The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1792: black pool


Xia Xia did not wrinkle: "The so-called dark messenger is not the one who experimented with Tianzu!!!"


When Yaoji heard this conjecture, she was also taken aback: "There are twenty priests in the Tianzu, five high priests, and the five high priests are Tianjin, Tianmu, Tianshui, Tianhuo, Tiantu, corresponding to the five elements; two Among the ten priests, there are ten native priests, five battle priests, and five meritorious priests. I am one of the battle priests. Of course, they came to me not because of my strength, but because of my strength. As for the meritorious priests, one is Dan Zun, the other is Qi Zun, the other is Zhen Zun, the other is Bao Zun, and I have never heard of one. It seems so mysterious!!!"

When it comes to here.

She also began to doubt.

"So, the dark messenger should be credited to the priest. It is no wonder that the Celestial Clan has not been interested in the Tiankeng for so many years. It turns out that they have sneaked into such a big man in the depths of the Tiankeng!!" Summer sighed.


"You seal me first!!" said the enchantress.

"What's wrong?" Summer asked in confusion.

"I am the battle priest of the Celestial Clan. If you destroy the Celestial Clan, I cannot sit idly by!!" said the enchanting girl.

"I didn't mean to disbelieve you!!" Xia Xia said.

"It's not that you don't believe me, it's that I can't watch a lot of things myself, and it will damage you, so it's troublesome!!" The enchantress explained.

"Okay, don't move!!" Xia Xia sealed the enchantress, and then put it into the forest, and specially found a room for him to rest! !

"Actually, you should have sealed her a long time ago, otherwise, our actions will be known by the Celestial Clan. Fortunately, the communication between the Celestial Clan and this side is inconvenient, otherwise we have been exposed now!!!" Wuyin explained. .

"I didn't expect him to be a Celestial." How could Xia Xian think of the dark sacrifice of Tiankeng.

All the immortal beast kings and venerable kings here in Tiankeng think that they are the dark sacrifices of the immortal beast family, but they are actually human beings.

"Do you want to go down and have a look?" Silent asked.

"Well, I looked around and didn't see anything about innate power, so I suspect that it's probably because the innate power is hidden under this black pool!!" Xia Xia explained.

"This black water pool is not simple." Silent reminded.

If the Zerg armor is really melted, the density of this armor will be terrible.

There may even be other powers in it.

"I know, but no matter what, you have to try it." Xia Xia naturally understood that it was definitely not easy here, but since he came, there was no reason to return empty-handed.


"He's gone!!!" Xia Xia saw that the dark messenger seemed to have received some message, and then quickly left here.

This is simply a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

How could he miss such a good opportunity.


He just has to wait first, and then go down by himself after the dark messenger is far away. In this case, even if the dark messenger finds something, it will be too late.

After waiting for half an hour.

It was only in the summer that he slowly walked to the front of the black pool.


Looks very disgusting.

In order to prevent exposure, he still wore the black clothes that he had refined, and did not dare to use any power to resist, because once other powers were used, there would definitely be light. In this world, as long as there is light If it appears, the dark messenger will definitely find it.

That's exposed.

that's it.

As he descended, the clothes on his body began to burn.

Fortunately, his entire body had already dived.

"What a high temperature!!" Xia Xia finally released his defense. Below, even if he used his power, as long as he didn't pass it on, it would be impossible for the dark messenger to find it.



Not long after diving, I saw a light in summer. It's really not easy to see light in such a place.


He came to the bright hole and flew in.

This is a special space.

It was white all around.

"It should be here. Although the innate power has not flowed out for the time being, it is certain that everything here has been tempered by the innate power!!" Wu Yin reminded.

Xia Xia's eyes also looked around: "There is no other entrance, where does the innate power come from?"


He thought of the odd poor.

"Qiqiongzhimu, have you practiced here too?" Xia Xia asked.

"I don't know, I was teleported backwards. I couldn't see anything at the time. It was the dark messenger who guided me into a closed space. After waiting for a few minutes, a large number of innate powers appeared. It took three to refine all the innate power, and then I was sent out!!" Qiqiongzhimu explained.

"You mean, I didn't sense Xia's power at first, but suddenly sensed it, right?" Xia Xia asked.

"Yes, I sensed it suddenly." Qiqiongzhimu said.

"Then when you sensed, was the dark messenger by your side?" Xia Xia asked again.

"No, I can be sure that in that space, I'm the only one!!!" Qiqiongzhimu said.


Xia Tian nodded slightly, he seemed to have thought of something.

"No!!" The dark messenger who was on his way suddenly sensed something and flew back quickly. His speed was very fast. At this time, he began to feel uneasy. This kind of unease made him understand that it must be what he is most concerned about. Something went wrong, and here, the place that can attract his most attention is the bottom of the black pool.

"Damn, what's going on? Without reverse teleportation, who can get there suddenly?" The dark messenger shouted angrily.

He's getting faster and faster.

Almost caught up with the speed of transmission.

"Why did such a thing happen!!" He couldn't understand at all, why someone suddenly passed there, it was his base camp, and if someone broke in, he couldn't be unaware.

No matter what he thought, he couldn't figure it out, and now he just wanted to go back quickly and see what was going on there.

Who is it.

that's it.

He quickly came to the top of the black pool.


With a flash of light, he jumped into the black pool, he rushed towards the position of the hole of light, and the speed was very fast, and in a blink of an eye, he had already rushed into the hole of light: "No matter who it is, it's going to die!! !"

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