The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1825: Celestial's declaration of war


"What do you mean?" Summer asked hurriedly.

"That is a legend. A master gave us a legend. It is said that the original fairyland was not like this, because there was a huge catastrophe. The people who return to the original state of the fairy world are the ones chosen by heaven, that is, the so-called: One Spirit, Three Saints, Five Stars, Absolute Divine Eyes. Back then, I tried every means to investigate ten people, including in the spiritual world, I also left some guidance to guide future generations to look for ten people, but now I understand that this is one person, not ten people!!!" Yang said excitedly.

He finally solved the mystery in his heart.

"Alone?" Xia Tian asked.

"Yes, this person is you!!!" Yang said firmly.

"Me?" Summer frowned.

"That's right, it's you, if I'm not mistaken, your eyes are different from other people's eyes!!!" Yang asked.

"That's right, it's different!!" Summer said.

"Five stars, the gift I want to give you, is the greatest pride in my life." Yang said.


"What is that?" Summer asked.

"It's the crystallization of my life, which is enough to make you go across China!!!" said Yang.

Xia Xia's eyes lit up. What he lacks most now is strength. Since Yang has said so, he is also full of expectations.

"Three Saints, for the time being, I can't solve this secret, but Yiling's words, I suspect, may have something to do with your breakthrough to the spirit. Maybe one day, you can break through to the spirit, and then you can understand everything." Central explained.

Although he has not fully solved the secret, he is now very sure.

Must be summer.

This feeling is very strong.

"If I die in the Celestial Clan, it will prove that none of this has anything to do with me." Xia Xia said mockingly.

"I believe, you will definitely survive!!!" Yang said excitedly.


He came to a ruin: "This is the place where I was buried back then, here is a complete corpse of mine, after your clone is fused with my corpse, your future attacks will not be one of Yang's fingers. It's Yang's full blow!!"

Summer is very exciting right now.

He didn't know what to say anymore.

Although he felt before, there was a feeling that guided him to the Tiankeng.

But he didn't expect it.

After coming to Tiankeng, you will get such a big benefit.


Summer summons the avatar of the star.

Begin to fuse the star avatar with Yang's corpse.

"Next is my five-star. Although I have the law of the stars, I can control the stars to fight for us, but the summoned stars are not instant, so I have been researching instant stars, and I finally researched five stars. , these five stars contain my endless power and are the source of my lifelong power!!" His hands clapped on the ground.

Five small stars like glass **** appeared in the palm of his hand: "In response to the law of heaven and earth, I tempered the five stars into the five elements of gold, wood, water, fire, earth, and the five elements. Star's purest star power, infinite power!!!"


Xia Xia looked at the five stars in front of him, and he understood how meaningful this gift was.

"In the next period of time, you should digest what you have recently obtained. I will go to meet the eleven guys, they have differences!!!" Yang was talking about the eleven spirits.

In fact, it is normal for them to disagree.

After all, most of them have been locked up for hundreds of millions of years in this kind of prison.

for such a long time.

Some of them prefer liberation.

But no matter what they end up choosing, Summer respects their choice.

"I really can't imagine what kind of monster you have become now!!" Wuyin said with emotion.

He is watching how the summer grows along the way.

Seeing the current summer, he can only be envious and jealous.

summer growth.

It's completely different.

"The biggest good news is that Hongfeng can also practice the Yangtian Sutra!!" Xia Xia was still thinking that Hongfeng had really reached the limit, and Hongfeng would definitely be very anxious after that.

Not being able to fight side by side with him is the most painful thing for Hongfeng.

"It's a pity, the exercises that are comparable to the Cloudy Sky Sutra are still the most complete exercises. If you can read them once, you will have no regrets in this life!!!" Wuyin had no chance to watch at all.

And in his current state, he doesn't even have the ability to comprehend.

He's just in a state of spirit.

As for the several clones of summer, they are all comprehended together with the main body of summer.

Therefore, several major avatars will also improve together this time.

at the same time.

Among the Celestial Clan.

"Mr. Haotian, this is the latest summer information we have obtained. He is already a 100-star master of the Venerable, and he has collided with several other masters of the second not falling behind. Feng, this time we must talk to him, otherwise it will definitely be a big hidden danger in the future." The Celestial Clan High Priest reminded.


Haotian nodded: "It's time for a real fight with him."

"This time you can't keep your hands. According to our information, he has a high degree of hatred for our Celestial Clan. If he does not agree to reconciliation, then we can only kill him. Even if we can't kill him, we must Seal him!!!" said the Celestial Clan High Priest.

"Seal?" Haotian was taken aback.

"Yes, we will dispatch 20 priests, five high priests, plus 3,000 Celestial Clan super warriors, 50,000 Celestial Clan top warriors, 200,000 Celestial Clan elite warriors, and come forward with the ancient seal array!!!" Tian The clan high priest reminded.

"What a big battle!!!" Haotian was also taken aback.

The five high priests are Tianjin, Tianmu, Tianshui, Tianhuo, and Tiantu, corresponding to the five elements. Among the twenty priests, there are ten native priests, five battle priests, and five meritorious priests.

these people.

Each has its own ability.

It can be said.

This time.

The Celestial Clan came here with their old book.

They'll give the summer one last chance to pick.

Either become the twenty-first priest of the Celestial Clan, or be sealed.

They also know that Xia Xia has many means to save their lives, and it is still relatively difficult to kill Xia Xia.

"We have no way out. Shenzhou is now out of our control. To deal with Tianlong, we will use all our trump cards. At that time, there must be no accidents." The high priest said.

"Then where do we go to find him?" Haotian asked.

"Tiankeng exit, I have already sent the news to Yaoji, and officially declared war on Xia Xia. With his temper, he will not escape!!!"

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