The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1806: suicide attack

Summer instantly rushed into the flesh and blood of the ancient fire phoenix.

Start cutting up.

Although the ancient fire phoenix is ​​very big, its attack and defense are very strong, but once it is so big.

Once the opportunity is seized by someone like Summer.

Then there are flaws all over the body.

In the current summer, he rushed directly into the body of the ancient fire phoenix, cut his flesh and blood, and then sent it into the wild.

call out!

Painful howls appeared.

The ancient fire phoenix used all his strengths, but he suddenly found that when he used these abilities on Xia Xia, it was of no use.

"Help me, come and help me, I can't take it anymore!!!" The ancient fire phoenix finally began to cry for help.

He was usually very arrogant, but now he also began to cry for help.

Because he felt death.

And waiting to die.

Struggling with pain.

"Help!!" Demon Venerable shouted loudly.

Yirenzun rushed over first, but he was blocked by Qiqiongzhimu.

Seeing this, Ye Gui did not dare to be sloppy.

He rushed over for the first time, but the earth spirit also blocked him.

Demon Venerable wants to break through.

Xia Si and Wu Yin took the opportunity to raid.

For a time, the balance of the war situation was completely broken.

Although there are many of them, although they are all masters, these avatars of Xia Xia are not trying to decide a victory or defeat with them, and they have never thought of defeating them, but they are just blocking them in a short time. This is not difficult. .

"Save me, save me!!!" the ancient fire phoenix shouted again.

The three also understand that once the ancient fire phoenix dies, their battle will be more difficult, so they are also in a hurry now, and they do not want to make such a mistake.


Blood splattered from the ancient fire phoenix.

A streak of red light.

These blood-red rays of light soared into the sky.

At this time, the ancient fire phoenix has already leaked its vitality. If it continues like this, he will definitely die. Although he still has many methods, these methods can only be used externally, not internally. He cannot attack the inside of his body. , otherwise it can only speed up the death of one's own body.

"He is full of treasures, be careful!!" Hongfeng reminded.

"I also want to be careful, but he always moves around, and I'm not sure. Many special flesh and organs have been destroyed!" Xia Xia said regretfully.

"It's unimaginable how many cultivators can be supported by such a big treasure trove. Think of a way and be careful!!" Hongfeng was also very heartbroken.

In the summer, I practiced all the way.

All on their own.

All kinds of resources are also made by himself. He is not the kind of rich man who doesn't care about anything.

So see these treasures.

Also a little petty.

The blood of the ancient fire phoenix, let alone an ordinary cultivator, even if it is used by a venerable master, a master of the 90-star or above can improve his strength.

"Fire Phoenix, don't move!!" Xia Xia cursed.

have to say.

This sentence really made the ancient fire phoenix collapse. Xia Xia was cutting his flesh and internal organs, and he did not let him move.

"Summer, I'm going to kill you!!" The ancient fire phoenix's eyes swayed, and he directly rushed into the sky. He continued to fly upwards like this. Seeing that he was about to break through the height of one trillion feet, he stopped, and this It was the highest altitude he could fly.


He began to dive down.

This time.

He wants to fall to the death of Summer.

Although this time, his life would almost be lost, but he still chose to do this, that is, to fall from such a high height, and fall down at an accelerated rate.

It is completely the practice of killing one thousand enemies and self-defeating nine hundred and ninety-nine.


There is no way for him now.

"It seems that he really wants to find his own way, so let him do it!!" Xia Xia didn't care, he was hidden in the body of the ancient fire phoenix, and the impact he received was originally stronger than that of the ancient fire phoenix Xiao, and he summoned Xia Si back for the first time at this time, and Xia Si wrapped his body in the middle layer by layer.

Such tight defense.

It can help Xia Tian block 80% of the damage, and the remaining 20% ​​can be relieved by Xia Xia himself by other means.

Although there will be injuries in the last summer, it will definitely not be too serious.

However, it was going to be **** Xia Si. With this shock, Xia Si might not be able to fight again within five minutes.

This is because Xia Si's body is very tough, otherwise, he may not be able to fight for half a day.


"Huo Fenghuang, don't do anything, he has a lot of life-saving means, as well as the emperor-grade Qiansi beast body protection, your life is almost gone, but he will not have any major injuries, in the end You can only speed up your own death!!!" Demon Venerable hurriedly shouted.

at the same time.

He also used his own dark world to hold down the speed of the ancient fire Night Ghost and Inhuman Zun also used their own power to hold down the ancient fire phoenix for the first time.

at this time.

The ancient fire phoenix also reacted.

He had ignored so many things.

At this time, he also began to stabilize his body and stopped falling rapidly.

"Summer, don't think you've decided on me, I'm the ancient fire phoenix, don't force me, it's a big deal, we will die together." The ancient fire phoenix shouted angrily.

"You can use it if you have the ability." Xia Xia said with great disdain.

"Okay, since you forced me, let's die together!!" After the ancient fire phoenix finished speaking, it immediately moved.


The endless flames ripped apart the space directly.

In front of him, a black hole appeared.

"The front is the turbulent flow of time and space. I want to send myself into the turbulent flow of time and space. At that time, no matter how strong you are, you will not be able to survive from the turbulent flow of time and space!!" The ancient fire phoenix is ​​also really very Ruthless, ready to die with the beginning of summer.


After his voice fell, his body also rushed directly to the black hole.

No joke this time.

It's really hard work.


at this time.

A twig appeared, directly pumping his body out.

At the same time, a force penetrated into the black hole, and the shattered space recovered instantly.

The suicidal attack of the ancient fire phoenix was disintegrated like this, but this time, the other party was not to attack him, but to save him, this sudden appearance, forcibly pulled the ancient fire phoenix out of the gate of hell.

"Lord Jumang!!" The ancient fire phoenix was also stunned when he saw the other party.

"It's just killing a human, there's no need to be so desperate!!" Jumang said lightly.

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