The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1801: pressure appears

Six to one.

It turned out that two of them died.

Such a victory can be said to be very embarrassing.

The six of them are all top-notch experts.

Especially the attack that the Fire Demon just released was even more terrifying. In that case, they couldn't handle Xia Xia, so Xia Xia scolded them four wastes, and there was no problem at all.

"You're really crazy. Although I don't know how you blocked the blow just now, the me now is not the me I used to be!!" The ancient fire phoenix was originally very violent. Dare to humiliate himself like this, he is even more angry.

It happened that his strength had just improved, and he also planned to use his powerful strength to kill Xia Xia.

Let Xia know what will happen if you offend him.


The attack of the flame phoenix is ​​very powerful and the power is very pure.

One hit.

The entire space trembled.

Black flames engulfed everything.


Xia Si's defense also appeared for the first time.

At this moment, the black flame turned into a black thread and began to wrap around Xia Si's body. Although the enemy couldn't see it, they could stitch together and feel the location of Xia Si.


Just when he thought he was about to succeed and started the second combo.

His body was instantly knocked out.

"Everyone be careful, his physical toughness is terrifying, and his normal control ability can't control him!!" The Ancient Fire Phoenix reminded that since his strength has been improved this time, all his abilities have been improved.

Including his current control ability.

But now.

His control ability actually failed to cause any harm to Xia Xia.

This made him understand.

Xia Xia's physical toughness is even more terrifying than he imagined.

"It's really scary for a human being to be able to cultivate physical toughness to this level!!" Inhuman Venerable said with emotion.

Normally, it is normal for the people of the immortal beast clan to cultivate their physical toughness. After all, the immortal beast clan generally mainly cultivates the strength and toughness of the body.


Usually when humans and immortals fight, it is almost difficult to hurt immortal beasts from the surface.

But now.

The physical strength and toughness shown in the summer is more terrifying than the fairy beasts they imagined.

"No matter how tough his body is, he is only one person. We can't take him down if the four of us join forces?" Ye Gui said very unhappily. To actually underestimate them so much makes him very unhappy.

The four of them joined forces together, in China, is there anything they can't win?


"That's right, the four of us join forces. No matter how strong he is, he can't handle it. If it's a big deal, we will consume him!!" Demon Venerable suggested.

Although summer means many.

But their four top masters, can't they still consume Xia Xia alone?

"I'll come first." The ancient fire phoenix was indeed very ferocious, and he was the first to rush up.

This is the pride of the Immortal Beast Clan. No matter when, he will be the first to rush up, and he will be the first to kill Xia Xia.

He wants to kill his majesty.

boom! boom! boom! boom!

The four masters also attacked the summer from different angles.

"I'm here to block Demon Venerable, his strength should be the strongest!!" said Silently.

"Okay!, Ye Gui is handed over to Senior Earth Spirit, Xia Si defends the ancient fire phoenix, and I and the other two clones temporarily deal with the Inhuman Venerable, everyone remember, don't make a deal first, but temporarily defend and wait for the opportunity! !!" Xia Xia is not afraid of a war of attrition, so he can afford it.

If the other four people deal with him alone, if they can't take it down for a long time, these four people should be very anxious.

By the time.

These four people may have flaws.

Of course.

The four of them are top-notch experts. Even if there is a flaw, it is only a momentary thing, and this flaw may be a trap, so he must see it clearly.

that's it.

They played for about ten minutes.

"No, no, even if it was silent, there were only two invisible clones back then, but he seems to have four or five clones!!" Demon Venerable finally discovered the seriousness of the problem.

They thought before.

Summer just learned the ability to be silent.

But now it seems.

They are all wrong.

If it is only the ability of voiceless, how can it exceed the number of voiceless clones.

This is definitely the problem.

"Then I can't let him go. He now has more clones than Wuyin in the past, but the overall strength of the clones is worse than that of Wuyin. If you give him time, let him cultivate all clones to Wuyin. At the realm of the year, then we are even less his opponent." Ye Gui reminded.

When hearing this.

They were murderous.

Before they came, they had already analyzed it, and if they failed, they would have to face summer revenge in the future.

They are not the same as summer.

They are all powerful bosses.

If the summer retaliates against have nowhere to run.

And when the summer comes, they can choose to attack their men, so they can't imagine what the consequences will be.

"Kill him!" Inhumans shouted loudly.

The Inhumans were originally a rare race, each with a lot of means, but if those people encountered Xia Xia, they would surely die, so for the future of the Inhumans, he had no way out.

The four masters are now finally starting to work really hard.

Summer is also much more stressful than before.

"Sir, let me go out!!" Qiqiongzhimu suggested.


Xia Xia also felt the pressure. Although his current strength is indeed very strong, in one-on-one situation, he is not afraid of anyone in front of him, but one-on-four, the pressure is still great.


Qiqiongzhimou was released.

"The demon girl is also good, let him come out too!!" Hong Feng suggested.

"No, she is the priest of the Celestial Clan. In the case of dealing with the Immortal Beast Clan, I will let her take action, but it will not work against the other people, whether it is Demon Venerable, Ye Gui, or Inhuman Venerable, they are all one The head of the big forces, if you let the enchantress fight with them, it will kill the enchantress!!" Xia Xia also knew that the enchantress was very strong and could help him temporarily block one of them.


He wouldn't make trouble for the enchantress.

"This Demon Venerable has too many methods. If it was my heyday, it would not be a big problem to win him, but now I can only rely on my body to fight, which makes me unable to use many methods!!" Silent said very sadly.

"Mozun is powerful and shrewd, so it's not easy to deal with. You and Xia change positions and look for opportunities to sneak up on the ancient fire phoenix!!!"

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