring you, I can understand, the more you know The more I am, the more I am afraid. I have long since lost the aura of a new born calf who is not afraid of tigers, but I am different. No matter how much I know, as long as it is the path I choose, I will go forward bravely. I am not afraid of anything, as long as I If I let them know my more abilities and my more growth, will they be afraid of me?" Xia Xia's attitude is always so optimistic.

It's as if he doesn't care no matter what danger awaits him.

Chatting and laughing.

"You, if I am from the Heavenly Clan and let me know that you have grown so terribly, then I will definitely spare no effort to deal with you and kill you before the Heavenly Dragon attacks the Heavenly Clan!!" Wuyin said with emotion .

"How much do you think the Celestial Clan needs to pay to kill me now?" Xia Xia asked.

"That's right, especially if you have the power of the source, it will be even more difficult for them to kill you!!" Wuyin also understood that Xia Xia is now a high-ranking university.

Not afraid of anything.

But he still thinks summer should be more careful.

"Actually, this piece of heaven and earth is what we are after. Just think about what you have now and whether you are looking forward to it. There is no need to worry about whether you are confused in the future!!" Xia Xia comforted.

He really has seen too many top players.

Most of the top players are the same.

They are all confused and afraid.


"Finally escaped." Yaoji breathed a sigh of relief.

Xia Xia let go of the enchantress's hand: "Let's rest here for a while!!"


At this moment, a figure appeared in front of Xia Xia: "Your name is Xia Xia, right?"


"I thought I could rest for a while, but now it seems that I have no chance to rest!!" Xia Xia sighed and stood in front of the messenger of light: "Tell me, how are you going to fight? Show it off in front of me, still like the dark messenger, put a big move and let me run!!!"

Although it was only a brief encounter, he also found out.

The strength of the dark messenger is very strong.

I have broken a lot of his methods, but I have only broken a little of his methods.

He still has many means that he has not used.

"What a suffocating suffocation, no wonder you will fight all the way!!!" The Messenger of Light said with emotion.

"I want to go, you won't let me, what else can I do? I can only fight over. I am a person with clear grievances and grievances. If you want to kill me, then I will naturally be polite!!" The messenger of light that all immortal beast kings fear, but even so, he is still neither humble nor arrogant.

"Do you really think that you can compete with us?" asked the messenger of light.

"If you don't try it, how do you know if it will work!!!" Xia Xia said.

"Let's not talk about whether you can defeat the two of us, if we really want to kill you, then we can use the reverse teleportation here to summon the six kings and all the fairy beast ~You are absolutely, how long will you be able to persist in the face of so many masters?" The light messenger said the most realistic question.

That's right.

Here is their turf.

As long as they give an order.

The following six great kings and all the fairy beast kings will definitely kill them at the first time.

By the time.

In the face of so many masters, Xia Xia and Yaoji actually have only one fate, and that is death. The risk of using the power of the source here is already great, and with so many masters, he will definitely not be given that chance. He will be found as soon as possible.

Then the consequences would be unimaginable.

"He's right, if they really want to fight like that, even if they are spirits, they will die!!" Wu Yin reminded.

Although the strength of the summer is very strong.

But facing so many masters at the same time, it is absolutely impossible for him to win.

"You told me this just to make me submit?" Xia Xia asked.

"I am a warning!!" said the messenger of light.

"Who do you think I am?" Xia Tian stretched out his finger and ticked forward: "Come here!!!"


The messenger of light was caught off guard by Xia Xia's sudden shock.

"I mean, now you can call people, no matter how many people you call, I will continue, if I say a word of fear in Xia, then I am a grandson!!!" Xia Xia said very rudely .


The messenger of light was completely stunned this time.

In the summer, this is completely out of the way of playing cards.

He had already thought about the next words just now, but now he has all held back and can't say anything.

Originally, he wanted to intimidate Xia Xia first, then force Xia Xia to yield, and give Xia a step to let Xia Xia go, but now, he doesn't know what to say.

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