The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1803: terrifying resilience

This is the breakthrough that Xia Xia found, one of the most reckless ancient fire phoenixes. Although he is powerful, the difference between him and the other three human masters is that the three human masters are very cautious no matter what time they are. Any chance in the summer, so if you want to kill such an existence in the summer, you need to spend more thought.

You even have to worry that the other party will set up a trap for yourself.


The ancient fire phoenix doesn't have that brain anymore.

"Take the chance and kill him!!" Xia Xia shouted loudly.

The silent attack also appeared again, followed by Qi Qiaozhimu's attack.

They all understood that although this attack would cause a lot of damage to the ancient fire phoenix, it was definitely not enough to kill the ancient fire phoenix.

But the opportunity has now appeared.

Then they must seize the opportunity.

Especially silent.

His combat experience is very rich, such a good opportunity, he is absolutely impossible to miss, he just wants to seize this opportunity, rush up at the first time, and kill the ancient fire phoenix.

Now his body, what he is most afraid of is fighting with others.

The least fear is the frontal charge.

What he has to do next is to charge the opponent head-on.

boom! boom! boom!

Silent punched one punch after another, and Qiqiongzhimou's attack was also blocking the ancient fire phoenix all the time.

On the other side, the three top human masters did not take care of the ancient fire phoenix. Although they all said before that they wanted to kill Xia Xia together, when they cooperated, they were all taking care of themselves. They were all worried that their own If you go to rescue now, then you may face the situation of being pinched from front to back.

And there is no friendship between them and the ancient fire phoenix, after they kill Xia Xia, maybe they will fight again.

So even if the ancient fire phoenix really died here, they don't care.

"Help me!" The Ancient Fire Phoenix hurriedly shouted.

"We can't get away from here, you can find a way yourself!!" Demon Venerable responded.

hateful! !

The ancient fire phoenix was very angry, but he had no choice, he could only rely on himself.

For a moment.

His body turned into endless black flames that shot straight into the sky.

"The power of the bloodline is used so quickly, how can you kill me?" Xia Xia said with great disdain.

The ancient fire phoenix is ​​now using his bloodline power to escape, so although he can temporarily get out of the encirclement, once the bloodline power is used, the ancient fire phoenix has no trump card, unless he flees now, Xia Xia can't catch up He, if he still wants to fight, then he doesn't have any special means, and it won't cause much damage to Xia Xia.

call out!

After the ancient fire phoenix escaped, it did not run away.

"Take this one!!" Demon Venerable threw a bottle of medicine pill over.

"I'm good too!!!" Night Ghost also threw a bottle.

"I have it here too!!!" Inhuman Venerable also threw a bottle of medicine pill over.

They are showing affection, and their actions just now were really not very particular, so doing this now can be regarded as saving some of their cooperative moods, and also making the ancient fire phoenix less resentful to them.


The ancient fire phoenix snorted heavily.

However, he still took all the medicinal pills and accepted the apology from the three masters.

The pills the three of them gave were very good. After the ancient fire phoenix took the pills, the injuries on his body were recovering quickly.

"As expected of the ancient fire phoenix, the recovery ability is strong!!" Demon Venerable praised.

"Although the medicinal pills we gave are very good, the effect is definitely not up to this level. It seems that it is a bonus to his own attributes!!!" Ye Gui said with emotion.

Looking at the recovering body of the ancient fire phoenix, Yiren Zun also began to retreat: "I will help you to block the attack for the time being, you hurry up and recover!!"

"No, my body's self-healing ability is very fast. As long as you give me a chance to breathe, I will be immortal!!" The ancient fire phoenix said very proudly.

He was very happy to hear what a few people praised him just now.

Rush up again.


When he rushed up, Qiqiongzhimu stood in front of him again.

"It's you again, I'm going to kill you today!!!" The ancient fire phoenix looked at Qiqiongzhimu angrily. It was Qiqiongzhimu who injured him just now, which made him feel very unhappy.

Obviously he is stronger than Qiqiongzhimu now.

But he was actually passively beaten by Qiqiongzhimou.

This makes him very unhappy, he is yours and can't wait to kill Qiqiongzhimu now.

"Okay, it's my honor to be able to die for Mr. Xia!!" Qiqiongzhimou's eyes were full of determination. In his opinion, fighting for Xia and dying for Xia belonged to his pride.

"You are willing to pay so much for a human being!!" The ancient fire phoenix became even more angry.

boom! boom!

The collision between the two of them became more and more intense.

The silent side began to defend just missed the best chance to kill, and now to shoot again, it can only make the ancient fire phoenix back, and can not kill the ancient fire phoenix, Might as well come back to support the summer side and wait for the opportunity.

The battle between the two sides began to intensify.

that's it.

They fought for a full day.

"The five immortal beast kings are far away, and they didn't come here!!!" Hongfeng reminded.

"Why did the five of them come here?" Xia Xia was also stunned. The matter between him and the Five Great Immortal Beast Kings should have passed.

"Could it be because too many things have happened here recently, so they came to check the situation." Hongfeng analyzed.

"It's also possible, just be careful!!" Although Xia Xia had some communication with the Five Great Immortal Beast Kings before, they did not have any deep friendship, and he would not think that the other party was here to help him.

And if he really came to help him, he should rush out now.

It's better not to hide it.

"Summer, how long can you hold on to such a high-intensity battle?" Demon Venerable asked.

"It can drag you to death!!" Xia Xia responded.

"Don't brag, you must be very expensive in such a high-intensity battle!!" Ye Gui believes that the consumption of this type of fighting in the summer must have reached a very terrifying level.

"Now you are not only consuming physical strength, but also mental consumption, and you are distracted to deal with the three of us at the same time. The attack is already the last resort!" Yiren Zun thought that he had seen through the current state of summer, I'm afraid I can't take it anymore this summer.

"Then you can rush up and try it out. If you say that the four of you are trash, you will always be trash!!!" Xia Xia said very rudely.

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