The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1813: you lose

Between the two gates, there seemed to be two big hands connecting their bodies.

A steady stream of power is injected.

"I didn't expect that the two of them have come this far!!" Tianshu said with emotion.

"What do you mean?" Summer asked in confusion.

"The path the two of them took is the pseudo-tree path. Although they can't cultivate into a tree in the end, they are close to the tree, but this is a long process. Although their path is right, if there is no opportunity, at least they need to go up. It takes hundreds of millions of years to have a chance!!" Tianshu explained.

"Then the two of them will be very powerful in this blow!!" Xia Xia said.

"Of course it's powerful, didn't you just calculate the physical data of one of them? The actual power they are playing now is not their own power, not only is it supported by the heaven and earth behind them, but also behind them. With the support of the two gates, the power produced will contain the power to destroy the sky and the earth, and the pure power will be around 10 million, which is already the power of the spirit!!" Tianshu said.

"It's so high!" Xia Xia was also stunned. Although he knew that these two people were not easy to mess with, the next attack was definitely not easy, but he didn't expect it.

The combined attack of these two would be so terrifying.

dark person.

Strength: 300,000. (Ordinary hundred stars 100,000.)

Defense: 700,000. (Ordinary hundred stars 100,000.)

Toughness: 400. (Ordinary Baixing 10:00 to 20:00)

The power of the sky: 800,000.

Spiritual Power: 20.

"His overall data is similar to that of the Dark Messenger, but the power of the sky is much higher than that of the Dark Messenger. Maybe it has something to do with him being from the Celestial Clan at the same time!" Xia Xia understood that the Celestial Clan has a way to cultivate the power of the sky, especially the darkness. With the existence of the messenger, the Celestial Clan will definitely give him more opportunities for cultivation.

Therefore, his power of the sky is almost the same as that of the light messenger.

But the combined strength of the two of them is only 600,000.

But they can hit more than 10 million attacks.

Ten million points of power.

What is this concept?

The current avatar of the moon is Xia's strongest attack method, but even so, the avatar of the moon can only hit one million points of attack.

In the words of Tianshu.

This is already the power that the spirit can use.

"And this is not only in terms of strength, but also contains endless laws of heaven and earth. Even if the spirit is hit directly, it is not so easy to hold!" Tianshu explained.

"I understand." Xia Xia finally reacted at this moment.

turn out to be.

Back then, the spirit of the demon race lost that bet.

He has a dignified spirit.

Naturally, he wouldn't care about the messenger of light and dark, so he thought about whether the soldiers would be killed, and made a bet to find a step for the other party, but he never thought that the combined attack of these two people would be so terrifying.


Endless light and darkness collided together.

Not smashed, but fully fused.

Form the so-called Tai Chi Yin Yang fish.

"It seems that my Promise Defense is going to be refreshed again!!" Xia Xia's face showed an excited look.

all the time.

There is no limit to the infinite defense.

He can also try it today to see if Wuji has a defense limit.

The five avatars gathered in front of Xia Xia for the first time. They were worried that Xia Xia's defensive methods could not stop the blow.

"Let's get out of the way, if I can't stop it, you can't stop it here either!!" Xia Xia knew very well that if even Wuji couldn't stop the blow, it would be useless for the five clones to block in front. , such an attack has already crossed the level.

It is as if a person with a hundred stars of the Venerable is attacking a quasi-exalted one.

Even if there are a few more prospective Venerables in the past to block that person.

It is also unstoppable.

Because that's the difference in nature.

"Xia Xia, don't you think you are very good and your talent is very strong, then let me see how you can block our blow!!!" The dark messenger's mouth slightly raised.

There was disdain on his face.

"Okay, let me see, what else can you do!!" Xia Xia didn't care about the opponent's attack at all.

He is infinite.

There is absolute trust.


The attack of the two came over instantly, when their attack came over.

The entire space is frozen.

"It seems that I can't escape if I want to hide. The whole space is folded. When I move, I will be frozen here in the form of a folded space. Unless I can break open a piece of the world, I can escape from this folded space. , so this is not the time for physical toughness to hide." Xia Xia raised his right hand.

[Wuji, defense! ! 】

When he raised his hand, a natural barrier appeared in front of him. This was the first time Xia Xia saw Wuji's form.

This form was in front of him at first, followed by three hundred and sixty degrees.

No dead ends.

The whole person is wrapped in the middle.


When the yin and yang fish collided in front of the summer.

Completely shattered.

There were no waves.

It was blocked like What? "The two messengers of light and dark were both stunned. Even Haotian could not block this blow. The spirit of the demon clan also violated the rules at the time, so they avoided this blow, but now, Xia Xia just raised his hand. , to block this blow, this kind of thing is really incredible.

Their cognition was shattered at this moment.

They can't imagine.

How to do it in summer.

This blow.

No one can stop it.

But now.

Summer actually stopped.

And unscathed.

"That's it?" The corner of Xia Tian's mouth raised slightly, and then he began to walk towards the messenger of light and darkness in front of him step by step.

It can be said.

This sentence.

Not very harmful, but highly insulting.

"Summer!!" The dark messenger's eyes were filled with resentment.

The result he had planned for, but now it has been changed, how can he accept it?

"You lost!!" Xia Xia said in a flat tone.

"That's right, we lost!!" The Messenger of Light shook his head.

at the same time.

The three masters who had just left encountered a special situation. The Inhuman Zun, who was on his way, suddenly found that he seemed to be being followed.

"Come out for me!!" Yiren Zun yelled loudly.


Countless arrows of light penetrated his body and sealed him in a ray of light.

The night ghost also encountered the same situation.

Originally he wanted to escape, but he missed the first time.

Also sealed.

When Demon Venerable felt it, he was very shrewd and used the power of the source to escape immediately. Although he knew that it was dangerous, he believed that it was absolutely not that simple to make him feel uneasy.

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