The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1811: Meet the messenger of light again

That's right!

Now here.

There is only one sentence left.

As for Xia Xia, himself, plus the five avatars, as well as the five immortal beast kings and Qiqiongzhi Mou, even if the five immortal beast kings are inconvenient to take action, Xia Xia can release the enchanting princess.

In terms of numbers.

In the summer, this side is completely dominant.

Even one-on-one.

When dealing with Jumang in summer, he is absolutely confident.

"Xiamen, don't be too mad!!" Jumang looked at Xia angrily.

He is in a very unhappy mood now. Originally, he thought that his plan was perfect, that he would definitely be able to kill Xia Xia and **** Tongtianhai back, but he never thought that things would turn out like this.

Not only failed to kill the summer.

Instead, he put himself in a dangerous situation.

"You are a defeated general, what ability do you have?" Xia Xia asked.

"Xiamen, do you really think I'm afraid of you?" Jumang looked at Xia Tian coldly.

"If you're not afraid, don't run. I'll fight you one-on-one. I don't need anyone's help. I can assure you that as long as you don't run away with the power of your bloodline, I'll definitely kill you!!" Xia Xia very said rudely.


Jumang's eyes swept around the people around him: "You humans are the most untrustworthy, I won't believe that you will fight me one-on-one!!"

He belongs to find a step for himself.

He said so.

It's like you don't want to fight.

"Just wanted to run like this?" Xia Xia asked.

"Don't be too happy too soon, this is a Tiankeng, not a place where you humans have the final say, you can walk out of here alive and talk about it!!" Jumang also said a cruel word.

"If I have the ability, you can't let me get out of here alive!!" Xia Xia never counseled when facing so many masters, let alone facing Jumang alone.

"Let's see!!" Jumang left immediately after finishing speaking.

I didn't even look at the dying ancient fire phoenix.

He used to show that he was very concerned about the ancient fire phoenix, but now he doesn't care at all.


The battle experienced in the summer can be said to be very intense.

from start to finish.

what he faced.

They are the strongest group of masters in China, and everyone's strength is also at the peak, but the person who stands at the end is Summer.

"Thank you a few!" Xia Xia bowed his hands to the Five Great Immortal Beast Kings.

"We owe you so much favor, how could we not come!" Ying Long said with emotion.

"This ball, after you go back, crush it on the formation, and then enter the practice!!" Xia Xia reminded.

"What is this?" Yellow Bird asked in confusion.

"Innate power, enough for you to cultivate for a long time!!" Xia Xia said.

"What?" The five immortal beast kings were all stunned.

They live here all the year round, but they know what the innate power represents, so when they hear that it is the innate power, they are all very surprised.

"Why do you have such a thing?" Ying Long asked in confusion.

"I robbed the nests of the messengers of light and messengers of darkness. From now on, you will no longer have innate powers. These innate powers are the last innate powers of Tiankeng. The total amount should be yours. Twenty or thirty times what you usually use for cultivation!!" Xia Xia explained.

He did not hide the Five Immortal Beast Kings.

These five people can kill when facing such a master.

It can already prove what kind of people the five of them are.

Summer has always been sincere towards friends.

Although the three masters next to him did not speak, they were obviously very envious of the five immortal beast kings.

They finally understand now.

Against the summer, the final end is very miserable.

But follow the people who mix in the summer.

The benefits are many.

"Thank you!!" The five immortal beast kings didn't say anything.

"Go back!!" Xia Tian patted their shoulders, but he didn't say anything of thanks.

But he was still very grateful to the five of them.

If it weren't for the support of the five of them, his battle would be very difficult.

The five immortal beast kings bowed slightly to Xia Xia, and then turned to leave. They would also talk too much nonsense. This is a special friendship.

"As expected of summer." Demon Venerable said with emotion.

"It's not the first day you met me!!" Xia Xia responded.

"It seems that I might really want to follow in your footsteps to find my future!!" Demon Venerable said.

"Be careful yourself!!" Xia Tian said nothing.

Turned around and walked towards the world of light and darkness.

He's going to go here again.


The three looked at each other and then separated.

Since there is no common goal, there is no need for them to stay here.

After the war.

Calm is restored here.

Xia Xia also released the enchantress.


"Why is it so chaotic here?" Yaoji was also taken aback when she saw the surrounding situation.

Xia Xia simply said what happened just now.

"Damn, such a fun Why didn't you let me out earlier." The enchantress said very upset.

"I'm not afraid of you being embarrassed, after all, those people are all powerful people!!" Xia Xia responded.

"Although I'm a battle priest of the Celestial Clan, I can fight with fairy beasts!!" The enchantress glared at Xia Xia, still very upset.

She felt that she had missed a great battle.

Although Xia Xia said it very simply, she could feel the intense scene at that time.

"Okay, I'll take you next time!!" Xia Xia said.

"Then it's settled, you must bring me next time!!" The enchantress is now very obsessed with this level of battle, because she has no chance to encounter this kind of battle at ordinary times, especially now that her strength has greatly increased , is when you want to perform well.

"By the way, how is your cultivation of innate power?" Xia Xia asked.

"My training speed is definitely not as fast as yours, but it's not bad. The toughness and strength of my body have increased a lot!!" said the enchanting girl.


"Take this opportunity to practice more!!" Xia Xia said.

"By the way, what are you going to do with the messenger of light and dark?" asked the enchantress.

"I am different from the last time I came in. If they want to fight, I will accompany them to the end. If they don't fight, I will go to the core. It is not very far from the core. I guess I will find the Tiankeng. The center is secret." Xia Xia is also looking forward to how much surprise the center secret of this Tiankeng can bring to him.

"I'm looking forward to it too, I never dreamed that I would be able to come here!!" Yaoji said with emotion.

If it wasn't for the summer, she would never have had this opportunity in her life.

"They're here!!" Xia Xia's eyes turned to the front.

Two figures have appeared there.

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