The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1818: my spirit world

Tu Ling found Xuanwu Immortal Crystal.

It's going to be faster than summer thinks.

"Of course it's coming soon. With my Xuanwu power as a guide, it's strange that he can't find it!!" Xian Xuanwu said with great disdain.

There will definitely be a lot of traction between his strength and his corpse, and his strength will be attracted by his corpse, so it is not difficult to find Xuanwu Immortal Crystal.


Tu Ling came back.

He handed the Xuanwu Immortal Crystal to Xia Xia.

"You are useless, keep it for him!!" Xian Xuanwu reminded.


Xia Xia handed the Xuanwu Immortal Crystal to Tu Ling: "Senior Tu Ling, this thing is for you to use, and the effect is even greater. Senior Xian Xuanwu said that with this Xuanwu Immortal Crystal, your avatar can cultivate to the spiritual realm in the future. ."


Tu Ling was not polite. Originally, his body was Xia Xia's clone. He was helping Xia by trying to improve his strength.


His whole life has been in pursuit of cultivation, and he is looking forward to seeing the future even more.

That's exactly what he thought.

"With it, the next road will be unimpeded for you. You can also enter this Tiankeng and see what's going on inside!!" Xian Xuanwu reminded.

The ultimate secret of the sinkhole.

just in front.

Now he finally has the chance to unlock the ultimate secret of Tiankeng.

"Can we get there?" the enchantress asked.

"Relax!!" Xia Xia's hand was placed on Enchantress' body.

The enchantress and Xia Xia have been together for so long, and naturally they know what Xia Xia is going to do.

She also completely let go of all her power.

Her body was instantly absorbed into everything.


The clone of Earth Spirit grabbed the Xuanwu Immortal Crystal and flew forward with Xia Xia at the same time.

There are Xuanwu Xianjing body protection.

Summer will no longer feel the gravity and pressure around you.

"If the spirit came here, it should be able to pass through here too!!" Xia Xia asked.

"No, the power of the spirit can resist all kinds of forces here, but the power of Xianxuanwu is higher than the power of the spirit, so it will be very difficult, there is absolutely no problem in protecting yourself in a short period of time, but you want to pass through. It’s still impossible!!” Tianshu explained.

Although he has just been bickering with Xian Xuanwu.

But he still recognized the strength of Xian Xuanwu.

Still thinking about summer.

If the spirit of the demon clan hadn't made that bet at that time, would he be able to pass through here and enter after he came here?

But now it seems.

He really seems to be a child of destiny.

This sinkhole.

Just waiting for yourself.

Coming here by myself is like fate.

When it was about to break into the Tiankeng in the summer, a lot of things happened in Shenzhou.

Experts from all over China, those who have become famous, have all been attacked by a group of men in black, and these men in black seem to know all their abilities, all their attacks and defenses.

Any master whose overall strength exceeds that of Venerable by 90 stars or more.

All were attacked.

those who attacked them.

They were taken away directly and locked in different corners of Shenzhou. This corner was like a huge prison with terrifying eyes in it.

They looked greedily at the newly arrested person.

If summer will be found here.

Even Xi Batian was caught.

"Damn, you let me go, if you let me know who did it, I will kill you." Xi Batian shouted angrily.

Jie Jie!

"Rookie, stop shouting, no one will pay attention to you, it's better to save some energy, so that it won't be fun for a while!!" A sinister voice appeared here.


"Who are you?" Xi Batian looked at each other in confusion.

"Mozu, Junyue!!!"

"Undead Demon God, Junyue!!" Xi Batian was taken aback.

"It seems that there are still people who remember me!!" Jun Yue's face showed a bloodthirsty look.

"How can you still be alive, aren't you a person from 20 million years ago?" Xi Batian looked at the other party in confusion, even if the other party cultivated to the half-spirit realm, he probably wouldn't be able to live that long.

The lifespan of a normal Venerable is five million years.

Venerable Hundred Stars is about seven million years.

A half-spirit is only ten million years old at most.

"There is no time here, so no matter how long you stay here, your lifespan will not disappear!!!" Jun Yue walked behind Xi Batian step by step.

"There is such a magical place, wouldn't this place become the dream place of all cultivators?" Xi Batian was very puzzled.

"Do you really think this is the land of dreams?" Jun Yue's fingers were already close to Xi Batian's neck.


His movements suddenly became faster, and his fingers pierced directly into Xi Batian's neck.

Jie Jie!

"One more, earn another!!" Jun Yue began to laugh wildly.


at this time.

Xi Batian's body suddenly exploded.

It turned into a blue and finally reunited: "Do you think I am so easy to deal with?"

"It seems that this time there is an amazing guy!!" A strange smile appeared on Jun Yue's face: "Live well, here, you can experience something more terrifying than death."

Then his body disappeared into the darkness.

"Damn, what's going on here, where is this place, and why is that old monster alive." Xi Batian was also very curious.


He is now Venerable Baixing, so he doesn't care about anything.

In this way, step by step, he walked towards the darkness ahead.

"I want to see, who is doing the ghost!!" Xi Batian is also a bold artist now, especially after spending time with Xia Xia, he understands that many things are like this, you The more you don't want to face it, the more you have to face it.

There is no escape from hiding.

Although he didn't understand why he was caught here.

But since it has come.

Then he will make a mess, and he wants to let the people here understand that he is Xi Batian and is not easy to mess with.


When Xia Xia crossed the empty land, his body fell into a colorful world.

The enchantress was also summoned by him.

"It's so beautiful." When Yaoji saw the surrounding scenery, she seemed to be completely intoxicated.

It was a scene she had never seen before.

The girl's feeling of appreciating beauty reappeared.

"It's really beautiful." Xia Xia strode forward, his hand on the rainbow: "It's actually real."

Ha ha ha ha!

"Have you seen it, have you seen it, it's someone from my spiritual world!!" A very excited voice appeared.

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